Fry, Ellen Bimson – Obituary

Died at her home in Guernsey, Iowa Jan 29 1899 of tumorous cancer, Mrs. Ellen Fry, aged 60 years, 9 months and 20 days. Funeral services were held in the M. E. Church at Guernsey conducted by her former pastor, J. F. Kalser, assisted by J. W. Wilson, pastor of the M. E. Church at Guernsey, after which the remains were laid to rest in the Moravian Cemetery at Harmony, Iowa.

Ellen Bimson was born in England, April 9, 1838. At the age of four years she came with her parents to America, locating in Adams County Ill., where she grew to womanhood. She was married to Cyrus Griswold, April, 27, 1858. During the same year they came to Iowa locating in Warren Township, Poweshiek County, on a farm. On April 22, 1870 her husband died in Quincy, Ill. leaving her the farm and an estate in a bad shape to settle. She still continued to stay on the farm until March, 1880. Then she sold her farm and moved with her father and youngest brother to Nebraska, settling in Seward County, where she remained until 1886. Then she returned to Poweshiek County, and was married to Abraham Fry on June 22, 1886 and has resided in Lincoln until her death. Thus she may be considered as one of the pioneer settlers of this part of the county, there being but one or two houses in sight when she came to Iowa.

She was formerly a member of the M. E. Church at Sunset, but on her return to Iowa, she united by letter with the Moravian Church at Harmony, of which her husband was a member and has since been a consistent member of the same. She leaves a loving husband, two brothers and many kind friends to mourn their loss, which is her eternal gain. She died in the triumphs of faith and left a bright testimony that she was ready and willing to go, as she had suffered greatly. “Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord. They do rest from their labors and their works do follow them.”

Contributed by: Shelli Steedman



Collection: United States Obituaries.

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