Biography of Louis H. Chapman

Louis H. Chapman, commissioner of water and light of Kansas City, Kansas, is the man chiefly responsible for bringing these municipally owned plants to a perfection of service where they completely justify the management and control by the city. Mr. Chapman is an expert electrician and general engineer, and has achieved a significant success through his own energies and ambitions. He has been a resident of Kansas the greater part of the time since 1886. He was born at Hartford, Connecticut, June 17, 1873, the youngest of the nine children of John Oliver and Louisa E. (Smart) Chapman. His parents … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ithiel Carter

Ithiel Carter, a native of Scotland, married an English girl named Louisa Deming, emigrated to America, and settled at Hartford, Connecticut. During the revolution Mr. Carter enlisted in the American army, and fought for the rights of his adopted country. He had only two children, Cyrus and Orion. Cyrus came to St. Charles in 1822, as a clock peddler, and sold to Benjamin Emmons, Sr., the first patent clock ever sold west of the Mississippi river, the price being $40. Mr. Carter was married, first in 1838, to the widow Derang, whose maiden name was Harriet Moore. His second wife … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Simeon Hayes

(IV) Simeon, son of Captain Samuel (2) and Rosanna (Holcombe) Hayes, was born in Simsbury, February 17, 1768, or January 17, 1769, and died in Plattsburgh, New York, August 18, 1841. In , 806 he removed from his native state to Plattsburgh, where he engaged in farming and also turned his attention to mechanical pursuits. He was a mechanical genius and an inventor, and at different times worked at wagon-making, shoemaking and coopering. Above all he was a man of unsullied integrity and deep religious principle. He married (first), March 22, 1790, Elizabeth, daughter of Rev. Israel Holly, a Congregational … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Sheldon

John, son of Isaac (2) Sheldon, was born December 5. 1658. He settled in Northampton, Massachusetts. He removed to Deerfield and conducted a public house. He was one of the first board of selectmen, ensign of the first military company and captain in 1707. and deacon of the church. He built the old Hoyt house, the door of which, cut by tomahawks and bullets, is preserved in Memorial Hall. In the winter of 1705 he was sent by Governor Dudley on a difficult and dangerous mission to Canada to redeem the captives and returned the following spring with five, two … Read more

Ambrose Todd of Huntington CT

Ambrose Todd6, (Jonah5, Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Dec. 7, 1764, died July 25, 1809, married Lavinia, daughter of Rev. Dr. Samuel and Lavinia Jarvis of Cheshire, who was born Oct. 5, 1760, died Oct. 26, 1841. Mr. Todd graduated from Yale College in 1786. He was an Episcopal clergyman, having been ordained Deacon by Bishop Seabury of Connecticut, June 1, 1789. He was rector at Simsbury, Granby and Huntington, Conn., where he died and was buried. The inscription on his Tombstone in Huntington is as follows: “This Monument is erected by the Episcopal Society as a Testimony of Respect … Read more