Biography of George W. Deitzler, Gen.

Gen. George W. Deitzler, one of the famous “treason prisoners” to be taken from Lawrence to Lecompton, afterward prominent in the public affairs of the Territory and State of Kansas and prominent in the Civil war, was born at Pine Grove, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, November 30, 1826. He received a common school edncation and removed to Kansas, where he became one of the prominent figures of the free-state party. He was a delegate to the Topeka convention, and in May, 1856, was one of the seven men who were arrested at Lawrence and taken to Lecompton under guard of Federal troops. They were known as the “treason prisoners” and were kept in a prison camp for several months. During the winter of 1857-58 he was a member and speaker of the Kansas House of Representatives and was re-elected. Subsequently he was elected mayor of Lawrence, and also served as treasurer of the State University. At the outbreak of the Civil war he was made colonel of the First Kansas; was seriously wounded at the battle of Wilson’s Creek, in August, 1861, and never entirely recovered. He remained in the service, however, was promoted to brigadier general, but resigned in 1863. During Price’s raid he rendered great service in protecting the border. In 1864 he was commissioned major general of Kansas militia. General Deitzler was killed by being thrown from a carriage at Tucson, Arizona, April 11, 1884.


Biography, Civil War,

Connelley, William E. A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans. Chicago : Lewis, 1918. 5v. Biographies can be accessed from this page: Kansas and Kansans Biographies.

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