Biography of Harry E. Floyd

Last Updated on June 2, 2011 by

Harry E. Floyd. Prior to coming to Caney, Kansas, in 1907, Harry E. Floyd had been without experience in the journalistic field. He was familiar with the business of farming, had known the cattle ranches for ten years, and for several years had been identified with mercantile affairs, but the newspaper business was one in which he had not engaged. However, since taking hold of the Caney News, Mr. Floyd has built it up to be one of the strong papers circulating in Montgomery and the surrounding counties, and that he has been able to do so may doubtless be explained by the fact that he knows his country, is well informed along general lines, possesses inherent talent for work of an editorial nature, and has within him an inexhaustible stock of energy and perseverance, these latter being very desirable and necessary qualities in the make-up of the man who would successfully conduct a public print.

Mr. Floyd was born in Chautauqua County, Kansas, February 15, 1877, and is a son of Martin Van Buren and Nancy (Steele) Floyd, and a descendant, of Scotch ancestors who emigrated to America during colonial times and were pioneers in the State of Kentucky. Martin Van Buren Floyd was born February 22, 1847, in Bond County, Illinois, and was there reared and married. He was a lad of fifteen years when he succeeded in passing the recruiting officer and enlisting for service in Company C, Twenty-Sixth Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry, during the Civil war, and subsequently fought with that command for four years. He participated in some of the hardest fighting of the war, including the engagements of Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge, and those attendant with Sherman’s March to the Sea, and at the close of the war participated in the Grand Review, at Washington, D. C. On receiving his honorable discharge, the brave young soldier returned to Bond County, where he took up the duties of farming, remaining there until 1870, in the spring of which year he came to Kansas. After a short stay in Wilson County, he found conditions not to his liking and moved on to Chautauqua County, where he became a pioneer homesteader, settling on 160 acres. This he brought under the plow, and as the years passed he added from time to time to his holdings, until he now is the owner of 720 acres, located 4½ miles southwest of Sedan. He is now retired from active pursuits, and is comfortably enjoying the rest that his labors have brought. Mr. Floyd is one of the substantial and highly respected men of his community, and has served in several local offices, among them those of justice of the peace and census enumerator. He is a republican in his political opinions. A pillar of the Baptist Church, he helped to organize the First Baptist Church at Sedan, and has steadily and generously supported its movements. His only fraternal connection is with the Knights and Ladies of Security. Mr. Floyd married Miss Nancy Steele, who was born in Illinois, in 1851, and they have been the parents of the following children: Olive, who is the wife of Bert Casement, a stockman and leading capitalist of Sedan; Dicie, who is the wife of Thomas Brunger, a prosperous agriculturist of the vicinity of Sedan; Calvin W., who carries on operations in stock at that place; Robert, who is engaged in the harness and leather goods business at Sedan; Harry E., of this review; Albert, a general merchant at Sedan; Lee, also of that place, who is a handler of live stock; Louis, twin to Lee, who is identified with the Provident Association of Topeka, Kansas, in the office of secretary; Clara, who is the wife of Ernest Bennett, a teacher in the Kansas State Normal School, at Pittsburg, Kansas; Alice, twin to Clara, who for a number of years has been a teacher in the public schools of Chautauqua County, now filling the position of deputy county treasurer, and residing with her parents; and Grace, the wife of William Kinnamon, of Sedan, assistant cashier of the State Bank of that place.

Harry E. Floyd received his education in the public schools of Chautauqua County, Kansas, which he left at the age of nineteen years, and from that time until he was twenty-one years of age resided on his father’s farm. On attaining his majority, he went into the Indian Territory and the next five years of his life were passed in connection with the cattle business there and in Oklahoma, where he gained much experience and gathered together a little capital. Returning to Kansas, he established himself in business at Sedan, and this he conducted with some measure of success until 1907. In that year Mr. Floyd came to Caney and purchased the Caney News, a paper which had been founded in 1904 by Fred C. Trillingham. This is a weekly paper circulating through Montgomery and the surrounding counties, with a large subscription list, including the most representative people of this part of the state. Under Mr. Floyd’s management, it has grown and prospered, has improved in every way, and is on a substantial financial basis. It is considered an excellent advertising medium, and is freely patronized by the merchants and professional men of Caney and the surrounding towns and villages. The News is conducted under a republican policy, but endeavors to give a fair and unbiased presentation of all the news, whether local, state or national. Aside from his business ability in making the paper a success, Mr. Floyd, in his editorial capacity, gives his readers a clean, neatly printed and well edited sheet, with pithy and timely comments upon things of moment and of interest. The offices of the plant are at No. 116 South State Street, while Mr. Floyd’s residence is at No. 417 North State Street. He is the owner of a number of city lots in Caney. Mr. Floyd is a member of the Baptist Church and a contributor to its movements. Both personally, and through the columns of his paper, Mr. Floyd supports all movements making for civic betterment and progress. He is well known in fraternal circles, belonging to Sedan Lodge No. 136, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons; Jewell Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, of Sedan; Sedan Lodge No. 141, Independent Order of Odd Fellows; Camp No. 941. Modern Woodmen of America, Caney; Caney Lodge No. 160, Ancient Order of United Workmen, and the Havana Country Club.

Mr. Floyd was married in 1909, at Sedan, Kansas, to Miss Anna Hosford, daughter of I. N. and Olive Hosford, the former of whom was a retired farmer and is now deceased, while the latter still survives and resides at Sedan. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd have one child: Engene, born August 23, 1910.



Connelley, William E. A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans. Chicago : Lewis, 1918. 5v. Biographies can be accessed from this page: Kansas and Kansans Biographies.

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