The Belknap County Gazette Transcriptions for Saturday August 22, 1863

The Belknap Gazette.
Laconia, N. H., Saturday August 22, 1863.
Vol. XXL….No. 21


In Bangor, Me., 10th inst. by Rev. A. ? Small

In upper Gilmanton, Jan. 29, by Rev. A. ? Smith Mr. JACOB F. BAMFORD to Miss HATTIE A ? both of Sanbornton.

Also by the same, July 11, Mr. MANUEL ROWE of Gilford to Mrs. MARY ANN STEVENS, of Chelsea, Vermont.


May 9th, in the hospital at Carrollton, La., of Typhoid fever GEORGE F. BOWERS 17 yrs. and 11 months, son of RUFUS L. and ELIZA BOWERS of Sanbornton, N.H., and a member of Co. H. 15th H. H. V. He was a noble boy and though young a good and true soldier.

In Sanbornton, Aug. 11, Mr. HARLAN P. SANBORN, aged 26, a member of the 15th Regt. N. H. V.

August 17 EMMA JANE, child of Mr. SAMUEL W. and HANNAH MORRISON, aged 11 months.

In Laconia, Aug. 13, EMERSON M. PIPER, aged 22 years and 11 months.


All persons are hereby forbidden from harboring or trusting my wife, BETSEY C. SANBORN, on my account, as I have made suitable provision for her clothing, support and maintenance.
Meredith, June 13, 1863.

JAMES B. CLAY, the degenerate son of HENRY CLAY, who some time since left his home in Kentucky and went to the South as sympathizer with the rebellion, is now at Niagara Falls, on the Canada side, where he is said to be in the last stages of consumption.

State of New Hampshire.

The Judge of Probate for said County, to the creditors and heirs at law of the Estate of NOAH B. BROWN, late of New Hampton, in said county, deceased, represented insolvent, and to all concerned:
You are hereby notified that the report of the Commissioner of Insolvency on said estate will be offered for acceptance at a Court of Probate to be held at Gilford, in the said County, on the third Tuesday of October next, when and where you may appear and shew cause, if any you have, against the acceptance of said report.
And it is ordered, That EBENEZER FISK, Administrator on said Estate give notice by causing this Citation to be published three weeks successively in the Belknap Gazette, printed at Laconia in said County, and last publication whereof to be at least thirty days before said Court, and make return hereof.
Given at Gilford, in said county, this 18th day of August, A.D., 1863.
By order.
W.L. Melcher, Register.

State of New Hampshire.

The Judge of Probate for said County, to the creditors and heirs at law of the Estate of ALONZO S. PHILBRICK, late of Meredith, in said county, deceased, represented insolvent, and to all concerned:
You are hereby notified that the report of the Commissioner of Insolvency on said estate will be offered for acceptance at a Court of Probate to be held at Gilford, in the said county, on the third Tuesday of October next, when and where you may appear and shew cause, if any you have, against the acceptance of said report.
And it is ordered that E. S. ROBINSON, Administrator on said Estate give notice by causing this Citation to be published three weeks successively in the Belknap Gazette, printed at Laconia in said County, and last publication whereof to be at least thirty days before said Court, and make return hereof.
Given at Gilford, in said county, this 18th day of August, A.D., 1863.
By order.
W.L. Melcher, Register.

Foreclosure of Mortgage

BE IT KNOWN, that on the Seventeenth day of August, A.D. 1863, I peaceably entered upon and took possession of a tract of land situated in New Hampshire, in the County of Belknap, and State of New Hamphire, containing nine acres and sixty-two square rods, and is a part of lot number twenty, in the second range of lots in said town.
Bounded as follows, viz; Beginning at the Southwesterly corner of said lot at the range way; thence running Northwesterly on the side line of said lot twenty-four (24) rods, to stake and stones standing on said line; thence turning and running North forty-one degrees; East forty-seven and one half (47 1-2) rods to the West side of the Turnpike road, allowing the road to be four (4) rods wide; thence running Southeasterly on said road thirty-four (34) rods to the range way, fifty-eight (58) rods to the bounds begun at; conveyed to me in mortgage by ROBERT MITCHELL and SUSAN MITCHELL, wife of said Robert, both of said New Hampton, by their deed dated the fifth day of October, A.D. 1857, recorded in the Belknap County Resgistry, December 3d A.D. 1857, volume 30, page 38, for condition broken and for the purpose of foreclosing the right in equity of said ROBERT MITCHELL and SUSAN MITCHELL, his said wife, or either of them, or any peson or persons claiming by, through or under them, or either of them to redeem the same; and at the same time publicly declared the purpose and object of said entry and possession.

Adminstrator Notices

Adminstrators’ Notice.
The subscriber hereby gives notice that he has been duly appointed Adminstrator of the estate of DE WITT CLINTON, late of Gilford, deceased, intestate. All persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and all having claims to present them to the subscriber for adjustment.
HUGH BLAISDELL, Administrator,
Laconia, August 18th, 1863

Adminstrator’s Notice.
The subscriber hereby gives notice that he has been duly appointed Adminstrator of the estate of ROYAL BOYNTON, late of Laconia, deceased, intestate. All persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and all having claims to present them to the subscriber for adjustment.
HUGH BLAISDELL, Administrator,
Laconia, August 18th, 1863

Administratix’ Notice.
The subscriber hereby gives notice that she has been duly appointed Adminstratrix of the estate of DANIEL HUCKINS, late of New Hampton, deceased, intestate. All persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and all having claims against the same, to present them to the subscriber for adjustment.
ABIGAIL HUCKINS, Administratrix,
New Hampton, July 21st, 1863

Executor and Executrix Notices

Executor’s Notice.
The subscriber hereby gives notice that he has been duly appointed Executor of the estate of DOROTHY PERLEY, late of Sanbornton, deceased.
All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and all having claims to present them to the subscribert for adjustment.
J.D. PIPER, Executor
Sanbornton, August 18, 1863

Executrix’ Notice.
The subscriber hereby gives notice that she has been duly appointed Executix of the estate of WILLIAM H. BERRY, late of Barnstead, deceased.
All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and all having claims to present them to the subscribert for adjustment.
Barnstead, July 21st 1863


Belknap County NH,

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