Biography of Benjamin F. Maxfield

Benjamin F. Maxfield, one of the farmers of Loudon township, was born in Gilmanton, N.H., March 22, 1828, son of Enoch and Sallie (Thompson) Maxfield. The father, a farmer of Gilmanton, was a native of Chichester; and the mother was from Northfield, N.H. Their children were: Oliver, now deceased, who married Sobrina Ann Towle; Benjamin F., the subject of this article; Clearsy, deceased; Laura, also deceased, who became the wife of Cyrus Jones; B. Jennie, who is the wife of Thomas Tate, and now lives in Rockport, Mass.; Charles H., deceased; Hiram, deceased, who successively married Mary E. Flanders and Mary Page, both now deceased; John, who married Affiah Page, and is a farmer in Gilmanton; Rachel, the wife of Abram Burham, a ship-carpenter of Essex, now deceased; Edwin, who married Laura J. Sanborn, and lives in Gilmanton; and Abbie, the youngest, who died at the age of nineteen years.

Having received his education in the town schools, Benjamin F. Maxfield at the age of fifteen went to Loudon Ridge, where he engaged in farming for four years. He tried railroading for a short period after this, but returned to town and spent a year on the farm of Deacon Brown. His next employment was on the farm of Mrs. Mary French, which he subsequently bought. Starting as a farm hand, with but thirty-five cents that he could call his own, by the closest economy he was able to put by enough money to buy the farm and become independent for life. He and his wife now own about two hundred acres. In addition to his general farming he carries on fruit-raising and stock-raising.

On July 23, 1862, Mr. Maxfield married Miss Juliette French, daughter of Daniel S. and Ann B. (Neal) French, of Loudon. Her father, a cooper early in life, afterward settled upon a farm in Loudon, where he died August 2, 1841. He left three children: Vienna Jane, deceased; Juliette, who was born November 19, 1835; and Ann Augusta. Mr. and Mrs. Maxfield had one child-Dannie F., who died in infancy. Mr. Maxfield owns Mrs. Maxfield is a member of the Free Will Baptist church, in which both take an active interest.



Biographical Review Publishing Company. Biographical Review; containing life sketches of leading citizens of Merrimack and Sullivan counties, N. H. Boston. Biographical Review Publishing Company. 1897.

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