Biographical Sketch of Dr. Edward Horatio Foster

Dr. Edward Horatio Foster, formerly a well-known medical practitioner of Concord, was born October 13, 1839, in Canterbury, N.H., son of David M. and Sarah (Bradley) Foster. He is a direct descendant of Reginald Foster, who settled in Ipswich, Mass., in 1635. His grandfather, Asa Foster, served in the French and Indian War, and under General Pepperell was at the capture of Louisburg. During the Revolutionary War Asa was one of General Arnold’s body-guard at the time of the General’s desertion. When he died in Canterbury in 1862, he was ninety-six years old. His son, David M. Foster, a native … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Elmer Crofut

Crofut, William Elmer; wholesale rubber; born, Syracuse, N. Y., Sept. 5, 1874; son of Elmer Burr and Hattie A. Davis Crofut; educated in public and private schools of Syracuse and Syracuse University; married, Concord, N. H., Dec. 5, 1899, Ruth Paul; one son, William E., Jr., served in 141st N. Y., Spanish-American War; came to Cleveland, October, 1899, as manager of a mercantile agency; three years later engaged as sec’y and treas. Ohio Rubber Co., remaining with the firm until September, 1905, when he organized the Forest City Rubber Co., continuing as president-treasurer and gen. mgr. since; member Mayfield Country … Read more

Biography of Elder John G. Hook

Elder John G. Hook, of Concord, N.H., was born in Chichester, this State, February 13, 1820, the son of Jacob Hook. Elder Hook’s grandfather, Francis Hook, was born in Salisbury, Mass. He was a fisherman by occupation, and he also ran a horseback express from his native town to Newburyport. He finally bought a large tract of land in Chichester, and started all his five sons in life with a comfortable farm. Jacob Hook, father of Elder Hook, was the eldest of the family. He was educated in the Salisbury public schools, and was engaged in farming all his life. … Read more

Biography of Joseph Wilkins

Joseph Wilkins, a resident of Pembroke and a veteran of the Civil War, was born May 24, 1844, son of Jeremiah Hall and Mary (Thompson) Wilkins. He is not only a representative of an old New Hampshire family, but a lineal descendant of ancestors who were first settlers in this country. Bray Wilkins, who came from Wales, Brecknock County, was a descendant of Lord John Wilkins, who belonged to a family that traced their lineage back to 1090 and had borne many honorable titles. Lord John was a connection of the Bishop Wilkins who married the sister of the Protector, … Read more

Biography of William Gregg Andrews

William Gregg Andrews, a prosperous farmer of Sutton, Merrimack County, N.H., was born July 7, 1834, on the farm upon which he now lives. His father was Nathan Andrews, Jr., a native of Sutton; and his paternal grandfather was Nathan Andrews, Sr., born in Danvers, Mass., in 1767, a son of Samuel Andrews. He came to Merrimack County when a young man, and in 1795 he married Hannah Gregg and at once settled upon a farm at Fishersfield. His wife was a daughter of James and Janet (Collins) Gregg, and, though lame from childhood, was energetic and industrious, and lived … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry Wick Corning

Corning, Henry Wick; sec ‘y and treas. Standard Sewing Machine Co.; born, Cleveland, Jan. 13, 1869; son of Warren Holmes and Mary Helen Wick Corning; educated, Cleveland public schools, St. Paul’s School, Concord, N. H., and Harvard University, graduating B. A. degree in 1891; married, Nov. 2, 1897, Miss Edith Warden; one daughter, Mary, and one son, Warren Holmes; military record; member Troop A, O. N. G.; served as second and first lieut., capt. 1st Ohio Cavalry (commanding Troop A), during Spanish-American War; engaged with his father in management of various private interests; in 1895, became connected with the Standard … Read more

Biography of John Evans Robertson

John Evans Robertson, a wellknown ice dealer of Concord, was born May 9, 1843, in Warner, N.H., son of Harrison D. and Sarah C. (Evans) Robertson, both of Warner. The families of both parents were old residents of Merrimack County, New Hampshire. The maternal ancestors originally came from Newburyport, Mass., where Grandfather Benjamin Evans officiated as Sheriff, being also a prominent business man. John E. Robertson attended the public schools of Warner, and subsequently fitted for college in the academy at Henniker, N.H. However, after leaving school at the age of eighteen, he did not go to college. In 1864 … Read more

Biography of Rufus Virgin

Rufus Virgin, a prosperous farmer and well-known citizen of Concord, was born on the Virgin homestead, where he now resides, January 7, 1818, son of Isaac and Susan (Batchelder) Virgin. He is a descendant of Ebenezer Virgin, second, one of the old proprietors of New Hampshire. The Virgin family has been closely identified with the history of Concord since the town was first settled. Jonathan Virgin, grandfather of Rufus, took up new land here, cleared it, and became the owner of a large farm. He died at about sixty years of age. His wife, in maidenhood Sarah Austin, was the … Read more

Biography of Frank Gilman Edgerly

Frank Gilman Edgerly, the efficient High Sheriff of Merrimack County, N.H., was born in Meredith, N.H., on February 19, 1853. His parents were William M. and Lydia (Fogg) Edgerly. His ancestors, paternal and maternal, were of English extraction. Thomas Edgerly, the emigrant progenitor on his father’s side, came to America in 1664, settling near what is now known as Durham, N.H. Thomas Edgerly was a well-educated man, prominent in the early history of New Hampshire, being one of the Justices before whom were tried many important cases involving the civil and religious rights of citizens. Frank G. Edgerly acquired a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Nathaniel Everett Martin

Nathaniel Everett Martin, a successful attorney and well-known business man of Concord, was born in Loudon, N.H., August 9, 1855, son of Theophilus B. and Sarah L. (Rowell) Martin. He is of Scotch-Irish blood on the paternal side, being a direct descendant of William Martin, who came to this country from Ireland about the year 1732. Landing in Boston, William Martin went thence to Londonderry, N.H., from which place he removed subsequently to Pembroke, Merrimack County. James Martin, the great-grandfather of Nathaniel E., served with the rank of Ensign during the Revolutionary War, and died before the cause of American … Read more

Biography of Abraham Gates Jones

Abraham Gates Jones, a wellknown gentleman of Concord, N.H., formerly engaged in the printing business, but now retired from active business affairs, was born in the town of Bow, five miles south of this city, October 21, 1827, son of Philip and Sarah M. (Gates) Jones. His paternal ancestors for many years were residents of Merrimack County, while the maternal progenitors came from Massachusetts. Philip Jones, father of the subject of this sketch, was the son of Joseph Jones, and was a merchant in Hookset. He died on January 26, 1836. His wife, Sarah M. Gates, was a daughter of … Read more

Biography of Irving Allison Watson, M.D.

Irving Allison Watson, M.D., of Concord, born at Salisbury, this State, September 6, 1849, is a son of Porter Baldwin, born at Corinth, Vt., July 13, 1825, and Luvia E. (Ladd) Watson; grandson of Ithamar Watson, born at Weare, N.H., September 17, 1784; and great-grandson of Caleb Watson, born at Hampstead, N.H., December 6, 1760, who was a soldier in the Revolution. Having received his preliminary education in the common schools of New Hampshire and at the Newbury (Vt.) Seminary and Collegiate Institute, he commenced the study of medicine in 1868 with Dr. Cochrane, of Newbury, Vt., and continued it … Read more

Biography of Moses H. Farnum

Moses H. Farnum, a prominent resident of Concord, was born in Concord, February 3, 1811, son of Moses and Esther (Carter) Farnum. The family is of Welsh origin. Ralph Farnum, the first of the name in this country, came from Wales and settled in Andover, Mass. He subsequently removed to Concord, N.H.; and his descendants have continued to hold and occupy his original land purchase in that town up to the present time. Ephraim Farnum, son of Ralph and the great-grandfather of Moses H., born on the paternal estate, resided thereon throughout his life. His son, also named Ephraim, was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Benedict Crowell

Crowell, Benedict; mining engineer; born, Cleveland, O., 1870; son of William and Mary Benedict Crowell; educated St. Paul’s School, Concord, N. H., and Yale University, 1891; married, Cleveland, 1904, Julia R. Cobb; two children, Florence Cobb Crowell and Benedict Crowell, Jr.; pres. Crowell & Sherman Co., The Tavern Club and Wetherbee Concentrator Co.; director Associated Investors Realty Co., and National City Bank; senior partner Crowell & Murray; member American Institute of Mining Engineers; N. Y., Lake Superior and Canada; American Society for Testing Materials; American Chemical Society; California Miners Ass ‘n; Ohio Society of New York; member Tavern, Union, Mayfield, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Albert Younglove Gowen

Gowen, Albert Younglove; born, Cleveland, May 8, 1883; son of Caleb and Gertrude Younglove Gowen; educated, Harvard College, 1907; married, Cleveland, June 2, 1909, Margaret Huntington Smith; one daughter, born July 7, 1910; went to public schools, Cleveland, studied at University School for six years; later attended St. Paul’s School, Concord, N. H., going from there to Harvard College; at completion of college course, started to work in the stone quarries of the Kelly Island Lime & Transport Co., at Kelly Island, O.; remained there six months; then came to the main office in Cleveland, and has been there ever … Read more

News from New England – King Phillip’s War

Being a true and last account of the present Bloody Wars carried on betwixt the infidels, natives, and the English Christians, and converted Indians of New England, declaring the many dreadful battles fought betwixt them: As also the many towns and villages burnt by the merciless heathens. And also the true number of all the Christians slain since the beginning of that War, As it was sent over by a factor of New England to a merchant in London. Licensed Aug. 1. Roger L’Estrange. London. Printed for J. Corners, at the sign of the Black Raven in Duck-Lane, 1676. Those … Read more

Biography of Curtis White

Curtis White, a retired carpenter of Concord, was born at Bow, N.H., April 4, 1861, son of Daniel White, of that place. The grandfather, Isaac White, who was an early settler of Bow, went there from Pembroke, and converted a grant of land into a good farm home for himself and his family. Daniel, the youngest son, was a blacksmith and stone worker. He purchased a farm opposite his father’s, and there carried on stone work as well as some farming. His death occurred March 16, 1825, after a lingering and painful illness, in the course of which he was … Read more

Biography of Chancey Adams, M.D.

Chancey Adams, M.D., a successful medical practitioner of Concord, was born in North New Portland, Me., March 15, 1861, son of Benjamin and Eliza Briton (Sawyer) Adams. He belongs to a branch of the famous old Massachusetts family of the same name. Henry Adams, the founder of the Massachusetts family, was an English emigrant, who came over to this country in the year 1630, with his eight sons, and settled in Braintree, in the Colony of Massachusetts. Of these eight sons, one subsequently returned to England. The names of the others, according to the records of Massachusetts, were: Peter, Henry, … Read more

Genealogy of the Fox Family of Taunton, Massachusetts

The Connecticut-Massachusetts branch of the earlier family of this name of the old Bay State is one of long and honorable standing in New England, and as well of historic connection. The especial family here considered, and which for designation is styled the Taunton family, is that of pome of the descendants of Capt. Jabez Fox, of Berkley, Mass., one of whose sons was the late Henry Hodges Fox and the latter’s son the present Hon. William Henry Fox, lawyer and judge, who for forty and more years has been judge of the First District court of Bristol county and otherwise prominently identified with the public affairs of the city of Taunton.

Biography of James Dodge

James Dodge, who cultivated a good farm in Pembroke, and owned considerable real estate in this and other towns, was born in Goffstown, N.H., November 14, 1829, son of John G. and Polly (Tallant) Dodge. His great-grandfather, Antipas Dodge, who lived to be one hundred and one years old, and died on Independence Day, was a native of Haverhill, Mass., and an early settler in Goffstown. The first wife of Antipas, Margaret Boise Dodge, was the mother of James Dodge, grandfather of the subject of this sketch. The names of his second wife and her children are unknown. James Dodge, … Read more