February 1, 1750, I, the undersigned priest of the society of Jesus, performing the duties of parish priest, received the mutual marriage consent of Poncelet Batillo de Clermont, a soldier, son of the late Jean Batillo and of Marguerite Pierrot, of the parish of St Pierre de Mousar in Clarmontor, bishopric of Treves; and of Francois[e] Cardinal, widow of the late Pierre Hubert la Croix, of the parish of Lachine, and gave them the nuptial benediction * * *
P. Du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.
Poncelet Batillo et Clermont; Francois Cardinalle; Allexis Sejourne dit Sansragin [Sanschagrin]; Bourassa; Duplessyfaber 1.
February 1, 1750, I, the undersigned priest of the society of Jesus, performing the duties of parish priest, received the mutual marriage consent of Jean Baptiste la Feriere dit Jasmin, widower of the late Catherine le Febvre of the parish of la Prairie de la Madelaine; and of Francoise Hubert la Croix, daughter of the late Pierre Hubert dit la Croix and of Francoise Cardinal, of the parish of La Chine * * *
P. Du Jaunay, of the society of Jesus.
Jean Baptiste Lafaitiere Jasmain; Faran la Croix; Poncelet Batillot; Francoise Cardinalle; Allixis Sejourné Dit Sanchagrin; Bourassa; [Name Illegible].
July 16, 1750, dear brother Nicolas Demers, born on the 12th of January, 1722 in the parish of St Nicolas, near Quebec, who had begun his novitiate at the Quebec college on the 14th of July 1748, made his profession of the three first vows in the Society of Jesus at Michilimakina in the year and on the day above written.
P. Du Jaunay, of the society of Jesus.
Jean Baptiste Nicolas Demers 2
January 11, 1751, I, the undersigned missionary priest of the society of Jesus, performing the duties of parish priest, after the three publications of bans on the 3rd, 6th, and 10th of the month, received the mutual marriage consent of Charles dit Chanteloups, son of Francois Charlu and of Marthe Foretier, of the parish of Montreal; and of Agnes, residing here * * *
P. Du Jaunay, of the society of Jesus.
Charl Charlu; An Ag Amiot; Duplessy Faber; Poncelet Batilot; Bourassa; Weziat Delgulpen [?]
July 6, 1751, having for weighty reasons granted, under the presumed consent of monseigneur the bishop, dispensation from the publication of bans, I, the undersigned, performing the duties of parish priest, received the mutual marriage consent of Francois Louis Cardin, a soldier of this garrison, and of Marie Coussante Chevalier, a widow, in the presence of the under signed witnesses. * * *
P. Du Jaunay, miss. of the Society of Jesus.
Cardin; Duplessis Faber; Manon Lavoine, Veuve Chevalier; Chaboillez; Laguerche; Marin.
July 25, 1751, after three publications of bans, I, the under signed missionary priest of the society of Jesus, performing the duties of the parish priest at this post, received the mutual marriage consent of Joseph Relle and of Charlotte Parant, in the presence of the undersigned witnesses. * * *
p. Du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.
Dupplessy Faber; Parant; Langlade; Nicolas Lefebre.
June 4, 1752, after publishing one ban, at the parochial or common mass of Michilimakina and suppressed the two others in accordance with the permission expressly given the Reverend father du Jaunay by Monseigneur the bishop of Quebec for the reasons alleged by the contracting parties, I, the undersigned priest of the society of Jesus, received at ten o’clock in the evening the mutual marriage consent of Etienne Chesnier of the parish of la Chinne, son of Joseph Chesnier, of the parish of the town of Montreal, deceased, and of Magdelaine de Cok, his mother, married a second time; and of Anne Tharse Esther, daughter of the late Jean Baptiste Chevalier, of the parish of Montreal, and of Marie Francoise Alavoine Jasmin, widow, of the parish of Montreal and residing at this post. * * * In the presence of Mr. du Plessis, first Captain of a company of a detachment of the marine, knight of the royal and military order of St Louis and in person commanding for the king at Michilimakinak, and of Mr. de Vollemonde de Beaujourj Captain of a company of the same detachment of the marine and commanding for the King at Camanitigouia, and of monsieur d’Anglade and Couronat and others, witnesses, relatives, who signed with me.
J. B. Lamorinie, Jesuit.
Beaujeu Devileemoin; Bourassa; Cardin; Chenier; Langlade; Esther Chevalier; Caboillez.
July 6, 1752, I received the mutual marriage consent of Jean Brian, son of the late Jean Brian and of Janne Vigne, of the parish of Toussaint in the town of Rennes, a soldier married with his captain’s permission; and of Francoise, a Saulteux woman, after one publication of bans * * *
p. Du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.
Ja Brian dit Bealiu; Jasmain; Bourassa.
January 29, 1753, I, the undersigned missionary of the society of Jesus, received the mutual marriage consent of Messire Joseph Daillebout de Coulange Elnier, son of Mr. Junis [Louis] d’Aillebout Elnier and Felicité Picard, of the one part; and of Marianne [Parent, daughter of Pierre Parent and of Marianne] chaboier – after the three publications of bans * * *
M. L. Lefranc, miss, of the society of Jesus. 3
Coulonge Marianne; Dailleboute Lamadeleine; Parent; Chaboillez; Bourassa, witness; Langlade, witness.
July 22, 1754, I, the undersigned Missionary of the society of Jesus, received the mutual Marriage consent of Michel Girardin. Armourer, son of Jacques Girardin and of Marie Clotilde Brisson, of the one part; and of Marie Hyppolite Favre, daughter of Jean Baptiste Favre and of Marie Baptier, after the three publications of bans. * * *
M. L. Lefranc, of the society of Jesus.
Michelle Girardin; Jaq. Farly; Mari Epollite Favre; Girardin.
July 6, 1753, I received the mutual marriage consent of Antoine le Tellier de la Fortune, son of J. B. le Tellier de la Fortune and of Marie Josephe, of the one part; and of Charlotte Ouebounis, daughter of Pierre Migouanonjean, an Outaoua and of Catharine, who died in the faith in Jesus Christ, of the other part, and, after one publication of bans for the three, I gave them the nuptial benediction * * *
P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.
Antoine Tellier; Jean Telier de la Fortune; Antoine St. Germain; Langlade; F. Hamelin.
Aug. 12, 1754, I, the undersigned missionary priest of the society of Jesus, received the mutual marriage consent of Mre. Charles Moras, Sieur de l’Anglade and of Charlotte Ambroisine Bourassa, both residing at this post, in the presence of the undersigned witnesses. 4
M. L. Lefranc, of the society of Jesus.
Bourassa; Charle Langlade; Charlotte Bourassa Langlade; J. M. Blondeau; Bourassa, fils; Volant; Marin; [Name illegible]; Anne Villeneuve; Gonneville; Agathe Villeneuve; Rene de Couange fils; Nanette Chevalier Bourassa; d’Ailleboust Demantet; DailleBoust Lamadeleine; Herbin, Commandant of the Place.
August 15, 1754, I, the undersigned Missionary priest of the society of Jesus, performing the duties of parish priest at this post, received the mutual marriage consent of Jean Baptiste Reaume, interpreter at la Baie, and of Marie Matchiouagakouat, a folle avoine woman, who had co-habited for two years during which time they had issue Jean Baptiste, now eleven months old, whom they acknowledged as their legitimate child. * * *
M. L. Lefranc, miss. of the society of Jesus.
Amiot; Jean Baptiste Reaume; Marie Matchiouagakouat, + her mark; Jasmain, witness; Paul Amable Chaboiez, witness; René Bourassa, witness.
Nov. 30, 1754, I, the undersigned missionary priest of the society of Jesus performing the duties of parish priest at this post, received the mutual marriage consent of Charles, a slave of Mr. Bourassa, of the one part; and of Marie, a slave of Mr. I’Englade, the younger, after two publications of bans with dispensation from the third, and there being no impediment. * * *
M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.
Bourassa; Langlade; Nanette Bourassa; Charlotte Bourassa Langlade; Charles Chaboillez; René Toullis; La Combe.
I the undersigned Missionary priest of the society of Jesus, performing the duties of parish priest at this post, received the mutual consent of Francois Brisbe de la Grandeur, sergeant of the troops, son of Francois Brisbe and of Marie de la Rouche, his father and mother, of the parish of Gonneville, diocese of Coutance, lower Normandy, of the one part; and of Marie Ann Parent, widow of Messire Joseph d’Ailleboust de Coulonge, of the other part, in the presence of the undersigned witnesses. At Michilimakina, May 25, 1755.
M. L. Le Franc, of the society of Jesus.
Lagrandeur, Sergeant; Marianne Parant; Parant; Langlade; M. R. A. C. B. Parant; Langlade, Fils; Chaboillez; Laurent Berbrante; Jasmain, witness; Herbin, Commandant.
I, the undersigned, performing the duties of parish priest, received the mutual marriage consent of Nicolas Amiot and of Suzanne, recently baptized, with the ceremonies prescribed by the Holy Roman Church, by which marriage was legitimized Ambroise, their son, about eight months old. * * * Michilimakina, Aug. 18, 1755.
P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.
Amiot; Langlade; Barthelmi Blondeau; J. Am. Huber.
I, * * * received the mutual consent of Charles Faulteur, legitimate son of Pierre Faulteur and of Catherine, his father and mother, of the parish of la Presentation de I’Isle du pas, of the one part; and of Francoise Amiot, legitimate daughter of Jean Baptiste Amiot and of Marianne, her father and mother of the other part, residents of this post – after three publications of the bans. * * * April 27, 1756.
M. L. Lefranc, of the society of Jesus.
Amiot; Langlade; J. Joliette; Louis Portelence; Francois, witness.
I, * * * received the mutual marriage consent of Claude Pellé de la Haye, voyageur; and of Marie, a young Outaouais woman, baptized yesterday, daughter of Nesxesouexité, daughter of Kinonchamec – after one publication of bans and with dispensation from the two other publications. * * * At Michilimakina, May 10, 1756.
P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.
Claude Pellé Lahay; Langlade; Barthelmi Blondeau; Charle Lapalme.
I, * * * received the mutual consent of Jean Baptiste Cadot and of Marianne, a neophyte, daughter of a Nipissing, according to the ceremonies of the Holy Roman Church; by which marriage was legitimized Marie Renée, their daughter, about two and a half months old – in the presence of the undersigned witnesses and others, October 28, 1756, at Michilimakinak.
M. L. Lefranc, miss. of the society of Jesus.
Cadot; Bourassa; Langlade; R. De Couagne, fils; René La Combe.
I, * * * received the mutual consent of jean Baptiste Metivier and of Josette Parent, and, after two publications of bans with dispensation from the third. * * * at Michilimakinak July 19, 1757.
M. L. Lefranc, Miss, of the society of Jesus.
Herbin; Pierre Monbron; Pierre Parant; M R A N Cha-Boillez; Parant; Chaboillez; Bourassa; Joseph Parant; Marian Parent; Mongrain; Hynon; Maquille.
I, * * * gave the nuptial benediction, after receiving their mutual consent, to Pierre Le Duc, voyageur, and Agathe Villeneuve, 5 after publishing one ban and granting dispensation from the two others. * * * At Michilimakina, May 21, 1758.
M. L. Lefranc, of the society of Jesus.
Beaujour [Beaujeu]; Agathe Villeneuve; J. M. Blondeau; Bourassa; Langlade; Langlade, fils; Bourassa Langlade; Farly; Gauliter de Vierville; Amiot; Caterinne Lerige.
I, * * * gave the nuptial Benediction, after receiving their mutual consent, to Jacques Gaillard and to Marianne Jbeau, after publishing one ban and granting dispensation from the two others. * * * At michilimakina May 21, 1758.
M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.
Beaujour; Langlade, fils; Sejourné; Paul Amable Chaboiez; René Bourassa, petit-fils.
I, * * * gave the nuptial benediction, after receiving their mutual consent, to Michel Rocheveau and to Marie Tiennota, who hereby legitimized and acknowledged as their children Jean Baptiste and Marie Joseph, in the presence of the undersigned witnesses and of others who declared that they could not sign their names. At Michilimakinak, July 16, 1758.
M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the Society of Jesus.
Miche Rochevau; Lefebvre; Sejourne.
I, * * * gave the nuptial Benediction, after receiving their mutual consent, to Jean Baptiste Marcot and to Marie Neskech, in the presence of the undersigned witnesses and others. At michilimakina July 24, 1758.
M. L. Lefranc, miss. of the society of Jesus.
Langlade; J. Joliett; La Fortune.
I, * * * gave the nuptial benediction, after receiving their mutual consent, to Jean Cottenoire and to Marie Matchiouagakouat, in the presence of the undersigned witnesses and others, August 6, 1758. at Michilimakina.
M. L. Lefranc, Miss. of the society of Jesus.
Renné Bourassa, fils; Cardin; Laurent.
- For this officer see Wisconsin Historical Collections, vol. xviii, p. 61, note 3.[
- But little is known of this Jesuit, beyond what is stated here. He seems to have been at Mackinac in 1756, being reputed to have come from France, arriving in Canada in 1746. Possibly he was educated in France, and came back to Quebec for his novitiate. He was in Quebec in 1780.[
- Marie Louis le Franc was born in 1716, entered the Jesuit order in 1742, and arrived in Canada six years later. He was known to have been in Quebec in 1749, and probably came to Mackinac to succeed Father la Morinie, when the latter went to St. Josephs. Father le Franc’s ministrations at Mackinac continued until 1761; he seems then to have retired to Quebec, where he died in 1776.[
- For the marriage contract drawn by the notary Louis Cardin, see Wisconsin Historical Collections, vol. xviii, pp. 135-140.[
- For these persons see Wisconsin Historical Collections, vol. xviii, pp. 135, 264, notes 75 and 64 respectively.[