Biography of Oscar F. Richardson

Oscar F. Richardson, a wellknown citizen of Concord, was born at Southbridge, Vt., January 2, 1835, son of Hazen and Zilby (Whitcomb) Richardson. Hazen Richardson was a native of the State of New Hampshire, and was a carpenter by trade. He removed to Whitehall, N.Y., quite early in life, and passed most of his 1860, at the age of about seventy years. He and his wife, Zilby Whitcomb Richardson, had eight children; namely, Delilah, Dequesna, Lillian, Cornelia, Oscar F., Henrietta, Jeffers O., and Alice, of whom Delilah, Dequesna, Lillian, Jeffers O., and Alice are now deceased. Oscar F. Richardson, after … Read more

Biography of Moses H. Farnum

Moses H. Farnum, a prominent resident of Concord, was born in Concord, February 3, 1811, son of Moses and Esther (Carter) Farnum. The family is of Welsh origin. Ralph Farnum, the first of the name in this country, came from Wales and settled in Andover, Mass. He subsequently removed to Concord, N.H.; and his descendants have continued to hold and occupy his original land purchase in that town up to the present time. Ephraim Farnum, son of Ralph and the great-grandfather of Moses H., born on the paternal estate, resided thereon throughout his life. His son, also named Ephraim, was … Read more

Biography of Henri G. Blaisdell

Henri G. Blaisdell, an accomplished musician of Concord, N.H., was born in Dorchester, N.H., October 23, 1850, son of Pettingill and Laurette (Lillis) Blaisdell. He is originally of Scotch descent. His paternal grandfather was Sanborn Blaisdell, who was long a resident, and presumably a native, of Dorchester, in which town he was engaged in farming and where he spent his last years. He married Mehitable Sanborn. Pettingill Blaisdell, father of Henri G., was born in Dorchester in 1824. He received his education in the district schools and subsequently engaged in the business of manufacturing and selling lumber, for many years … Read more

Biography of George T. Abbott

George T. Abbott, a well-known farmer of Concord, was born here, September 16, 1833, on the estate which was bought by his father, Aaron, of the late Daniel Prince. His great-grandfather, Nathaniel A., was the third settler in that part of Concord known as the Iron Works, coming here from Massachusetts in 1735, when the district was almost a wilderness and Indians were numerous. Nathaniel brought his wife with him and built for their home a log house. Before his death he had cleared considerable land and had seen great changes, as he lived to be a very old man. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry Wick Corning

Corning, Henry Wick; sec ‘y and treas. Standard Sewing Machine Co.; born, Cleveland, Jan. 13, 1869; son of Warren Holmes and Mary Helen Wick Corning; educated, Cleveland public schools, St. Paul’s School, Concord, N. H., and Harvard University, graduating B. A. degree in 1891; married, Nov. 2, 1897, Miss Edith Warden; one daughter, Mary, and one son, Warren Holmes; military record; member Troop A, O. N. G.; served as second and first lieut., capt. 1st Ohio Cavalry (commanding Troop A), during Spanish-American War; engaged with his father in management of various private interests; in 1895, became connected with the Standard … Read more

Biography of Harvey Graves McIntire, M.D.

Harvey Graves McIntire, M.D., formerly one of the leading physicians of Concord, was born in Lyndeboro, N.H., July 2, 1824, son of Elias and Elizabeth (Buxton) McIntire. Elias McIntire, son of Elias, Sr., and Bethiah (Hayward) McIntire, was a native of Reading, Mass., and belonged to one of the oldest families of that town. Removing to New Hampshire after marriage, he lived for a time in Amherst, and then settled in Lyndeboro. He followed the occupation of farmer throughout his active period, and was ninety-six years old when he died in Lyndeboro. His wife, Elizabeth, daughter of Stephen and Phebe … Read more

Biography of Charles Eastman Staniels

Charles Eastman Staniels, a prominent life insurance agent of Concord, N.H., was born in Lowell, Mass., December 27, 1844, son of Edward L. and Ruth Bradley (Eastman) Staniels. The father, born in Chichester, N.H., for many years was interested in the drug business, successively in Lowell and Boston, Mass. Toward the latter part of his life he removed to Roxbury, Mass., then a suburb of Boston, and died there at the age of sixty-five years. He was twice married. By his first wife there were three children, all of whom are now dead. His second marriage was made with Ruth … Read more

Biography of Albert Stevens

Albert Stevens, a farmer of Concord, was born at Canterbury, N.H., January 24, 1833, and is a representative of the third generation of the Stevens family born in this town. His paternal grandfather, whose name, it is believed, was Simeon Stevens, was a farmer and lifelong resident of Canterbury. He attained an advanced age, and was the father of six sons and four daughters. Three of the sons-Moses, John, and Thomas -went West, and settled in Princeton, Ill., where they grew prosperous and married. John Stevens had a son who became extremely wealthy, and two of the sons of Simeon … Read more

Biography of Rufus Virgin

Rufus Virgin, a prosperous farmer and well-known citizen of Concord, was born on the Virgin homestead, where he now resides, January 7, 1818, son of Isaac and Susan (Batchelder) Virgin. He is a descendant of Ebenezer Virgin, second, one of the old proprietors of New Hampshire. The Virgin family has been closely identified with the history of Concord since the town was first settled. Jonathan Virgin, grandfather of Rufus, took up new land here, cleared it, and became the owner of a large farm. He died at about sixty years of age. His wife, in maidenhood Sarah Austin, was the … Read more

Biography of Albert Bingham Woodworth

Albert Bingham Woodworth, the Mayor of Concord and a well-known merchant of the city, was born in Dorchester, April 7, 1843, son of George and Louisa (Hovey) Woodworth. His grandfather, Sylvanus Woodworth, born in Lebanon, Conn., who was one of the first settlers of Dorchester, served in the Revolutionary War, and fought at Bunker Hill under General Putnam. The father, also a native of Dorchester, was a man of lofty character and thoroughly respected where he was New Hampshire. He was prominent in the Congregational church, of which he became a member early in life. The mother was a native … Read more