Biography of Richard Williams

He was County Commissioner of Ida County, Iowa, was born in Schuylkill Co., Pa., in 1845. He was the youngest child of Thomas and Margaret (Watters) Williams, natives of Cornwall, England. Richard was reared and educated in Jo Daviess Co., Illinois. In October 1864, he enlisted in Battery F, First Illinois Light Artillery, for one year, or during the war. He served principally with Battery I. He took part in the battles of Nashville, followed Hood to Eastport, Ms., where he was on garrison duty. He was honorably discharged at Chicago in August, 1865. Richard now resumed farming in Illinois. … Read more

Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania Census Records

1790 Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania Census Records Free 1790 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – Ancestry Free Trial  Hosted at Census Guide 1800 U.S. Census Guide 1800 Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania Census Records Free 1800 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – Ancestry Free Trial  Hosted at Census Guide 1800 U.S. Census Guide 1810 Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania Census Records Free 1810 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – Ancestry Free Trial  Hosted at Census Guide 1810 U.S. Census Guide 1820 Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania Census Records Free 1820 Census Form for your Research Hosted at … Read more

Biography of Charles Reynolds Love

Charles Reynolds Love. A former Topeka citizen well remembered for his activity in business and his benevolence and splendid character was the late Charles Reynolds Love. Mr. Love came to Kansas a great many years ago, and spent many years in Topeka, where he died April 15, 1910. He was of an old and prominent Pennsylvania family and was born at Newcastle in that state August 23, 1848. His parents were John Brown and Maria (Chenoweth) Love, both natives of Pennsylvania. Maria Chenoweth was the daughter of Arthur and Maria (Reynolds) Chenoweth, both of whom were natives of Virginia. This … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George H. Moser

George H. Moser, a well known and successful homeopathic physician of Arcola, was born in Auburn, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, December 19, 1859, and is the son of John Moser, a native of the same state. His mother was Alvinia Hellig, who was a descendant of Quaker ancestry. The Moser family are descendants of the Dutch, whose lineage is traced back by some of the members to Daniel Moser, who made his settlement in Pennsylvania in the year 1799. Doctor Moser came west and early in life turned his attention to the study of medicine. After a thorough preparation he entered … Read more

Tuscarora Tribe

Tuscarora Indians, Tuscarora Nation (Skurū’rěn’, ‘hemp gatherers,’ the Apocynum cunnabinum, or Indian hemp, being a plant of many uses among the Carolina Tuscarora; the native form of this appellative is impersonal, there being no expressed pronominal affix to indicate person, number, or gender). Formerly an important confederation of tribes, speaking languages cognate with those of the Iroquoian linguistic group, and dwelling, when first encountered, on the Roanoke, Neuse, Taw (Torhunta or Narhontes), and Pamlico Rivers., North Carolina.

Biography of John D. Seltzer

John D. Seltzer, now living retired at Villa Grove, spent many useful and productive years in Champaign County. These years dealt pleasantly with him and in response to his energy and good judgment rewarded him with one of the finest farms in Raymond Township, which he still owns, and he is able to look back upon his past years with a great deal of satisfaction, born of practical achievement and the performance of the many duties that are assumed by public spirited citizens like Mr. Seltzer. He is of old Pennsylvania stock and was born in Schuylkill County of that … Read more

Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania Cemetery Records

Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. Cemeteries hosted at Schuylkill County PAGenWeb Project ST. John’s Cemetery, Tombstone Photos Cemeteries hosted at Schuylkill County Pennsylvania USGenWeb Archives Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Cemetery, Frackville Bethany Methodist Cemetery Records Rush Twp. Charles Baber Pottsville – Partial listing Charles Baber Cemetery, Pottsville Christ’s Church (White Church) Rush Township Holy Trinity Ukrainian Greek Catholic Cemetery St. Clair Jacob’s Lutheran Cemetery, Pine Grove Township Kuhns and Keeny Cemetery, Swopes Valley Liberty Cemetery: Minersville Lithuanian … Read more

Biography of James H. Riggs

JAMES H. RIGGS. – One of the capable and esteemed gentlemen of Union county is named at the head of this article and is deserving of representation in the history of his county, since he has labored here with assiduity and energy for the development of the county and its resources and has manifested meanwhile both ability, sagacity, and integrity in his endeavors, being one of the leading agriculturists of the county. Mr. Riggs was born in Roachdale, Lancashire, England, on December 18, 1837, being the son of Levi and Elizabeth (Standring) Riggs, natives also of England. The father was … Read more

Biography of George W. Deitzler, Gen.

Gen. George W. Deitzler, one of the famous “treason prisoners” to be taken from Lawrence to Lecompton, afterward prominent in the public affairs of the Territory and State of Kansas and prominent in the Civil war, was born at Pine Grove, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, November 30, 1826. He received a common school edncation and removed to Kansas, where he became one of the prominent figures of the free-state party. He was a delegate to the Topeka convention, and in May, 1856, was one of the seven men who were arrested at Lawrence and taken to Lecompton under guard of Federal … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frederick Charles Deisher

Deisher, Frederick Charles; master plumber; born, Pottsville, Pa., Jan. 31, 1873; son of Wm. E. and Jane E. Smith Deisher; educated, Cleveland schools; married, Mansfield, O., June 13, 1898, Josephine Schambs; three children; for eight years F. C. Deisher Plumbing & Heating, Incorporated, Feb. 28, 1913; pres. and mgr. The Deisher Plumbing & Heating Co.; F. & A. Masons; raised Iris Lodge, No. 229, Nov. 28, 1904; Exalted Cleveland Chapter, No. 148, Cleveland, March 9, 1906; created Knight Templar in Holyrood Commandery, No. 32, Cleveland, Dec. 20, 1906; created Grand Elect Mason, 14th degree, in Eliadah Lodge of Perfection, Feb. … Read more

Kathi Reid’s Pennsylvania Websites

Kathi Reid has placed online her websites various Pennsylvania genealogy material. This page links directly to that material. Her website contains various history and biographical material for Bucks, Butler, Centre, Clinton, Erie, Fayette, Lycoming, and Schuylkill counties as well as Pennsylvania military records.

Biography of William Ernest Barker, M. D.

William Ernest Barker, M. D. Prominent among the medical men of Southeastern Kansas is Dr. William Ernest Barker, who since 1881 has been engaged in practice at Chanute. During this long period of devotion to his profession he has built up a large and representative professional business, and is justly regarded in medical circles and by the general public as a thoroughly learned, skilled and reliable physician and surgeon. Doctor Barker is a native of Birmingham, England, and a son of William and Martha (Timmins) Barker. William Barker was born in England, served in the regular army during his youth, … Read more