Biography of John Graham

JOHN GRAHAM. – The well known gentleman, whose name initiates this paragraph is both a reprsentative business man and farmer of Union county, his estate being four and one-half miles east from Elgin, where he has made a comfortable showing, while also he has dealt in real estate in this section and others, manifesting a keen judgment and practical ability that have won success. On May 24, 1853, John Graham was born in Davis county, Iowa, being the son of Jackson and Martha Graham, who were among the brave and devoted band of pioneers that crossed the dreary plains and … Read more

Biography of Tolbert T. Glenn

TOLBERT T. GLENN. – An amiable and intelligent gentleman who has wrought faithfully for the progress and development of Union county since the time that there has been a Union county, the subject of this sketch is by right entitled to representation in this history of his section, and we are pleased to accord to him space for an epitome of an interesting career that has done much for the country, both by actual endeavor and bright example, while his unqualified success demonstrates the ability with which he has wrought, being today one of the largest farmers in the valley. … Read more

Biography of Elverdo Draper

ELVERDO DRAPER. – To the leading and prominent citizen, whose name initiates this paragraph, we are pleased to accord a representation in this volume because he has manifested during the years in which he has been domiciled in Union county ability of a fine order, and because he has materially assisted in the progress of the county and substantially aided in its upbuilding, while he has developed its resources and augmented its wealth by his enterprising endeavors in his private business; and during all this commendable course there has not only been displayed a praiseworthy sagacity and integrity but a … Read more

Biography of Amelia Couch

AMELIA COUCH. – Much honor is due to the worthy lady, whose name is written above for the noble way in which she has met the burdens and hardships of life and has achieved a success that is both gratifying and praiseworthy, while she has always shown forth her characteristic goodness and sagacity, being gracious and affable in her personal walk. Mrs. Couch is the daughter of William and Rebecca Walker being born on November 25, 1838 in Bedford county, Tennessee. The parents removed to Missouri when she was very young and there she received her primary education in the … Read more

Biography of Hosmer L. Buell

HOSMER L. BUELL.-The subject of this sketch deserves to be placed in the history of Union county for various reasons. He is a man of ability, which is amply demonstrated in the fine drug business that he manipulates in the city of Elgin, where he does a thriving business. He has passed a life of great activity in various leading industries, being ever at the ehad both because of his energy and because of his fitness for that purpose. When the call came for men, brave and true, to face the cannon of the hosts of rebellion, our subject never … Read more

Biography of Joseph Anson

JOSEPH ANSON. – Across the waters of the Atlantic came the subject of this sketch to make for himself a home and a name in the foster land of his choice. Here he has done nobly in the endeavors of his life, and while he has demonstrated an ability that is commendable in the affairs of business, and uprightness and integrity in all of his ways, he has also shown in an emphatic manner his love for his country, by taking up the weapons of warfare to defend the flag and preserve intact the Union, when the dark days of … Read more

Biography of Edward P. Ashby

EDWARD P. ASHBY. – Among those who came to Union county with limited capital and have been enabled to work out here a competence for themselves, becoming prosperons and well-to-do in the goods of this world, may be mentioned the successful agriculturist and stockman whose name is at the head of this brief article and who stands to day as one of the substantial and worthy citizens of this progressive and wealthy county. At the present time Mr. Ashby owns a good farm about seven miles north of North Powder, and also a comfortable residence in the town of North … Read more

Biography of Alpheus Terwilleger

ALPHEUS TERWILLEGER. Deceased. – As a builder of Union county and a loyal and patriotic citzen, and a man of marked capabilities and stanch moral qualities, we are constrained to mentin the gentlman whose name is at the head of this article, and we grant this memoir to his name since he was richly deserving of the commendation and esteem of all of his fellows,and it is with pleasure that we announce that he enjoyed the same in generous measure. In Hamilton county, Ohio, our subject was born on April 8, 1824, being the son of Mathew and Cherlottie Terwilleger, … Read more

Biography of William M. Stoker

WILLIAM M. STOKER. – Among the enterprising and industrious stockmen and agriculturists who have been successful in their endeavors in Union county we are constrained to mention the gentleman whose name initiates this paragraph, and who is to-day one of the leaders in his line in the county. A man of good executive ability, with qualities of determination and stability, he has met the forces of the business world and there demonstrated his capabilities in a winning manner that has given him the competence of the prosperous, as well as the favor and esteem of his fellows. In Jackson county, … Read more

Biography of Joseph Shoemaker

JOSEPH SHOEMAKER, Deceased. – To the substantial and industrious citizen whose name initiates this paragraph we are pleased to grant this review of his life’s career as a memoir to his faithfulness and integrity, while he was employed in the upbuilding and advancement of the interests of his chosen county. He was a man of good ability and possessed of a moral worth which made him one of the highly respected members of society. He was born in Wayne county, Ohio, on March 31, 1834, being the son of John and Susan Shoemaker. The father was a Dunkard preacher and … Read more

Biography of William Roth

WILLIAM ROTH. – Many of the most esteemed and thrifty citizens of our land have come from Germany, whence also came the subject of this sketch, and as is customary with that worthy race of people, Mr. Roth has ever displayed a talent for business and a vigor in prosecuting the same that have placed him among the heaviest property owners of the county, and as a leader in his line of industry, that of designer and builder, while also he has handled successfully a number of ventures in real estate and in the stock business that have resulted in … Read more

Biography of George W. Ruckman

GEORGE W. RUCKMAN. – One of the men who have been in the front rank of progress and aiding the advancement of the interests of the county of Union, is mentined above, and it is right to remark that Mr. Ruckman has been a leader in several distinct ines of industry in the county, having made a record of success in each one that s enviable and gratifying, and it is a matter of compliment to the county that she is the possessor of one who has ability to manipulate in such worthy manner various industries, each one of which … Read more

Biography of James A. Russell

JAMES A. RUSSELL. – A well-known and esteemed member of the business world of Island City, where he operates a butchering establishment and also handles much stock, the subject of this article is deserving of representation in this volume, since he is not only now one of the prominent men of the county but has spent practically all of his life in this valley and has labored with zeal for the advancement of its interests. James A. was born on September 23, 1861, in Linesville, Iowa, being the son of Thomas J. and Savannah C. (Atha) Russell, who started the … Read more

Biography of John W. Murphy

JOHN W. MURPHY. To the active, enterprising and intelligent citizen, esteemed pioneer, and stanch representative of our free institutions, whose name initiates this paragraph, we accord a space in these abiding chronicles of Union county, with pleasure, because he has been a prominent figure in the development of the county’s interests and the advancement of its welfare, since the very first days of its settlement and ahs always stood for the cause of substantial improvement and the exemplification of sound principles in both personal endeavor and in the manipulation of public affairs. Mr. Murphy was born in Franklin, Ohio, on … Read more

Biography of Samuel A. Pursel

SAMUEL A. PURSEL. – Union county’s list of business men comprises a wide awake and energetic class that has wrought well for the advancement of the county and among the number are some that have manifested extraordinary ability in financiering and in manipulating the resources of the county. One of this distinguished number is the gentleman, of whom we have the pleasure now to write, and his enterprise and industry have been well known for a third of a century in the walks of business life in this country, while his capabilities have been shown to be second to none … Read more

Biography of William W. Randall

WILLIAM W. RANDALL is one of the early pioneers of the country now embraced in Union county, and he has spent much of his life here, having gained a good distinction in two different lines. He is now one of the substantial agriculturists of the county, and in earlier days he spent many years in the calling of the educator with marked success. William W. was born in Indiana, on October 28, 1852, being the son of Abraham and Lucinda (Olophant) Randall. The family removed to Iowa in 1853, settling in Marshall county, where they were called to mourn the … Read more

Biography of John J. Peebler

JOHN J. PEEBLER. – Among the very first settlers of the Grande Ronde valley, if not the first actual one to begin residence here, we mention the esteemed gentleman and worthy pioneer whose name appears above, and who has been identified with the interests of Union county since its organization and with this section before Union county was in existence, laboring ever for the promulgation of sound principles and the inauguration of good government and the material progress and substantial improvement of both his state and county. John J. Peebler was born to Samuel C. and Dorothy Peebler in Jefferson … Read more

Biography of Elijah W. Oliver

ELIJAH W. OLIVER. – One of the land kings of Union county, the subject of this sketch, has wrought his magnificent success in our midst by honest endeavor directed by consummate skill in financiering and untiring attention to the business in hand,and it is very gratifying to note, that Mr. Oliver is practically a product of our county, being educated in its schools and having his life directed by the influences brought to bear here, while his estimable moral qualities do credit to him in all his enterprises. Mr. Oliver was born in Marion county,Iowa, on September 1, 1857, being … Read more

Biography of Hiram W. Oliver

HIRAM W. OLIVER. – It is with pleasure that we are enabled to grant to the esteemed pioneer and capable citizen whose name is at the head of this article a representation in the history of the county of Union, where he has labored long and faithfully, both for its advancement and development and for the successful culmination of his various business enterprises, wherein he has demonstrated a consummate wisdom in handling the raw resources of the wild country and in subduing it and bringing forth the wealth that lay wrapped in its coffers of natural stores, while also he … Read more

Biography of Hannah Palmer

HANNAH PALMER. – The venerable and esteemed lady, whose name appears at the head of this article, is one of the well-known persons of Lagrande, having lived here since the early infancy of the town; in fact, owning the land upon which the town is built, and having faithfully done her share in the noble work of making Union county what it is now, while she has always manifested the graciousness and discretion, which so becomingly characterize her, ever maintaining a high sense of her stewardship. In Delaware county, Pennsylvania, on April 7, 1814, Hanna Palmer was born to John … Read more