Biographical Sketch of R. F. Bass

R. F. BASS. Among the well-to-do farmers whose solid acquirements and cordial hospitality have done so much to make the social features of the whole South celebrated, none is more worthy of honorable mention than the subject of this sketch, R. F. Bass, who was born October 24, 1844, in this county. His parents were J. C. and Sarah Bass, both natives of Kentucky. The father was a farmer. His death occur-red November 27, 1880, aged seventy-three. The mother died May 28, 1882, aged sixty-seven years. Both parents were members of the Christian Church. These parents had three children: William H., John N., and R. F., only one of whom is now living. Wm. H. died in 1853, aged twenty-two years. John N. was a graduate of Jefferson Medical Institute, Philadelphia. He had practiced medicine for twenty years, located in Elkton. He married Miss Ellen, daughter of Dr. L. B. Hick-man, of this county. Dr. Bass died July 21, 1880, aged forty-five years. At the age of twenty-two, R. F. Bass engaged in merchandising which he continued four years. Later he took to farming and stock-raising, which business he still continues with reasonable success. He now owns 400 acres of land, and is located one-half mile southeast of Kirkmansville. His home, without being pretentious, is crowned with the graces of a cultivated taste, and is the source of a genial hospitality, which, to the happy wayfarer who comes within its precincts, is “like the shadow of a high rock in a weary land.” He was married July 14, 1867, to Miss Mary J. Kirkman, daughter of John M. Kirkman, a native of Texas. This union has been blessed with one child-Ellie. Her death occurred March 21, 1873, aged five years. Mr. and Mrs. Bass are members of the Christian Church and Mr. Bass is a member of the Masonic order.



Todd County KY,

Battle, J. H. Counties Of Todd And Christian, Kentucky. Historical And Biographical. F. A. Battey Publishing Co., Chicago And Louisville. 1884. At current time this manuscript consists of only the Todd County section and a few biographies from Christian County.

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