Biography of Hannah Palmer

Last Updated on April 1, 2012 by

HANNAH PALMER. – The venerable and esteemed lady, whose name appears at the head of this article, is one of the well-known persons of Lagrande, having lived here since the early infancy of the town; in fact, owning the land upon which the town is built, and having faithfully done her share in the noble work of making Union county what it is now, while she has always manifested the graciousness and discretion, which so becomingly characterize her, ever maintaining a high sense of her stewardship.

In Delaware county, Pennsylvania, on April 7, 1814, Hanna Palmer was born to John and Beulah (Walter) Palmer, and in her native place she was well educated in a good academy, remaining also in that county until the year 1857, in which season she removed to Iowa. Seven years were spent in that state and in 1864, she endured the hardships of the arduous trip across the plains to the Grande Ronde valley. They settled at Lagrande, purchasing the land where a portion of the town stands. They gave their attention to farming, and it seemed that all things assisted in their prosperity, because of the excellent wisdom that was displayed in their ways. At the present time, our subject is residing with her son, Joseph, who is one of the most prominent and able business men of the county, being a stockholder in the electric light plant and in the leading bank of Lagrande, besides owning much other valuable property. In 1824, or the year following, our subject had the pleasure of shaking hands with that noble patriot, Lafayette, remembering him well, and also she stood on the Brandywine battle ground. She has also stood in the spot where the Declaration of Independence was signed. In 1835, our subject was married to Robert H. Palmer, son of Joseph and Mary (Hall) Palmer. Mr. palmer died September 30, 1901, being eighty-nine years of age. In 1871 Mrs. Palmer went back to Pennsylvania, staging to Kelton, Utah, and thence by rail. She returned one year later. In 1889 she and her husband made a trip to their old home in the Keystone State. She is now one of two who are living in the generation of her own and her husband’s families. Mrs. Palmer has the distinction of riding on the very first railroads built in the United States. She has become the mother of the following children: Beulah, wife of F. Newlin, living in Lagrande; Joseph, married and living in Lagrande; John, deceased, but leaving five children, who are living in Baker City; Anna E., wife of A. Jones, living in Lagrande and the mother of four children: Lydia, wife of B.W. Grandy, living in Lagrande, and having six children: Charles L., living in Baker City; Frank, married, and living in Portland and the father of two children: Emma, wife of C.V. Harding, having seven children. Mrs. Palmer is the recipient of the esteem and love of all who know her, both because of her faithful labors and because of her real worth.



An Illustrated history of Union and Wallowa Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Western Historical Pub. Co., 1902.

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