Biography of Romulus A. Lindsey

ROMULUS A. LINDSEY, a native of Todd County and an enter-prising farmer, was born September 1, 1839. He is the fourth of eleven children-four boys and seven girls-nine now living, born to John and Martha (Johnson) Lindsey,’ natives of Christian County, Ky., of Irish descent. Subject’s father is the on of Archibald and Jane (Meacham) Lindsey, son and daughter respectively of John Lindsey and John and Lucy (Brewer) Meacham. The Lindsey family first emigrated from South Carolina to Virginia, thence to Christian County, Ky., about the year 1805 or 1806, where they entered lands and endured the privations of a life in the wilderness. They were of English descent. The Meacham family came from South Carolina to Christian County about. the same time as the Lindsey family. These families established the first mills on Sugar Creek and Little River. Subject of this sketch was reared on a farm; received a fair common school education. He lived with his parents till the age of twenty-six years, when he was married, January 25, 1865, to Miss Martha E. McColpin, of Todd County, Ky., daughter of Charner and Martha (Jones) McColpin, natives of South Carolina, of German extraction. This union was blessed with three sons, namely: Frankey E., Thomas H., and John William. Mr. Lindsey takes an interest in giving his children a good common school education. Subject and wife are members of the Baptist Church. Subject’s wife’s father was a son of Joseph and Nancy McColpin. Subject, after his marriage, first located one and one-half miles east of where he now resides, on what was called the Mabery farm. In 1861 he purchased and located where he now lives, on 135 acres of land, 110 acres in a good state of cultivation, with comfortable buildings and good orchard. Is also the possessor of 180 acres two miles north of where he now lives, on which he lived about seven years. In the fall of 1883 he returned to where he is living, five miles northeast of Fairview. Subject received a legacy of $400 from his father when first married. He has by close application and industry met with uniformly good success during his life. Mr. Lindsey enlisted in defense of’ his country, August, 1862, in Company A, Eighth Kentucky, under Capt. Samuel Johnson, and Col. Bristow commanding regiment. Participated in several skirmishes, and was discharged on account of disability, May, 1863; returned to active farm life. Has several times been elected and appointed Trustee of his school district. Subject is respected as a good citizen and neighbor.



Todd County KY,

Battle, J. H. Counties Of Todd And Christian, Kentucky. Historical And Biographical. F. A. Battey Publishing Co., Chicago And Louisville. 1884. At current time this manuscript consists of only the Todd County section and a few biographies from Christian County.

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