Biographical Sketch of Samuel McGehee

SAMUEL McGEHEE was born in 1826, in Louisa County, Va.; he, with his two brothers John and Thomas, alone remains of a family of nine children born to Dillard and Elizabeth (Tally) McGehee. The father was a soldier in the war of 1812; he afterward engaged in farming, and died July 18, 1853, at the age of sixty-three years. The mother died July 9, 1874, between sixty and seventy years of age. Samuel began at the age of twenty-two for himself, without pecuniary assistance, and by his energetic, industry has amassed a fine competency. He is a farmer, and owns some 700 acres of land in Bivinsville District. He was married in 1848 to Miss Jane Driskill, daughter of Joseph and Susan Driskill, natives of Kentucky and of Virginia respectively. The children of Mr. and Mrs. McGehee are: William D., John C. IL, Benjamin H. (deceased), Oscar I., Elizabeth, James H., Susan, infant (unnamed, deceased), Samuel F., Josephetta, Thomas P. and Rosa E. William Dillard died in 1870, aged twenty-two years; John C. married Martha Shelton; Oscar I. married Mary Wells; Elizabeth is the wife of Marion Poe; Susan is the wife of John Woollard. Mr. McGeehee is a member of the Christian Church and his wife of the Baptist Church. Gabriel Shelton was born April 18, 1825, in Todd County, Ky. His parents were Abraham M. and Jane (Latham) Shelton. The father was born in Pittsylvania County, Va., and the mother in Kentucky. The father was a farmer, and died March 4, 1874. The mother died September 29, 1852. Gabriel began life at the age of twenty-two, with a three-year-old colt as his sole capital. He has now 135 acres of land, about fifty acres of which are improved. He was married March 25, 1847, to Letticia Poe, of this county. Of this union nine children were born, of whom one died in infancy.



Todd County KY,

Battle, J. H. Counties Of Todd And Christian, Kentucky. Historical And Biographical. F. A. Battey Publishing Co., Chicago And Louisville. 1884. At current time this manuscript consists of only the Todd County section and a few biographies from Christian County.

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