Kathi Reid’s Pennsylvania Websites

Kathi Reid has placed online her websites various Pennsylvania genealogy material. This page links directly to that material. Her website contains various history and biographical material for Bucks, Butler, Centre, Clinton, Erie, Fayette, Lycoming, and Schuylkill counties as well as Pennsylvania military records.

Ancestry of Thomas Beatty Inness of Brockton Massachusetts

Old Families of Southeastern Massachusetts

Thomas Beatty Inness, of Brockton, one of that city’s enterprising and progressive citizens, is a native of Pennsylvania, born at Pottsville March 4, 1848, only son of the late James A. and Mary Williams (Beatty) Inness, and a descendant of sturdy Scotch-Irish.

Biography of George W. Deitzler, Gen.

Gen. George W. Deitzler, one of the famous “treason prisoners” to be taken from Lawrence to Lecompton, afterward prominent in the public affairs of the Territory and State of Kansas and prominent in the Civil war, was born at Pine Grove, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, November 30, 1826. He received a common school edncation and removed to Kansas, where he became one of the prominent figures of the free-state party. He was a delegate to the Topeka convention, and in May, 1856, was one of the seven men who were arrested at Lawrence and taken to Lecompton under guard of Federal … Read more

Genealogy of Henry Allen Family

V154 HENRY ALLEN: was b. about 1800 in Dublin, Ireland, and m. Mary Jane Haney, who was b. about 1814 in Germany (the exact place is not known). They came to America, settled in Pine Grove, Pa., and had the following ch.: (1) John Henry: b. 1836 and d. 1902. (2) George W. (3) William Potter. (4) Henry Clay. (5) David Bole: b. 1844 and d. 1915. (6) James Johnson. (7) Matthew Gregg: b. 1854 and d. 1923. Left an orphan at an early age, he was forced to choose a career and follow it, being unable to secure any … Read more