Biography of George W. Wilson

George W. Wilson, who owns a productive farm in Franklin, was born in Salisbury, N.H., July 15, 1824, son of Dr. Job and Nancy (Farnum) Wilson. His grandfather, Captain Nathaniel Wilson, who served as an officer in the Continental army during the Revolutionary War, settled in Gilmanton, N. H., where he spent the remainder of his life. He was an able Job Wilson, M.D., the father of George W., was born in Gilmanton. After graduating. from college, he began the practice of medicine in Boscawen. Later he moved to Salisbury and in 1831 to Franklin, settling on the farm which his son George W. now owns. The farm was tilled by hired assistants; and he continued to practise his profession with success until his death, which occurred in September, 1851. He was a physician of ability, and he provided his children with a good education. His wife, Nancy, who was a native of Concord, N.H., became the mother of ten children, of whom the only survivor is George W. Their son Benjamin died in infancy. Benjamin F. died in Battle Creek, Mich. Their daughter Lucinda Conant married Thomas Eastman, and died in West Concord. Abigail died in Salisbury, at the age of seventeen years. Lydia married Grove Stevens, of Haverhill, N.H., and died in that town. Jeremiah practised medicine in Contoocook, and died in May, 1896. Job P., who was a farmer, died in Plymouth, N.H. Thomas W., who followed a profession in Salisbury, died April 13, 1861. Ephraim F. Wilson, M.D., died in Rockland, Conn. The mother’s death occurred in 1853.

George W. Wilson was seven years old when his parents moved to this town. He attended school in Franklin, Pembroke, and Gilmanton. After remaining at home and caring for his parents during their declining years, he succeeded to the ownership of the property. Besides the home farm of eighty acres he now owns another tract of one hundred acres, which he has improved. He carries on general farming and dairying. His property is desirably located. The four-story residence he occupies was erected by his father.

On June 15, 1855, Mr. Wilson married Ellen M. Sawyer, who was born in Charlestown, Mass., August 28, 1834, daughter of Stephen and Marinda (Hale) Sawyer. The father was a cooper by trade. Both natives of Hopkinton, N.H., they resided in various places, and at one time occupied the farm in Salisbury upon which Daniel Webster was born. They finally moved to South Salisbury, where their last days were spent. Stephen Sawyer died in 1861, and his wife died in 1873. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson had one daughter-Emma Elizabeth, who, born May 25, 1856, died June 25, 1863. In politics Mr. Wilson acts with the Republican party, and he has served with ability in some of the town offices. He is connected with the Patrons of Husbandry, and both he and Mrs. Wilson are members of the Congregational church.


Biographical Review Publishing Company. Biographical Review; containing life sketches of leading citizens of Merrimack and Sullivan counties, N. H. Boston. Biographical Review Publishing Company. 1897.

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