The old register at Mackinac is still preserved in the parish church of the island. It consists of one large volume, with the records of marriages entered at one end, and those of baptisms at the other. The record of interments is meagre. This volume extends in time from 1741-1821, and we here publish the portion comprising the marriages. That for the baptisms and interments will be given in the succeeding volume of our Collections. We are indebted to the Hon. Edward Osgood Brown of Chicago for an admirable transcription of this interesting document, which we follow in the present publication. In March, 1889, Judge Brown read a paper before the Chicago Literary Club, entitled “The Parish Register of the Mission of Michilimackinac,” which was published in the same year.
The extant register superseded an older one, now lost. At some time, perhaps about 1750, this list of marriages from 1725-41 was copied into the then new register. Unfortunately, the first few pages of the register are torn; these lacunae are here indicated by leaders (. . . . ). In subsequent documents, where the paper has been torn, similar leaders are employed. Asterisks ( * * * ) are used only where the Editor has omitted portions from the document; see post, p. 473, note 3. The brackets [ ] enclose suggestions or explanatory matter inserted by the Editor.
2 August 1725 Pierre . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 August 1725 Jean Cauchois . . . . . . . .
7 January 1726 Gabriel . . . . . . . . . . .
30 October 1729 Antoine . . . . . . . . . .
13 September 1731 Mr. Angus . . . . . . . .
18 April 1735 – Antoine Grig . . . . . . . .
22 September 1735 Charles Chaboi . . . . . .
2 October 1736 Claude Germain . . . . . . .
7 January 1737 Michel Eocheve . . . . . . .
30 September 1737 le Sieur Jean du Lig . . .
14 October 1737 Jean Baptiste, Sauva[ge] . .
17 July 1738 Pierre Grignon and m . . . . .
23 September 1738 Frangois Boisghui . . . .
27 November 1738 Charles Hamelin and . . . .
21 July 1739 Pierre Locat and Marie . . . .
13 August 1741 Jean Baptiste Gendron . . . .
30 August 1741 Joseph Hins and Constan . . .
The Register from which this summary is taken is among the archives of this mission.
In the first few entries we have given the complete phraseology, as found in the register – this, in order to exhibit the formal style of the original; but in the most entries we have, to save space, eliminated mere repetitions of formal phrases, that convey no specific information concerning the event or the persons interested, and are the same for each entry. Such omissions are indicated by the use of three asterisks. In many of the succeeding entries, liberty has also been taken with the form of the date – the spelled-out style of most of the original entries being reduced to modern form: e. g., “the thirtieth day of the month of August of the year one thousand and seven hundred and forty-nine” is hereafter rendered, “August 30, 1749.” We have also, in our need of saving space in so bulky and repetitious a document, eliminated the name of the holy day, where occasionally given.
The Register of new marriages follows:
. . . . twenty and the eleventh [31st] of July, with out publication of bans, dispensation wherefrom was granted for valid [and weighty reasons, with the permission of . . . we, performing] the duties of parish priest at this post, [received the mutual marriage con-]sent of Jacque Dumee, son of and of Marie Magdelaine, [daughter] of Sieur Jean Baptiste Chevalier …. and gave them the nuptial Benediction, [with the ceremonies of the holy] Church. The consorts acknowledged [as their legitimate child ] born on the fifth of March of the present year, [of whom the said Jacques] Dumée admits he is the father. The name . . . [In the presence of . . . .] Ramezai Captain of a Company [of the marine detachment] Commanding for the King at Nepigon 1 . . . . in the said troops, such commandant . . . . and of other witnesses, who signed with us. The bride declared that she did not know [how to sign her name when thereunto requested] according to the ordinance.
C. God. Coquart, Miss. of L. C. D. J. 2 Deramezay; Manon Lavoine Chevalier; La Borde.
[In the year one thousand seven hundred and] forty-four, on the third of August, [without publication] of bans dispensation wherefrom was granted for valid and weighty [reasons], with the permission of R. P. du Jaunai, 3 Miss of the Comp. [of Jesus, I] . . . . performing the duties of parish priest, received the mutual marriage consent of . . . . Bourassa, son of Sieur René Bourassa and of Agnes [of the] parish of la Magdelaine, in the government of Montreal, of the one part, and of Charlotte Chevalier, daughter of J. B. Chevalier and of . . . . Alavoine, and gave them the nuptial benediction with [the ceremonies] of the Holy Church. The said consorts acknowledged as their legitimate child . . . . a boy born in March of the present year. The whole in the presence of the undersigned witnesses who signed with us.
René Bourassa, fils; Bourassa; [J. B. Che]valier; Manon Lavoine Chevalier; C. Chaboillez; M. C. Lerige; Maugras.
In the year one thousand Seven hundred and forty-four . . . . after the publication of three bans on the 13th . . . . from the pulpit of this church, no canonical impediment having come to our knowledge, we, the undersigned missionary priest of the Society of Jesus, [received the] mutual marriage consent of Landres . . . . , son of Skarsanesse and of the late la Chasse, . . . . and of [Anne Domitille] Parent, daughter of Pierre Parent and of Em . . . . residents of this post, and gave them the nuptial Benediction according to the rite prescribed by the Holy Churchy the whole in the presence of the [undersigned witnesses, at Michilima]kina in the year and on the day above written. P. Du Jaunay.
Anne Domitel Parent; G. St Germin 4 ; Parant; Ce . . . .; F. Drunsard (?); Langlade; Joseph DeCary; 5 J. Gadouin; Francois Rose.
. . . . 1745, Sieur . . . . and Nanette Villeneuve, 6 widow of the late Guyari, were married at . . . . by the Reverend Father of the mission, during the winter.
P. Du Jaunay, miss. of the Society of Jesus.
. . . . 1746, I received the mutual [marriage] consent of [Jean] B. Jourdain, son of Guillaume [Jourdain and of] Angelique la Reine, of the parish of . . . . [and of] . . . . Reaume, daughter of J. B. Reaume, residing at la Baye, 7 * * *
P. Du Jaunay, miss. of the Society of Jesus.
Louis Pascale Chevalier.
. . . February, 1747. I Received the mutual marriage [consent] of Pierre Pelletier, son of Pierre [Pelletier and] of Charlotte Arnaud, of the parish of Montreal; and of [Fr]ancoise Parent, daughter of Pierre Parent and of [An]ne Chaboiller, residents of this post, after dispensation from the publication of bans * * *
P. Du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.
Witnesses, Noyelle, fils; Denys; 8 parant; Antoine la Guerda; Jan Mari Fili; Chaboillez; Cloude Celore [?]; Lemoine
July 1, 1747, I received the mutual marriage consent of Charles Personne de La Fond, son of the late Nicolas Personne de La Fond and of the late Madeline la Suse, of the parish of Montreal; and of Susanne Reaume, daughter of Jean Baptiste Raume and of Symphorose Ouaouaboukoue, residing at la Baye, after one publication of Bans instead of three, having granted dispensation from the two other publications * * *
P. Du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.
Amiot; Baptiste Le Beaux; Coulonge, witnesses.
July 22, 1747, I Received the mutual marriage consent of Jean Baptiste Tellier de La Fortune and of Marie Josephe, a nepissingue woman Baptized this morning, by which marriage were legitimized Antoine, 19 years old; Francois Xavier, 14 years old; Ann, ten years old; Ignace, 6 years old; Joseph, 3 years old; and Marie Joseph, 6 months old, their children * * *
P. Du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.
Jean Baptiste Tellier; Noyelle, fils; Coulonge; Antoine St. Germain.
September 5, 1747, I received the mutual marriage consent of Joseph Guillory, son of Simon Guillory and of Marie de la Chapele, of the parish of Montreal; and of Louise Bolon, daughter of Gabriel Bolon and of Susanne Manard, residents of this post after three publications of Bans * * *
Père Lamorinie, society of Jesus. 9
Noyelle, fils; Joseph Guillory; Denys; Gabriel Bouillon; J. M. Blondeau; Januiar[?], fils; St Germain; Sejourna Sanchaigrin; Anne Villeneuve Beondeau; francois La Croix; Therese Villeneuve 10 .
February 4, 1748, I received the mutual marriage consent of Sieur Charles Hamelin, a Former voyageur and of Marie Athanasie, a Sauteux woman Savage recently baptized. * * *
P. Du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.
Charles Hamelin; Antoine Janisse; L Chenier, witness.
July 7, 1748, I received the mutual marriage consent of Jean Baptiste Jutras, son of J. B. Jutras and of Marie Josephe Godefroy de Lindor [Linctot], of the parish of Three Rivers; and of marie Catherine l’Archeveque, daughter of the late Augustin l’Archeveque and of Marie madelaine Reaume of the mission of St Joseph * * *
P. Du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.
Jean Jutras; Cathrine Lathe [l’Archeveque]; Mari Madelene Réaume; Legardeur De St Pierre; Verchere; 11 Bourassa; Langlade; R. L. Delpine; Langlade, fils. 12
August 2, 1748, I received the mutual marriage consent of Jacques Bariso de la Marche, son of the late Julien Bariso de la Marche and of the late Genevieve Dyel of the parish of la Madelaine; and of Marie Joseph Esther Larcheveque, daughter of the late Augustine Larcheveque and of Marie Madelaine Reaume of the mission of St Joseph. * * *
P. Du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.
[Name illegible]; Langlade; Marie Josette Ester; Bourassa.
August 30, 1749, I received the mutual marriage consent of Jean Manian l’Esperance and of Rose, a Sauteux woman Savage of la Pointe, recently Baptized, by which marriage were legitimized Alexis, about eight years old, Anne Esther, about six years old, and Marie Josephe, about three years old, all present. * * *
P. Du Jaunay, missionary of the society of Jesus.
Bourassa; Janet Agine [ ?]
The old register at Mackinac is still preserved in the parish church of the island. It consists of one large volume, with the records of marriages entered at one end, and those of baptisms at the other. The record of interments is meagre. This volume extends in time from 1741-1821, and we here publish the portion comprising the marriages. That for the baptisms and interments will be given in the succeeding volume of our Collections. We are indebted to the Hon. Edward Osgood Brown of Chicago for an admirable transcription of this interesting document, which we follow in the present publication. In March, 1889, Judge Brown read a paper before the Chicago Literary Club, entitled “The Parish Register of the Mission of Michilimackinac,” which was published in the same year.
The extant register superseded an older one, now lost. At some time, perhaps about 1750, this list of marriages from 1725-41 was copied into the then new register. Unfortunately, the first few pages of the register are torn; these lacunae are here indicated by leaders (. . . . ). In subsequent documents, where the paper has been torn, similar leaders are employed. Asterisks ( * * * ) are used only where the Editor has omitted portions from the document; see post, p. 473, note 3. The brackets [ ] enclose suggestions or explanatory matter inserted by the Editor.
2 August 1725 Pierre . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 August 1725 Jean Cauchois . . . . . . . .
7 January 1726 Gabriel . . . . . . . . . . .
30 October 1729 Antoine . . . . . . . . . .
13 September 1731 Mr. Angus . . . . . . . .
18 April 1735 – Antoine Grig . . . . . . . .
22 September 1735 Charles Chaboi . . . . . .
2 October 1736 Claude Germain . . . . . . .
7 January 1737 Michel Eocheve . . . . . . .
30 September 1737 le Sieur Jean du Lig . . .
14 October 1737 Jean Baptiste, Sauva[ge] . .
17 July 1738 Pierre Grignon and m . . . . .
23 September 1738 Frangois Boisghui . . . .
27 November 1738 Charles Hamelin and . . . .
21 July 1739 Pierre Locat and Marie . . . .
13 August 1741 Jean Baptiste Gendron . . . .
30 August 1741 Joseph Hins and Constan . . .
The Register from which this summary is taken is among the archives of this mission.
In the first few entries we have given the complete phraseology, as found in the register – this, in order to exhibit the formal style of the original; but in the most entries we have, to save space, eliminated mere repetitions of formal phrases, that convey no specific information concerning the event or the persons interested, and are the same for each entry. Such omissions are indicated by the use of three asterisks. In many of the succeeding entries, liberty has also been taken with the form of the date – the spelled-out style of most of the original entries being reduced to modern form: e. g., “the thirtieth day of the month of August of the year one thousand and seven hundred and forty-nine” is hereafter rendered, “August 30, 1749.” We have also, in our need of saving space in so bulky and repetitious a document, eliminated the name of the holy day, where occasionally given.
The Register of new marriages follows:
. . . . twenty and the eleventh [31st] of July, with out publication of bans, dispensation wherefrom was granted for valid [and weighty reasons, with the permission of . . . we, performing] the duties of parish priest at this post, [received the mutual marriage con-]sent of Jacque Dumee, son of and of Marie Magdelaine, [daughter] of Sieur Jean Baptiste Chevalier …. and gave them the nuptial Benediction, [with the ceremonies of the holy] Church. The consorts acknowledged [as their legitimate child ] born on the fifth of March of the present year, [of whom the said Jacques] Dumée admits he is the father. The name . . . [In the presence of . . . .] Ramezai Captain of a Company [of the marine detachment] Commanding for the King at Nepigon 13 . . . . in the said troops, such commandant . . . . and of other witnesses, who signed with us. The bride declared that she did not know [how to sign her name when thereunto requested] according to the ordinance.
C. God. Coquart, Miss. of L. C. D. J. 14 Deramezay; Manon Lavoine Chevalier; La Borde.
[In the year one thousand seven hundred and] forty-four, on the third of August, [without publication] of bans dispensation wherefrom was granted for valid and weighty [reasons], with the permission of R. P. du Jaunai, 15 Miss of the Comp. [of Jesus, I] . . . . performing the duties of parish priest, received the mutual marriage consent of . . . . Bourassa, son of Sieur René Bourassa and of Agnes [of the] parish of la Magdelaine, in the government of Montreal, of the one part, and of Charlotte Chevalier, daughter of J. B. Chevalier and of . . . . Alavoine, and gave them the nuptial benediction with [the ceremonies] of the Holy Church. The said consorts acknowledged as their legitimate child . . . . a boy born in March of the present year. The whole in the presence of the undersigned witnesses who signed with us.
René Bourassa, fils; Bourassa; [J. B. Che]valier; Manon Lavoine Chevalier; C. Chaboillez; M. C. Lerige; Maugras.
In the year one thousand Seven hundred and forty-four . . . . after the publication of three bans on the 13th . . . . from the pulpit of this church, no canonical impediment having come to our knowledge, we, the undersigned missionary priest of the Society of Jesus, [received the] mutual marriage consent of Landres . . . . , son of Skarsanesse and of the late la Chasse, . . . . and of [Anne Domitille] Parent, daughter of Pierre Parent and of Em . . . . residents of this post, and gave them the nuptial Benediction according to the rite prescribed by the Holy Churchy the whole in the presence of the [undersigned witnesses, at Michilima]kina in the year and on the day above written. P. Du Jaunay.
Anne Domitel Parent; G. St Germin 16 ; Parant; Ce . . . .; F. Drunsard (?); Langlade; Joseph DeCary; 17 J. Gadouin; Francois Rose.
. . . . 1745, Sieur . . . . and Nanette Villeneuve, 18 widow of the late Guyari, were married at . . . . by the Reverend Father of the mission, during the winter.
P. Du Jaunay, miss. of the Society of Jesus.
. . . . 1746, I received the mutual [marriage] consent of [Jean] B. Jourdain, son of Guillaume [Jourdain and of] Angelique la Reine, of the parish of . . . . [and of] . . . . Reaume, daughter of J. B. Reaume, residing at la Baye, 19 * * *
P. Du Jaunay, miss. of the Society of Jesus.
Louis Pascale Chevalier.
. . . February, 1747. I Received the mutual marriage [consent] of Pierre Pelletier, son of Pierre [Pelletier and] of Charlotte Arnaud, of the parish of Montreal; and of [Fr]ancoise Parent, daughter of Pierre Parent and of [An]ne Chaboiller, residents of this post, after dispensation from the publication of bans * * *
P. Du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.
Witnesses, Noyelle, fils; Denys; 20 parant; Antoine la Guerda; Jan Mari Fili; Chaboillez; Cloude Celore [?]; Lemoine
July 1, 1747, I received the mutual marriage consent of Charles Personne de La Fond, son of the late Nicolas Personne de La Fond and of the late Madeline la Suse, of the parish of Montreal; and of Susanne Reaume, daughter of Jean Baptiste Raume and of Symphorose Ouaouaboukoue, residing at la Baye, after one publication of Bans instead of three, having granted dispensation from the two other publications * * *
P. Du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.
Amiot; Baptiste Le Beaux; Coulonge, witnesses.
July 22, 1747, I Received the mutual marriage consent of Jean Baptiste Tellier de La Fortune and of Marie Josephe, a nepissingue woman Baptized this morning, by which marriage were legitimized Antoine, 19 years old; Francois Xavier, 14 years old; Ann, ten years old; Ignace, 6 years old; Joseph, 3 years old; and Marie Joseph, 6 months old, their children * * *
P. Du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.
Jean Baptiste Tellier; Noyelle, fils; Coulonge; Antoine St. Germain.
September 5, 1747, I received the mutual marriage consent of Joseph Guillory, son of Simon Guillory and of Marie de la Chapele, of the parish of Montreal; and of Louise Bolon, daughter of Gabriel Bolon and of Susanne Manard, residents of this post after three publications of Bans * * *
Père Lamorinie, society of Jesus. 21
Noyelle, fils; Joseph Guillory; Denys; Gabriel Bouillon; J. M. Blondeau; Januiar[?], fils; St Germain; Sejourna Sanchaigrin; Anne Villeneuve Beondeau; francois La Croix; Therese Villeneuve 22 .
February 4, 1748, I received the mutual marriage consent of Sieur Charles Hamelin, a Former voyageur and of Marie Athanasie, a Sauteux woman Savage recently baptized. * * *
P. Du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.
Charles Hamelin; Antoine Janisse; L Chenier, witness.
July 7, 1748, I received the mutual marriage consent of Jean Baptiste Jutras, son of J. B. Jutras and of Marie Josephe Godefroy de Lindor [Linctot], of the parish of Three Rivers; and of marie Catherine l’Archeveque, daughter of the late Augustin l’Archeveque and of Marie madelaine Reaume of the mission of St Joseph * * *
P. Du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.
Jean Jutras; Cathrine Lathe [l’Archeveque]; Mari Madelene Réaume; Legardeur De St Pierre; Verchere; 23 Bourassa; Langlade; R. L. Delpine; Langlade, fils. 24
August 2, 1748, I received the mutual marriage consent of Jacques Bariso de la Marche, son of the late Julien Bariso de la Marche and of the late Genevieve Dyel of the parish of la Madelaine; and of Marie Joseph Esther Larcheveque, daughter of the late Augustine Larcheveque and of Marie Madelaine Reaume of the mission of St Joseph. * * *
P. Du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.
[Name illegible]; Langlade; Marie Josette Ester; Bourassa.
August 30, 1749, I received the mutual marriage consent of Jean Manian l’Esperance and of Rose, a Sauteux woman Savage of la Pointe, recently Baptized, by which marriage were legitimized Alexis, about eight years old, Anne Esther, about six years old, and Marie Josephe, about three years old, all present. * * *
P. Du Jaunay, missionary of the society of Jesus.
Bourassa; Janet Agine [ ?]
October 13, 1749, I received the mutual marriage consent of Joseph Victor Couvret, a former voyageur, and of Marie Charlotte, a woman savage, after one publication of bans, having granted dispensation from the others for valid reasons * * *
P. Du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.
Couvrett; Jean Chapuis, witness; Danielle Villeneuve.
- The Chevalier de Ramezay, for whom see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xvii, p. 432. His presence fixes the date of this marriage as somewhere near the year 1743.[
- Father Claude Godefroy Coquart was born in 1706, entered the Jesuit order when twenty, and came to Canada in 1738. He spent the first three years in Lower Canada, and in 1741 was ordered to accompany La Verendrye’s expedition to the far Northwest. He was, however, left at Mackinac, where he resided probably until 1745, although he may have made a trip to Port La Reine in 1743-44. In 1746 he took charge of the Saguenay mission, there remaining eleven years, when he returned to Quebec. After the British conquest he attempted to work in Acadia, but was driven thence, and returned to the Saguenay, where he died at Chicoutimi (1765). The letters L. C, D. J. are the initials of La Compagnie de Jesu (usually rendered in English, Society of Jesus). It is supposed that the next marriage entered was also performed by Coquart, although the entry is not signed.[
- For a brief sketch of Father du Jaunay, who officiated at so many of the following marriages, see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xvii, p. 370. He was in Mackinac as early as 1736, being in 1741 stationed at Ouiatanon, among the Miami. About 1744 he was transferred to the Ottawa mission at l’Arbre Croche and Mackinac, where he seems to have remained until 1765. During Pontiac’s conspiracy he was a powerful factor for peace, and in securing the release of English prisoners. See documents ante.[
- Claude Gautier St. Germain de Verville was the father of Charles Gautier, nephew of the younger Langlade. The Langlade signing here was doubtless Augustin Moras, Sieur Langlade, for at this time Charles was but fifteen years of age.[
- Joseph de Cary was probably the French ancestor of the widely extended Winnebago family of De Kaurays (Decorahs).[
- For this half-sister of Charles Langlade, see Wisconsin Historical Collections, vol. xviii, p. 135, note 74.[
- These two families of Jourdain and Reaume appear to have been among the earliest permanent settlers at Green Bay.[
- For these officers, the first of whom was commandant at Mackinac, and the second probably in command at Chequamegon, see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xvii, pp. 309, 462.[
- Jean Baptiste de la Morinie was born in Aquitaine (1705), and joined the Jesuits in 1725. In 1736 he came to Canada, and the second year thereafter was sent to Detroit, where entries in the parish register show his name for two years. He seems to have removed soon after to Mackinac, where he belonged to the mission of St. Ignace. The first entry of his name in the register is in 1741, the last in 1752. It would seem therefore that in this latter year he removed to St. Josephs, where he was missionary among the Potawatomi. About 1760 or 1761, impelled by destitution, he retired to the Illinois, where he served for a time at Ste. Genevieve. Expelled with the other Jesuits in 1764, Father la Morinie went down the Mississippi to New Orleans, and thence to France.[
- The mother of Charles Gautier de Verville.[
- For these officers see Wisconsin Historical Collections, vol. xviii, p. 22, note 31, and p. 62, note 5. For the occasion which brought St. Pierre to Mackinac, where Vercheres was commandant, see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xvii, pp. 508-512.[
- This is the first time that Charles Langlade’s name appears among witnesses to a marriage; a year earlier, he was present and acted as godfather at a baptism.[
- The Chevalier de Ramezay, for whom see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xvii, p. 432. His presence fixes the date of this marriage as somewhere near the year 1743.[
- Father Claude Godefroy Coquart was born in 1706, entered the Jesuit order when twenty, and came to Canada in 1738. He spent the first three years in Lower Canada, and in 1741 was ordered to accompany La Verendrye’s expedition to the far Northwest. He was, however, left at Mackinac, where he resided probably until 1745, although he may have made a trip to Port La Reine in 1743-44. In 1746 he took charge of the Saguenay mission, there remaining eleven years, when he returned to Quebec. After the British conquest he attempted to work in Acadia, but was driven thence, and returned to the Saguenay, where he died at Chicoutimi (1765). The letters L. C, D. J. are the initials of La Compagnie de Jesu (usually rendered in English, Society of Jesus). It is supposed that the next marriage entered was also performed by Coquart, although the entry is not signed.[
- For a brief sketch of Father du Jaunay, who officiated at so many of the following marriages, see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xvii, p. 370. He was in Mackinac as early as 1736, being in 1741 stationed at Ouiatanon, among the Miami. About 1744 he was transferred to the Ottawa mission at l’Arbre Croche and Mackinac, where he seems to have remained until 1765. During Pontiac’s conspiracy he was a powerful factor for peace, and in securing the release of English prisoners. See documents ante.[
- Claude Gautier St. Germain de Verville was the father of Charles Gautier, nephew of the younger Langlade. The Langlade signing here was doubtless Augustin Moras, Sieur Langlade, for at this time Charles was but fifteen years of age.[
- Joseph de Cary was probably the French ancestor of the widely extended Winnebago family of De Kaurays (Decorahs).[
- For this half-sister of Charles Langlade, see Wisconsin Historical Collections, vol. xviii, p. 135, note 74.[
- These two families of Jourdain and Reaume appear to have been among the earliest permanent settlers at Green Bay.[
- For these officers, the first of whom was commandant at Mackinac, and the second probably in command at Chequamegon, see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xvii, pp. 309, 462.[
- Jean Baptiste de la Morinie was born in Aquitaine (1705), and joined the Jesuits in 1725. In 1736 he came to Canada, and the second year thereafter was sent to Detroit, where entries in the parish register show his name for two years. He seems to have removed soon after to Mackinac, where he belonged to the mission of St. Ignace. The first entry of his name in the register is in 1741, the last in 1752. It would seem therefore that in this latter year he removed to St. Josephs, where he was missionary among the Potawatomi. About 1760 or 1761, impelled by destitution, he retired to the Illinois, where he served for a time at Ste. Genevieve. Expelled with the other Jesuits in 1764, Father la Morinie went down the Mississippi to New Orleans, and thence to France.[
- The mother of Charles Gautier de Verville.[
- For these officers see Wisconsin Historical Collections, vol. xviii, p. 22, note 31, and p. 62, note 5. For the occasion which brought St. Pierre to Mackinac, where Vercheres was commandant, see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xvii, pp. 508-512.[
- This is the first time that Charles Langlade’s name appears among witnesses to a marriage; a year earlier, he was present and acted as godfather at a baptism.[