1851 Toronto Canada Directory, Medical Societies and Colleges

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Medical, Surgical And Benevolent Society Toronto School Of Medicine. The Toronto School of Medicine opens the last Monday in October, and closes the Iast Monday in April. The lectures correspond to the requirements of the medical faculty of the University of McGill College, Montreal. This school having been recognised by that Institution, qualifies for graduation according to its rules. Lecturers Dr. Workman, Dr. Morrison, Dr. Langstaff, Dr. Aikin and Dr. Rolph. Medical Board, Canada West. Established by Act of Parliament. President: Hon. C. … Read more

1851 Toronto Canada Directory, Assurance Companies

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Assurance Companies, Life, Fire And Marine. Albion Life Assurance Company, Hon. W. Cayley, agent, Wellington st. American Live Stock Assurance Company, George H. Cheney, agent, King st. Etna Fire and Life Assurance Company of Hartford, Whittemore, Rutherford & Co., agents, King st. east. Britannia Life Assurance Company, Francis Heward; Agent, Front St. British America Fire, Life And Marine Assurance Company, Hon. W. Allan, Governor; G. P. Ridout, deputy governor; Joseph Beckett, Hon. James Gordon, T. D. Harris, T. Helliwell, David Paterson, Peter Paterson, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Herbert Austin Aikins

Aikins, Herbert Austin; university prof.; born, Toronto, Ont., March 1, 1867; studied W. T. A. (M. D., LL. D.); U. of Toronto, 1887; Ph. D., Yale, 1891; Instr. U. of Southern Cal., 1888; lecturer on history of philosophy, Yale, 1890-1; prof. logic and philosophy, Trinity Coll., N. C., 1891-3; hon. fellow Clark U., 1892-3; prof. philosophy, Coll. for Women, Western Reserve U., since 1893; member Am. Psychol. Assn., Am. Philos. Soc.; fellow A. A. A. S. Editor; Philosophy of Hume, 1893. Author: Principles of Logic, 1903; and papers on Psychol. and Philos. subjects. Translator: Forel’s Hygiene of Nerves and Mind, … Read more

1851 Toronto Canada Directory, Hatters to Millers

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Hatters And Furriers BASTEDO, JAcoB, hatter, furrier, and cap manufacturer, 9 King st. east, nearly opposite the “Globe” office-buffalo robes, ladies and gentlemen’s fur gloves, gauntlets, &c. always on hand cash paid for fur skins. Joseph, H. A., 66 Yonge st. Phipp, George, 73 King st. west. ROGERS, JOSEPH, hatter and furrier, sign of the Indian Chief, City buildings, 7 King st. east, opposite the new cathedral. SALT, JOHN, importer and manufacturer of hats, caps, furs and straw goods, 62 King st. east, … Read more

Coen, Virginia “Ginny” Bertram Mrs. – Obituary

Virginia Bertram “Ginny” Coen, 89, died Oct. 20, 2005, at her home near Baker City. Virginia’s love of the Friday night jam sessions inspired her family to have her memorial service in the format of a jam session at her home, 14803 Mill Creek Lane. The service will be on Friday, Nov. 11, at 7 p.m. All those who would like to celebrate her life with the family are welcome. There will be “open mike” opportunities for those who would like to speak. Those attending are asked to bring an appetizer or dessert if possible. Virginia Cromwell Bertram was born … Read more

1851 Toronto Canada Directory, Cabinetmakers to Cutlers

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Cabinetmakers And Upholsterers FRENCH, RICHARD, chair manufactory, wholesale and retail 54 King st., west. JACQUES & HAY, cabinetmakers and upholsterers, Windsor and cane seat chair, and patent bedstead manufacturers wholesale and retail, 42 King st., west, corner of Bay st., manufactory, Bay shore. PARKER, THOMAS D., cabinetmaker, 63 Queen st., west every description of furniture constantly on hand, or made to order in the best manner, on reasonable terms. ROBERTS, GEORGE, cabinetmaker and upholsterer, 115 Yonge st., opposite Elgie’s hotel a choice stock … Read more

Loney, Charles Christopher, Jr. – Obituary

Charles C. Loney, who had lived in this community since he came here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Loney, 1882, died Saturday morning [February 6] at his home, 516 Catherine Street, following a long illness. He was a native of Toronto, Canada, born 1873, but had spent most of life in Walla Walla and nearby. Educated in Walla Walla High School, he later was associated with his father in management and operation of farming interests until the retirement of the elder Loney in 1901. Charles C. Loney for a number of years operated a real estate and loan … Read more

Biography of Christopher W. Moore

One of the honored pioneers and distinguished citizen of Boise is the well known president of the First National Bank of Idaho, Christopher Wilkinson Moore. To him there has come the attainment of a distinguished position in connection with the great material industries of the state, and his efforts have been so discerningly directed along well defined lines that he seems to have realized at any one point of progress the full measure of his possibilities for accomplishment at that point. A man of distinct and forceful individuality, of broad mentality and most mature judgment, he has left and is … Read more

Biography of John Hall, M. D.

John Hall, M. D., was born near Leeds, Yorkshire County, England, in 1819. He was reared and schooled in his native place, and early in life learned the printer’s trade. In 1845 he came to the United States and located in La Fayette County, Wisconsin, and, after a visit to New Orleans, was there engaged in the lead mines as a smelter. In 1848 he went to Canada, where he engaged in work at his trade as a printer in Toronto. He also entered upon the study of medicine in the Toronto School of Medicine. In 1857 he returned to … Read more

1851 Toronto Canada Directory, Clergy and Churches

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Resident Clergy, Churches, And Hours Of Divine Service. Church Of England. The RIGHT REV. JOHN STRACHAN, D. D., L. L. D., Bishop of Toronto. Ven. A. N. Bethune, D. D., Archdeacon of York. Rev. H. J. Grasett, M. A., examining and domestic chaplain, and secretary to the Bishop. Parochial Clergy REV. H. J. Grasett, M. A., rector of St. James, and officiating chaplain to the forces Rev. Stephen Lett, L. L. D., minister of St. George’s church Rev Richard Mitchele, B. A., minister … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Reginald E. Mcdonald, M. D.

Reginald E. Mcdonald, M. D., has been in the active practice of medicine in San Bernardino since 1884. He is a native of the city of Toronto, Canada, born in 1856, and obtained his literary education in Victoria University and Upper Canada College. He spent one year studying for his profession in the College of Physicians and Surgeons in Toronto, and three years in the California Medical College at San Francisco, and was graduated at the latter in 1883. Before coming to California, Dr. McDonald spent a year and a half, 1881-’82, on North Georgian Bay, as surgeon for a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Sidney Rose Badgley

Badgley, Sidney Rose; architect; born at Ernestown, Ont., Can., May 28, 1850; son of William Edwin and Nancy (Rose) Badgley; educated, public schools and academy; studied architecture under R. C. Windeyer, Toronto, Can.; married Alma A. Clark, 1872 (died 1874); Charlotte J. Gilleland, of St. Catherine’s, Ont., Sept. 21, 1876. Came to U. S., 1887; specialist in church architecture, has built churches and other buildings in various parts of U. S. and Canada; vice pres. Equity Savings & Loan Co.; member Cleveland Chamber of Commerce; Republican; Methodist.

1851 Toronto Canada Directory, Mineral Water to Railroad Agents

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Mineral Water Depot Goedike, E., Plantagenet water depot, King st., west. Music And Musical Instrument Store NORDHEIMER, A. & S., publishers and importers of music and musical instruments, 14 King st. east an extensive assortment of the celebrated piano fortes of Chickering, and Stodart & Dunham, at manufacturers prices. Publishers And Importers Of Music Teachers Ambrose, C. & J., Church st. Clarke, J. P., Church st. Mustard Manufacturer CRAWFORD, D., & Co., mustard, ink and blacking manufacturers, York mills, corner of King and … Read more

Biography of Roland Hill, M. D.

Dr. Roland Hill, a St. Louis surgeon, is of Canadian birth, the place of his nativity being Aylmer, Ontario, and the date August 16, 1868. His father, Richard Hill, was also a native of Canada and of English descent. He devoted his life to farming and stock raising to the time of his death, which occurred in 1875 when he was forty-three years of age. In early manhood he had wedded Margaret Garrett, who was also born in Canada and was of English lineage. She died in 1873 at the age of thirty-eight years. Their family numbered four children, three … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas G. Schulkins

Schulkins, Thomas G.; laundry business; born, England, 1861; son of John A. and Emma J. Stoddard Schulkins; educated, Toronto, Can.; married, Chicago, Ill., Nov. 10, 1881, Margaret Ernsley; issue, three daughters and one son; came to Cleveland from Chicago in 1898, and started in the laundry business; The Mechanics Laundry was a departure from regular laundry work, as they made a specialty of laundering shop clothes exclusively; member Masons and Odd Fellows; member Rotary, and Cleveland Laundrymens Club. Recreation: Automobiling.

1851 Toronto Canada Directory, Accountants to Boarding Houses

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Professions, Trades, &C., Arranged Under their Respective Heads. Accountants And Agents. MANNING, JAMES, general insurance agent, 35 Yonge st. SPREULL, SAMUEL, accountant and notary, 61A Yonge st. Bell, Thomas, corner King and Church sts. Williamson, William, Wellington buildings, King St.,east. Fraser, Jas., Wellington buildings, King st., east. Architects And Civil Engineers. CUMBERLAND & RIDOUT, architects and civil engineers, corner King and Nelson sts. Fraser, W. W.. Agnes st. HOWARD, J. G., architect and civil engineer, 82 King st., west. PASSMORE, F. F., architect, … Read more