Biography of Hazel G. Petrie

HAZEL G. PETRIE, (some of the family spell the name Petree, others as above, which is the original and correct orthography), is a descendant of Peter Petrie, who was born in Scotland, of Scotch-Presbyterian parents. When in his seventh year, Peter attended a school taught by a Presbyterian minister, somewhat distinguished for his rigid enforcement of the rules. For some real or fancied infringement of the rules of the school, the Scotch schoolmaster chastised Peter, who fled for refuge to his mother, who, unfortunately for Peter, was of the same stern stock as the schoolmaster. She accordingly administered a second whipping and started him back to school. This happened near a shipping port, and Peter, failing to find refuge in his native land, took passage on a sailing vessel which landed him in Charleston, S. C. He never again heard of his tutor, mother or any of his Scotch kin. In South Carolina Peter grew to manhood, having spent part of his youth as a soldier in the Revolutionary war. About 1783 or 1784, he married a Miss Hardwick, in Chester District, S. C. By this marriage he had two children: Hazel and Jemima. After the death of his first wife he moved to east Tennessee, where he married a Miss Wilson. He subsequently moved to Todd County, Ky., where he died in the fall of 1841, at an age between eighty and eighty-five years. His second wife died, and a few years before his own death, Peter married an old lady by the name of Franklin, who survived him several years. Jemima Petrie married Andrew Colvin. They resided in Chester District, S. C., and reared a large family of children. Hazel Petrie was born in Chester District, S. C., July 8, 1785, where he lived until he was grown. August 20, 1805, he was. married to Sallie Mobley. . In 1807, he removed with his wife and one child to Tennessee, and in 1809, he came with his wife and two children to what was then Christian County-now Todd. He lived one year near the present site of Taylor Chapel, and the next (1810), he purchased from John Gray a tract of land three miles southwest of where the town of Elkton was subsequently located. Here he lived continuously until his death, January 29, 1869. By his first wife, Hazel Petrie had borne to him twelve children: John, William, Peter Cartwright, Edward M., Mary S., Eliza J., Lucy A., Hazel G., Garland A., Richard T., Sarah A., and Henry L., all of whom lived to be grown. March 25, 1830, he was married to Paulina Kennedy. Of this marriage there were four children: James C., John Summerfield, Newton C., and Harriet N., all of whom lived to maturity. Of his sixteen children only four preceded him to the grave. He left fifty-four grandchildren, and forty great-grandchildren. He was widely known in the county; for many years was a member of the County Court, and once represented Todd County in the General Assembly of the State. H. G. Petrie was born in Todd County, July 5, 1820. He spent his early years on the farm, in the meantime gaining such education as the school at Elk-ton afforded. Later he borrowed law books and studied them at home after the work of the day. In 1844 he entered the office of Hon. F. M. Bristow, at Elkton. In 1847 he became a partner of his preceptor, a relation which continued until the death of Mr. Bristow in 1864. May 16, 1854, Mr. Petrie married Miss Mary M. Bristow, daughter of Fran-cis and Emily E. Bristow. His children by this marriage are: Emma, now wife of John F. Bell; ‘Frank (deceased 1861); Mattie, now wife of T. B. Morton, of Louisville, Ky.; Sally and Benjamin B.



Todd County KY,

Battle, J. H. Counties Of Todd And Christian, Kentucky. Historical And Biographical. F. A. Battey Publishing Co., Chicago And Louisville. 1884. At current time this manuscript consists of only the Todd County section and a few biographies from Christian County.

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