Biography of John Appley Ferrell

John Appley Ferrell, lawyer of Sedan, was representative of the Forty-ninth District in the Legislature in 1915-16 and in the general election of 1916 was elected to the State Senate. While in the Legislature he was chairman of the oil and gas committee, chairman of the library committee, and a member of the judiciary and school lands committees. He was also a member on the conference committee on appropriations and exerted a creditable influence in keeping down extravagant appriations during that session. Mr. Ferrell had had a long and active career, divided about evenly between his work as an educator … Read more

Biography of James Wilson

James Wilson. During his long residence within the borders of Chautauqua County, James Wilson had worked out an admirable destiny, and from small beginnings had drawn about him for the comfort and happiness of his later years such substantial compensations as wealth, the credit for having contributed largely to the development of the community, and the confidence and good will of his business and social associates. The major part of his attention is now devoted to his lumber business and feed mill, although he also had other business connections. James Wilson was born near the City of Glasgow, Scotland, October … Read more

Ormsby, Lewis C. – Obituary

Mr. Lewis C. Ormsby, 835, Katy St., a longtime resident of Sand Springs, died Tuesday, December 9 [1975]. He was 84 years old. Born April 18, 1891 in Sedan, Kansas, Mr. Ormsby was a retired Commander Mills employee and the founder of Water District No. 14 in 1946. He is survived by his wife Olive of the home, and one son, Gary L. Ormsby of California. Other surviving children are two daughters, Verna Ann Keef and Mrs. Clysta Jean Korich, both of California. Two brothers survived Mr. Ormsby, LeRoy Ormsby of Texas, and Alonzo Ormsby of Utah. Also surviving are … Read more

Biography of Willis Franklin Sams

Willis Franklin Sams. Neosho County figures as one of the most attractive, progressive and prosperous divisions of the State of Kansas, justly claiming a high order of citizenship and a spirit of enterprise which is certain to conserve consecutive development and marked advancement in the material upbuilding of the section. The county had been and is signally favored in the class of men who have controlled the affairs of its different communities in official capacities, and in this connection Willis Franklin Sams, commissioner of finance of Chanute, is worthy of representation as one who had served the locality faithfully and … Read more

Biography of Herbert Miller

Herbert Miller, president of the State Bank of Admire, and one of the very successful and influential farmers, bankers and business men of Lyon County, is one of the comparatively few men who have passed their sixtieth birthday and who can claim nativity in the commonwealth of Kansas. Of good English stock, of people who settled in America before the American Revolution, he was born in Osage County, Kansas, February 26, 1856. His ancestors located in the Province of New Brunswick, Canada, and it was there that his father Richard Miller was born in 1829. Shortly after his marriage he … Read more

Biography of Thomas A. Stevens, M. D.

Thomas A. Stevens, M. D. In the great majority of cases, heredity has no rights which the biographers of successful Americans, especially those of the West, feel called upon to respect. However, in shaping the course of some men it wields a distinct influence, and must be noted when the tendency born in a man is nurtured by an ever-present force in the same lines, crowding other avenues of thought and compelling devotion to a certain vocation or profession. Heredity, supplementing environment and training, has had much to do in shaping the career of Dr. Thomas A. Stevens, a leading … Read more

Biography of Thomas J. Ellis, Sr.

Since 1882 Thomas J. Ellis, Sr., has been a resident of Oklahoma, coming here in territorial days, and after many years of active connection with farming and mercantile interests he is now living retired at Ochelata at the age of seventy-nine years, having accumulated a substantial competence through the capable management of his business interests. He was born in Vernon, Kentucky, January 25, 1842, of the marriage of Thomas and Susan (Wadzle) Ellis, the former a native of North Carolina, while the latter was also a native of the Blue Grass state. Mr. Ellis acquired his education in the public … Read more

Biography of Owen C. Wasson

Owen C. Wasson. Because of the success which had attended his efforts, his commercial soundness and acumen, his spirit of public helpfulness and his good citizenship, the career of Owen C. Wasson, of Peru, offers an encouraging example of prosperity and position gained through a proper utilization of ordinary opportunities. Since entering upon his independent life, numerous vocations have attracted the activities of Mr. Wasson, but he had made steady advancement in each, and is now the proprietor of a well-established hardware and implement business at Peru and one of the city’s substantial business citizens. Mr. Wasson was born on … Read more

Biography of James Henry Powell

James Henry Powell. Chautauqua County had never had a more popular official than James H. Powell, who is now concluding his second term as sheriff. He had been a farmer, public official and prominent citizen of this section of Kansas for a quarter of a century. A noteworthy fact is that when he was re-elected in the fall of 1914 he was given the largest majority ever given a candidate for any office in Chautauqua County and carried every voting precinct. One of the valleys of the State of Tennessee had for many years been known as Powell’s Valley. The … Read more

Biography of James Otis Tulloss

James Otis Tulloss. In 1856, the year the republican party had its first presidential candidate in the field, and when the Kansas-Nebraska question was agitating the entire nation, the citizenship of this then territory acquired an important addition in certain members of the Tulloss family. It is a name therefore that had been identified with Kansas for sixty years. James O. Tulloss named above had no part in that earlier period of the family’s connection with Kansas. He represents a younger generation, and his active career had been largely confined to the past twenty years, during which time he had … Read more

Biography of Thomas E. Trigg

Thomas E. Trigg. “A map of busy life” mused the poet Cowper more than a hundred years ago, over his newspaper. The description yet holds good, a century of existence only having widened its field and strengthened its power. With its modern perfected machinery for the garnering of news, and with its vivid portrayal of the world’s happenings, it is, indeed, a map of swiftly passing events, one that had become a necessary vitalizing element and an indispensable factor of every day living. How surely the development of a newspaper in a community marks the latter’s progress. A name well … Read more

Biography of Carl Ackarman

Carl Ackarman of Sedan had justified all the predictions and wishes of his friends as to a successful career in the law. He had ability, training, industry and courage, and had handled with exceptional skill every interest entrusted to him since he opened his law office at Sedan. In 1916 he was re-elected for another term as county attorney of Chantauqua County. His first term had given such general satisfaction that he was unopposed by any candidate for re-election. Born at Moline, Kansas, January 16, 1881, he was reared in Sedan, educated in the public schools, graduating from high school … Read more

Biography of George Crook Dye

George Crook Dye. One of the representative men of Chautauqua County, Kansas, is George Crook Dye, mayor of Niotaze and proprietor of a large mercantile business there, and a bank director, and also one of the leading agriculturists of the county, profitably operating 530 acres of fine land. Mr. Dye had spent his entire life in Kansas and is devoted to her every interest. George Crook Dye was born February 12, 1879, at Niotaze, Kansas. He is the only son of his father’s second marriage, and his parents were Enoch and Mrs. Delia (Sheldon) (Pendleton) Dye. His mother was born … Read more

Biography of John C. Kirby, M. D.

John C. Kirby, M. D. For the past fifteen years the name of Dr. John C. Kirby had been increasingly identified with the best tenets of medical and surgical science in the city and vicinity of Cedar Vale. By many of the longest established and most conservative families his skill, resource and obliging temperament have come to be regarded as indispensable, and there exist many who are indebted to him for their restoration to health, happiness and usefulness. Doctor Kirby had the zeal which recognizes no limitations in his profession, and the great unrest which projects him into ever-widening channels … Read more

Biography of Harry E. Floyd

Harry E. Floyd. Prior to coming to Caney, Kansas, in 1907, Harry E. Floyd had been without experience in the journalistic field. He was familiar with the business of farming, had known the cattle ranches for ten years, and for several years had been identified with mercantile affairs, but the newspaper business was one in which he had not engaged. However, since taking hold of the Caney News, Mr. Floyd has built it up to be one of the strong papers circulating in Montgomery and the surrounding counties, and that he has been able to do so may doubtless be … Read more

Biography of W. M. Tate

For twenty-one years W. M. Tate has been engaged in farming in Nowata county, residing all of this time on his present farm of one hundred and forty acres, four and one-half miles southeast of Nowata. He was born in western Kansas on the 4th of December, 1873, a son of P. A. and Margaret (Barnes) Tate, the former a native of Kentucky and the latter of Indiana. They moved from Iowa to Kansas one year before W. M. was born and located in Lincoln county, where they lived two years. At the termination of that time they went to … Read more

Biography of H. L. Cox

H. L. Cox. For some of its best citizenship, Southeastern Kansas is indebted to the New England states. The men who have made their way from the states bordering on the Atlantic Coast who have journeyed across the country to the land of the sunflower, have displayed in their citizenship and their characters the same sterling qualities of their sturdy forbears, who, like them, braved a new and untried section, and planted the seeds that brought forth a fine civilization. Of the men of Chautauqua County who lay claim to New England birth, one who had gained success in this … Read more

Biography of Albert N. Shaver, Hon.

Hon. Albert N. Shaver. Among the public officials of Chautauqua County who are combining business activity with executive ability and thus forming qualities that make for a high order of public service, one of the men well known is Albert N. Shaver, mayor of Cedar Vale and cashier of the Dosbaugh National Bank. During Mayor Shaver’s administration much work in the nature of civic improvement had been done, and he had proved one of the best chief executives the city had known. Albert N. Shaver was born January 22, 1877, in Chautauqua County, Kansas, and is a son of Neal … Read more

Biography of John Madison Dosbaugh

John Madison Dosbaugh. Ready adaptation to opportunity, a capacity for gauging the possible value of investments and securities and the well developed speculative instinct that places the natural banker and business man in a class by himself, are factors which have directed the business and financial energy of John Madison Dosbaugh, president of the Dosbaugh National Bank of Cedar Vale, and one of his community’s leading citizens and principal landholders. Mr. Dosbaugh had been identified with the bank of which he is now the directing head for more than a quarter of a century, during which period he had aided … Read more

Biography of Herman Genthe

Herman Genthe. The oldest bakery establishment of Topeka under one continuous ownership and management is that conducted by Mr. Herman Genthe, who now had associated with him his oldest son. Mr. Genthe is a master of his trade. He learned it as a boy in Germany, where his ancestors so far as known were millers and had a great deal to do with those grains that furnish the staple food stuffs, wheat and rye. Mr. Genthe’s talent as a maker of fine bread is therefore partly an inheritance from his ancestors, though it had been developed by his individual experience … Read more