Biography of Norman A. Deming

Last Updated on May 1, 2021 by

Norman A. Deming, a leading farmer of Cornish, Sullivan County, N.H., is a native of the town. He was born July 18, 1824, son of Harvey and Eunice (Ford) Deming. His paternal grandfather, Ebenezer Deming, came to this State from Connecticut. He was a school teacher of great success, and taught for forty-six consecutive winters. Harvey Deming, son of Ebenezer, was born at Cornish, December 6, 1769. He owned a farm of four hundred acres, and carried on farming on an extensive scale, raising a large amount of stock, and producing great quantities of hay and grain. In politics he was a strong Democrat and in religious views a Baptist, and he was one of the Deacons of the church. He died in February, 1835. His wife, whose maiden name was Eunice Ford, bore the following children: John Milton, born October 27, 1799; Judah Solon, born March 10, 1801; Eliza Emily, born February 19, 1803; Harvey Ford, born June 17, 1809; Stephen Bial, born November 3, 1812; Daniel Philander, born May 3, 1816; Eunice Jane, born July 22, 1818; and Norman A., the youngest.

John Milton Deming, the eldest son, received his education in the public schools of the town of Cornish. He became a farmer, and married Charlotte Huggins, and had five children, four of whom-Harvey F., John, Emily, and Alvery O. -are living. Judah Solon became an extensive farmer, and for miles around was noted for his piety. He married Matilda Jackson, who bore him four children-M. J. Deming, Elizabeth, Bell, and Susan. Harvey Ford was educated in the town schools, and then became a school teacher. Afterward he attended the medical college at Castleton, Vt., and upon graduating settled for practice in Maine. He married Mary Lord, of Ellsworth, Me., and was the father of two children-Harvey and Mary, the former of whom was killed in the United States service while fighting the Indians, and the latter is now Mrs. Hollis Black, of Maine. Stephen Bial Deming, who also is a farmer, married Nancy Ann Fisher, Frank; Henry; Charles; Laura; Eunice; Nancy; a child that died in infancy; and Stephen, who died in 1886. Daniel Philander Deming, who was educated in the schools of Cornish and of New London, N.H., became a clergyman of the Baptist denomination, and was twice married. His first wife, formerly a Miss Clough, bore him two children. His second wife, Abbie Hardy, had one child, Carrie, who is now married, and lives with her widowed mother at Holyoke, Mass. Eunice Jane became the wife of Wesson Newcomb, and the mother of Fred W. and H. C. Newcomb. She died April 18, 1879.

Norman A. Deming when a lad was sent to the schools of his native town, and also to New Hampton. He started in life for himself as a farmer, and now owns four hundred acres, and is engaged in dairy farming. He raises large crops of hay and grain and many cattle. He has been very prominent in the public affairs of the town, and takes a deep interest in all questions touching the general welfare; has been Selectman for nine years; and has served a term as Collector of Taxes. As was his father, Mr. Deming is a strong Baptist. He is also a stanch Republican. He has been twice married. By his first wife, who was in maidenhood Lucy Ann Bartlett, he had five children-Herbert, Almina, Jennie, Harvey, and Mattie -of whom Herbert and Almina are the only ones now living. Mr. Deming’s second wife, Calista Flower Deming, has borne him three children-Victor, Harvey, and Hugh.

Mr. Deming’s son Herbert was born in Cornish, and was sent to school in that town and at Meriden, this State. After completing his education, he taught school at Cornish, at Hartland, Vt., and at Claremont, N.H.; and for three years he was in California. He is now a prosperous farmer, is Trustee for several large estates, and has been on the School Board for several years. He is a man universally respected, a member of the Congregational church, and possessor of a host of friends. He married Nellie Hilliard, daughter of Joseph L. and Mary Hilliard, and has four children-Claude and Clyde (twins), Hubert, and Jesse. Jennie Deming became a school teacher, and subsequently married Dr. O. Terry, of Bethel, Vt. Both she and her husband are now deceased. They left one daughter, Nellie E., who married James A. Graham, of Barre, Vt., and has one child, Harry J. Almina Deming married James Fitch, and has two children-Chester and Maurice. Victor, Mr. Deming’s eldest son by his second wife, married Mary Bishop, and has one little girl. He has taught school, and is now in the railroad station at Bellows Falls, Vt. Harvey married Nettie F. Merrill, and lives in Manchester, N.H. He is a wholesale and retail dealer in stone and granite. Hugh married Maizie Harris, of Fort Ann, N.Y.


Biographical Review Publishing Company. Biographical Review; containing life sketches of leading citizens of Merrimack and Sullivan counties, N. H. Boston. Biographical Review Publishing Company. 1897.

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