Biography of A. F. Wohlenberg, M. D.

Dr. Wohlenberg, a practicing physician and surgeon of Kendrick, is a native of Lyons, Iowa, born April 27, 1862. As the name indicates, he is of German descent. His parents, Ludwig A. and Maria (Vollbehr) Wohlenberg, were both natives of the Fatherland and came to America during their childhood. After their marriage they located on the farm where Ludwig Wohlenberg is now living, retired from active business life, enjoying the handsome competence which came to him as the result of arduous toil in former years. He has held various township offices, discharging his duties in a most acceptable manner, and … Read more

Biography of Peter S. Beck, M. D.

The physician wields an influence in any community which is peculiarly strong, because it is based on relations with the general public more intimate than those of almost any one else, and any good physician who is at the same time a good man may continue to broaden and deepen this influence to the end of his days. These reflections have been suggested by the success of Dr. Peter S. Beck, ex-mayor of Genesee, Idaho. Dr. Beck is a Homeopathic physician, and Homeopathy is gaining in popularity, but that does not fully account for his success, for he has carried … Read more

Biography of Carmel C. Carpenter

One whose faith in the magnificent agricultural possibilities of Idaho was such as to lead him to become identified with this great basic industry is Carmel C. Carpenter, who is one of the prominent and representative farmers of Latah county. Results have amply justified his confidence, and he today maintains his residence on his fine farm, which is located seven and one-half miles south of the thriving town of Moscow. Mr. Carpenter is a native of the state of Iowa, having been born in Dubuque County, on the 27th of April 1845. His lineage traces back to stanch old English … Read more

Biography of Samuel O. Tannahill

Samuel O. Tannahill, of the law firm of Tannahill & Tannahill, of Lewiston, is a native of Iowa, his birth having occurred in Van Buren County, that state, August 10, 1868. In colonial days the family was founded in New England, and the great-grandfather of our subject, Henry W. Tannahill, was one of the heroes of the Revolution, valiantly fighting for the independence of the nation. He afterward became one of the pioneer settlers of Ohio, and there occurred the birth of Henry and John L. Tannahill, the former the grandfather, the latter the father of our subject. When a … Read more

Biography of Carter W. Burns

Among the public officials of Elmore county is Carter W. Burns, of Mountain Home, who is now acceptably serving as sheriff. His entire life has been spent west of the Mississippi, his birth having occurred in Jackson county, Iowa, on the 5th of April 1856. The family is of Scotch descent and was early founded in the state of Missouri, the paternal grandfather of our subject having taken up his residence there when the region was an almost unbroken wilderness Jerome Samuel Burns, the father of our subject, was born in Missouri and wedded Miss Mary Kuntz, a native of … Read more

Biography of Joel M. Walker

In all the walks of life Captain Joel M. Walker has so acquitted himself as to be regarded as a most valued and honorable citizen, and as a representative business man and a leader ni political circles he well deserves mention among the prominent residents of Idaho. Through the civil war he loyally served his country upon the field of battle, and has ever discharged his duties of citizenship with marked promptness and fidelity. It is pleasing indulgence to write the biography of a man who has been so prominent in the civil and military affairs of the nation as … Read more

Biography of Ed. F. Winn

No work that might attempt to tell the story of the settlement and civilization of Idaho would be complete if it should contain no account of the hard, brave work performed by Deputy Sheriff and Deputy United States Marshal Ed. F. Winn, in ridding the country of the gangs of thieves, cut-throats and outlaws that once infested it. A book devoted to the exploits of Winn and other Federal and civil officers in this part of the country would be of thrilling interest. Ed. F. Winn is a native of Brownsville, Pennsylvania, and was born October 29, 1857. His parents, … Read more

Biography of Staas Spekker

As his name indicates, Staas Spekker, of Lewiston, the well known assessor and tax collector of Nez Perces county, is of German birth, one of the representative citizens that the Fatherland has furnished to the New World. The German element is an important one in our national existence, for its men of sterling worth, of enterprise and perseverance, have done much to promote the industrial, commercial and professional interests of the land. In his business career Mr. Spekker has manifested the sterling character of his race, and is regarded today as one of the valued citizens of northern Idaho. He … Read more

Biography of William H. B. Crow

William Henry Byron Crow was born in Greene county, Illinois, June 16, 1S52, and came of English ancestors who emigrated to America before the Revolution. His paternal great-grandfather was born at Bennineton, Vermont, III 1754 and with his son, Mr. Crows grandfather, went to Ohio in 1818, where the elder Crow died in 1844 aged, ninety years. Stephen Crow, father of William H. B. Crow, was born in New York in 18 16, and was two years old when the family removed to Ohio. He married Miss Elizabeth Prater, a native of Indiana, born in 1823, who was brought up … Read more

Biography of Charles Daniel Ise

Charles Daniel Ise, a prominent lawyer and now county attorney of Montgomery County, had an individual record worthy of mention in this history of Kansas, and also represents a family which have many claims to distinction, some of them gained in this state, and others back in the Germen fatherland where the ancestors for generations were of the nobility. In Germany the name was spelled Eisenmenger. The family seat for generations had been in the Kingdom of Wnerternberg, and they had been members of the noble classes in that kingdom from the fourteenth century. One of the family was hero … Read more

Biography of Peter J. Holohan

The gentleman whose name appears above claims distinction as having been one of the first settlers at Wallace, Idaho, and as a member of the firm of Holohan & McKinlay, dealers in tobacco and cigars, he is recognized as one of the prominent business men of that city. He is a native of Hardin county, Kentucky, and is a son of Michael and Ann (Welsh) Holohan, natives of Ireland, who came early in life to the United States and met and married here, settling in Kentucky about 1850. Michael Holohan died in Idaho, in 1880, aged about fifty years, and … Read more

Biography of L. C. Eastman

The quality of a man’s manhood has everything to do with not only the degree but with the quality of his success. In point of magnitude a man’s success may be great, but it may be of a character pitifully weak, if not dangerous to the public weal. The sold, substantial, honest and admirable success which brings a man not only money but the respect of his fellow men is the kind of success that has crowned the endeavors of the man whose name appears as the title of this article. L. C. Eastman, postmaster at Soda Springs, Idaho, and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of F. C. Hoyt

F. C. Hoyt. As a banker in Oklahoma and Southern Kansas F. C. Hoyt is widely known and his financial ability united with his conservative judgment has placed him in the front rank of bankers in the two states. He is now a resident of Wichita and president of the Union State Bank of that city. Though born in Keokuk County, Iowa, in 1873, Mr. Hoyt was brought by his parents in 1876 to Portis, Osborne County, Kansas, and thus grew up to imbibe the spirit and atmosphere of Kansas life. His education came partly from public schools and partly … Read more

Biography of Charles S. Elliott

Charles S. Elliott. Some of Topeka’s most valuable citizenship had been furnished by the Elliott family during the past forty years. One of them was the late George N. Elliott, who was prominent as a lawyer and at one time filled the office of probate judge in Shawnee County. Mr. Charles S. Elliott, son of Judge Elliott, was for some years connected with the work of the first State Railway Commission of Kansas as its secretary, had been active in business affairs at Topeka for many years, and only recently retired from the office of president of the Topeka Commercial … Read more

Biography of William Woodward

One of the pioneer settlers of Franklin, Oneida county, Idaho, and a farmer of the above state, William Woodward, was born on the 4th of January, 1833, in Bushey, Hertfordshire, England. He received a common-school education in his native village. In 1845 he removed to Watford, and there he heard Mormonism by a blacksmith, Richard B. Margetts, and he was baptized June 21, 1848. He soon became anxious to join his coreligionists in Salt Lake valley, then in upper California. In January 1850, Mr. Woodward sailed from Liverpool, England, on the ship Argo, Captain Mills, with four hundred Latter Day … Read more

Biography of Otho Eckersley

OTHO ECKERSLEY. – Among the successful and enterprising agriculturists of Union county there must not be failure to mention the esteemed pioneer whose name is at the head of this article, and who has demonstrated his substantial qualities in this county, gaining here a success that is both gratifying and commendable, while he has also exemplified the virtues of good citizenship and the qualities of a true and upright man. Many of our most thrifty and leading population came from the land with which we are most intimately connected, England, and there was born the subject of this sketch on … Read more

Biography of John R. Kellogg

JOHN R. KELLOGG. – No compilation that purports to give representation to the leading men of Union county would be complete were there failure to incorporate therein an epitome of the career of the venerable and esteemed gentleman whose name is at the head of this article and who has the distinction of being among the very first dauntless men who made permanent settlement in this favored section, and who is no less distinguished by his faithful labors in all the long years since that have resulted so well in the development and progress of Union county, as well as … Read more

Biography of William L. Fugate

WILLIAM L. FUGATE. – The well known and representative citizen whose name is at the head of this article is one of the men who have wrought assiduously for the advancement of Union county and especially of the section where he has been domiciled, being one of the leading citizens of Summerville, where he holds the responsible position of justice of the peace, and also operates a collection agency as well as attending to much business as an underwriter, being one of the highly respected and highly esteemed men of the town. Mr. Fugate was introduced to this life on … Read more

Biography of D. B. Hendricks

D.B. HENDRICKS. – The well-known merchant and financier, whose name initiates this paragraph, is one of the representative business men of Elgin, and indeed of union county, doing at the present time a large and lucrative business in general merchandise, while in all his career he has displayed a breadth of comprehension and aggressiveness that, coupled with a conservative policy and dominated by keen practical judgement and sagacity, have made him the master of hte enterprises that have been taken up by him, while also he has maintained an untarnished repuation and is one of the prominent men of our … Read more

Biography of Thomas Higginbotham

THOMAS HIGGINBOTHAM – The representative and well known gentleman whose name appears at the head of this article has been a resident of Union County for more than a score of years, and he is to-day numbered with the most substantial and influential citizens here, and his home place, a farm two miles northwest from Elgin, displays industry and thrift, coupled with which are his stanch qualities of worth and moral excellence. On March 17, 1856, in Wayne county, Kentucky, our Subject was born to James and Priscilla (Cullum) Higginbotham, natives also of the Blue Grass State. In 1863 the … Read more