Biographical Sketch of Charles William Ware

CHARLES WILLIAM WARE is a native of Christian County, Ky., and was born November 16, 1826. In 1827 he removed with his parents to Todd County, where he grew to manhood and has since that time had his residence; he is the son of Edmund Ware, who was born in Franklin County, Ky., in 1799, and removed to Christian County about 1820; he was married in 1824, to Miss Louisa V., daughter of Nicholas M. and Sarah T. (Bullock) Anderson, of Todd County, and from this union sprang: Sarah J. (Runyon), Charles William, Mary A. (Edmunds), Jasper A., Susan B. (Runyon), Martha G. (Dickinson), Nicholas M., and Louisa E. (Garth). Charles W. Ware was united in marriage October 9, 1861, to Miss Elizabeth V., daughter of William A. and Elizabeth B. (Saffarans) Garth, of Todd County, Ky., and this union was blessed with five children, all living, viz.: William M., born July 23, 1862; Charlie B. (Walton), June 22, 1864; Lizzie V., August 14, 1867; Edmund, February 24, 1870, and Charles Walter, March 7, 1875. Mr. Ware was reared to the mercantile business, but for the last twenty-five years has pursued the vocation of a farmer, in which he has been very successful, owning at present 800 acres of very valuable and productive land, well improved; his residence, which is near the Trenton depot, is doubtless one of the very best in Todd County. In religion Mr. Ware is a Baptist, and in politics was formerly an Old Line Whig, but at present acts with the Democratic party; he has been often urged by the people of his county to represent them in the Legislature, but never consented to offer his services. On another page will be found Mr. Ware’s portrait.



Todd County KY,

Battle, J. H. Counties Of Todd And Christian, Kentucky. Historical And Biographical. F. A. Battey Publishing Co., Chicago And Louisville. 1884. At current time this manuscript consists of only the Todd County section and a few biographies from Christian County.

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