Biography of Albert Ohms

ALBERT OHMS. – The well-kept and carefully tilled farm of the subject of this sketch, with its excellent improvements of fine house, commodious barn, substantial outbuildings, and other evidences of thrift, taste, and industry, all handled with a discerning sagacity and practical judgment, testify eloquently of the substantiality and skill of our subject and give abundant proof that he is one of the most prudent and skillful and successful agriculturists of our county, and it is with pleasure that we grant him a representation among the leading citizens of Union county. On June 14, 1849, in Germany, Albert Ohms was … Read more

Biography of John W. Minnick

JOHN W. MINNICK. – In the person of the subject of this sketch we have one of the leading men of Union county, both in matters of business and of prominence in development and progress of that which is for the interests of all citizens. Forceful, energetic and wide awake, he has made his influence felt not alone in the enterprises of business where he is universally successful, but also in the conventions and newspapers of the county, being recognized as one of the most vigorous and telling local writers of the county, thus casting an influence that is both … Read more

Biography of Charles A. Karlan

Charles A. Karlan. Though comparatively a newcomer in Kansas, Mr. Karlan in a few years has made a record of practical accomplishment and a reputation for himself such as few who have spent their entire lives within the state’s borders have been able to attain. He is an artist in furniture. The making of high grade furniture has been a specialty of his for many years, and it was in 1905 that he came to Topeka and set up his establishment in that line. It is no disparagement to other similar concerns to state that his is the largest and … Read more

Biography of Oliver Franklin Winner

Oliver Franklin Winner. The excellent business standing of Oliver Franklin Winner rests upon many years of connection with agricultural affairs in Shawnee County, where he is still the owner of a large and valuable property. Particularly is he known as an authority upon the subject of alfalfa growing, to which he has devoted many years of study and investigation. Mr. Winner is an Illinoisan by nativity, and was born at Belvidere, Boone County, in 1859, being a son of Martin W. Winner. Martin W. Winner was born in New York, from which state he emigrated as a young man to … Read more

Biography of William P. Bowen

William P. Bowen. For thirty years or more the name Bowen has been extensively associated with milling industries in Southern Kansas. William P. Bowen owns the only flour and feed milling enterprise at Independence, and this was established by himself and his father a great many years ago in connection with several other mills of the same kind located in other parts of the state. Mr. Bowen is not only a business man but a citizen well known throughout Montgomery County. He has filled the post of mayor of his home city, and has done much to advance community welfare. … Read more

Biography of Peter Heil

Peter Heil, now living retired at Topeka, was born in Jefferson County, New York, December 9, 1840. When sixteen years of age he moved with his father, John Peter Heil, to Buchanan County, Iowa. His mother’s maiden name was Louisa Bueling, and she died when her son Peter was six years old. His parents were natives of Germany, and came to the United States separately as young people, being married in New York State. When in his native state, Peter Heil attended district school for a few months, but after the removal of his people to the West his help … Read more

Biography of Aaron B. Perine

Aaron B. Perine. One of the few remaining of the old pioneers of Kansas. Aaron B. Perine, of Topeka, came to this state sixty-three years ago, and has been a permanent resident of Kansas since 1854, except for the two years he was out of the state. In the early days he was engaged in work among the Indians for the Government, later turned his attention to the blacksmithing trade, and for many years now has been at the head of the successful Perine Plow Works. He was born at Dansville, Livingston County, New York, May 4, 1836, and is … Read more

Biography of John L. McKinnis

JOHN L. McKINNIS. – This prominent and representative citizen of Union county is one of the leading agriculturists of this section, as well as being one of the most successful business men, having demonstrated his ability in the realms in which he has wrought in such a decided manner that he has placed his name rightly among the distinguished manipulators of industrial affairs in the eastern part of the state, while commensurate with this brilliant display is the stanch character of worth of which he is possessed, and the sterling qualities of moral distinction which characterize his entire walk. John … Read more

Biography of William McIlroy

WILLIAM McILROY. – The active and capable gentleman whose name appears above, is one of Union county’s progressive and enterprising stockmen and agriculturists, having wrought here as well as elsewhere with display of ability and sagacity that commend him to all lovers of thrift and industry and which have resulted in the accumulation of a goodly portion of property and the placing of our subject among the most prominent and influential men of this section, while his integrity and uprightness are commensurate with his other characteristics. Iowa City, Iowa, is the birth place of our subject, and July 27, 1861, … Read more

Biography of Elias Kuhn

ELIAS KUHN. – The venerable pioneer of whom we now have the pleasure of speaking is an esteemed member of society and one of the real builders of Union county, being a worthy member of the sturdy men who drew a halt on the immigrant road here in 1862, since while time his toil and sagicity have been displayed here in a commendable manner and much credit is due him for the praiseworthy labors that he has performed in these years, while his record in long and faithful pilgrimage is untarnished and his example has been an exemplary one. In … Read more

Biography of Allen Long

ALLEN LONG. – The agricultural population of Union county is well known for their progressiveness and enterprise, and one of this capable number is mentioned at the head of this article and it is with pleasure that we accord to him a representation in this volume, since he is one of the builders of the county and has manifested that broad public spirit in all of his ways that makes the loyal and up-to-date man, while his sagacity and uprightness have no less been displayed. Our subject was born in Noble county, Indiana, on May 5, 1851, being the son … Read more

Biography of Edward A. Wills

EDWARD A. WILLS. – The subject of this brief article came to Union county possessed of but little goods of this world but endowed with a rich capital of courage, stability, and pluck, and with heart and hands to take hold of whatever opportunity opened to make a good success. Here he has found that which he sought, and from the possessor of limited capital he has, by his good financiering, connected with equal executive ability and wise management secured for himself a gratifying competence and placed his name among the most substantial citizens of the county, while also he … Read more

Biography of Egbert B. Van Der Meuen

EGBERT B. Van Der MEUEN, Deceased. It is quite within the province of this work to add a memoir of the faithful and capable gentleman whose name is at the head of this page, since he was one who labored assiduously here for the advancement of the interests of Union county, demeaning himself, meanwhile, with exemplary wisdom and the characteristic energy and progressiveness that were part of his development and which also aided him in the accomplishment of the success that he carved out here by labor and skill, both worthy and good. In the noted little Anglo Saxon kingdom … Read more

Biography of John A. Wagner

JOHN A. WAGNER. Deceased- In the person of the esteemed gentleman whose name is at the head of this article we have one of the first of Union county’s settlers and a man who bore the brunt of assisting to open upthis section for the settlement of man and in developing the same, while he was ever enterprising and progressive, both in his private business operations as well as in the interests of the welfare of the county at large, and it is eminently fitting that a memorial be accorded to him in these abiding chronicles of our county, where … Read more

Biography of James Webb

JAMES WEBB. – To the industrious and progressive agriculturist and stockman, whose name initiates this paragraph, we are pleased to accord a representation in this volume of chronicles of Union county, since he is one of the substantial citizens of the county, having wrought out here a commendable success in the vocations which he follows, while his uprightness and integrity have won for him the confidence of the entire community. Born to John and Arminda (McKinnis) Webb, in Wapello county, Iowa, on January 2, 1874. James knew nothing of a father’s guiding hands, as John Webb died in March of … Read more

Biography of Sumner W. Dee

Mr. Dee is the only clothing merchant who deals exclusively in everything that pertains to men’s and boys’ wearing apparel in the city of Caldwell. He was born in Holton, Jackson County, Kansas, November 26, 1862, and is a son of Chester Dee, of Burlington, Vermont whose ancestors settled in Virginia in 1620. He is a direct descendant of the first colonial governor of Vermont, and members of the family were prominent in the early history of the colonies and in the Revolutionary war. His grandfather, when a boy, saw the battle at Ticonderoga. Mr. Dee married Miss Elizabeth Blake, … Read more

Biography of John C. Callahan

In any community, east or west, the man who is for any considerable time kept in public office is one who has proven himself zealous and efficient in the discharge of duties devolving upon him in official position. It is the old story, many times repeated, of “faithfulness in small things.” These reflections have been encouraged by contemplation of the successful career of one of the prominent officials of Kootenai County and the first judicial district of Idaho. John C. Callahan was born in Massachusetts, January 28, 1859, a son of John and Hannah (Tuohey) Callahan, natives of Ireland, who … Read more

Biography of Charles C. Rich

Pioneer of Utah, California and Idaho, Charles C. Rich figured prominently in the early development of these states, and took an active part in furthering the welfare and promoting the progress of the commonwealths. He was also a most able exponent of the faith of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and with a colony of believers he founded the beautiful and thriving little city of Paris, the County of Bear Lake, Idaho, and the Mormon colonies of southeastern Idaho. A native of Kentucky, Mr. Rich was born in Campbell County, in 1809, and was of English … Read more

Biography of Alexander D. McKinlay

The west is peopled with brave men, as men’s bravery is measured, but it has some notable citizens whose experiences extend back into the days of constant adventure and ever present peril. Could the exploits and dangers of such men of the west be written down and put into book form, they would form a series of narratives of more absorbing interest than the most exciting romances of western life and adventure that have ever been penned. A fair representation of this class is Alexander D. McKinlay. He is a son of Henry and Barbara Clarke McKinlay, natives of Scotland, … Read more

Biography of James Hutchinson

Many theories have been advanced as to the best method of winning success, but the only safe, sure way to gain it is by close application, perseverance and careful consideration of the business problems that are continually arising. Investigation will show that the majority of men who have started out in life with little or no capital and have won a competency if not wealth, have to attribute their prosperity to just such causes, and it is those elements which have made Mr. Hutchinson one of the leading business men of his state. He is now superintendent of the Trade … Read more