Biography of Tolbert T. Glenn

TOLBERT T. GLENN. – An amiable and intelligent gentleman who has wrought faithfully for the progress and development of Union county since the time that there has been a Union county, the subject of this sketch is by right entitled to representation in this history of his section, and we are pleased to accord to him space for an epitome of an interesting career that has done much for the country, both by actual endeavor and bright example, while his unqualified success demonstrates the ability with which he has wrought, being today one of the largest farmers in the valley.

In Wapello, Iowa, on June 22, 1844, there was born to William S. and Maria (Yates) Glenn the subject of this sketch. The father was a merchant for a time in Pleasantville, Iowa, but in 1862 brought his family across the plains to the Grande Ronde valley. He took up land from the government near Summerville and devoted his attention to freighting and also to farming his land. He handled goods from Portland and Umatilla to the mines of Idaho. In 1871 he removed to Malheur City and engaged in the mercantile business, starting later the town of Plannville, Oregon. On May 9, 1900, in Vale, Oregon, the father died, and the mother had died previously in the east, the date being 1849.

Our subject attended school in Iowa and after coming to the Grande Ronde valley, and here also worked with his father in freighting until 1868, when he took land for himself one and one-half miles west from Summerville, and there gave his attention to raising the fruits of the field and handling stock. From that time until the present he has steadily pursued his way, constantly gaining, and today he is one of the largest farmers in the county. He owns fourteen hundred and forty acres of land, one thousand of which is under cultivation. He also has some good horses and cattle, the latter being Durham and Shorthorn.

In the Grande Ronde valley on September 20, 1868, Mr. Glenn married Miss Sarah, daughter of Henry and Louisa Meyers, natives respectively of North Carolina and Maryland. Eight children have been born to them, as follows: C. Edwin, in Wallowa; William, at Sand Ridge; Arthur; Guy, at school; Williard B., deceased; and Hattie, Daisy, Minnie, Myra, at home. While Mr. Glenn ahs never sought for preferment in the field of politics, he has manifested the interest that is becoming, having given his service as road supervisor and director in the school district. He is residing on the farm that he took up in the early times of the settlement of the valley and his success is full and complete, because of his continuity, his thrift, his ability and his enterprise, which have been manifested constantly in his career, while commensurate therewith is the amiable and upright demeanor that has constantly characterized him.



An Illustrated history of Union and Wallowa Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Western Historical Pub. Co., 1902.

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