Biography of Lorenzo Bacon

Last Updated on February 19, 2013 by

Who can estimate the labor performed, the hardship endured and the deprivations to those that first opened up this section of the country for their fellows and for the advent of civilization? All praise to men and women who leave pleasant homes in the east, cross the weary plains to settle in the wilds of nature and build homes for themselves. Of this worthy number, especial mention must be made of the distinguished gentleman whose name heads this paragraph, and who was one of the earliest settlers, if not the first settler, on Lost Prairie, in the northern part of Wallowa county. And it is with pleasure that we accord a representation to him in the history of the county, because he has labored assiduously and constantly since his advent here for the development of the same, manifesting meanwhile qualities of endurance and skill that have commended him to his fellows, while his sound principles, his uprightness, his integrity, and geniality have stamped him as one of the most prominent men of this section.

Upon, December 23, 1858, at Pleasant Grove, Minnesota, Lorenzo Bacon first saw the light of the sun, being the son of Rion H. and Clarasa Bacon. The early days of his childhood were spent in his native place and it was in 1859 that he accompanied his parents to Wisconsin. In 1870 they removed to Calhoun county, Iowa, and in 1879 went thence to Phillips county, Kansas, having stopped awhile in the meantime in Nebraska. In these various places, our subject gained a good education from the schools and learned also the art of agriculture. It was in 1882 that he gathered altogether and came by wagon, in company with his parents, across the plains from Kansas to Baker City, arriving in December. On November 13, 1883, they went to Union county, from Baker City. In January, 1884, our subject came with pack animals across the mountains into the Wallowa valley, exploring the various portions of the county and looking for a stock ranch: he settled upon the place where he now lives, three miles north of Arko and seven miles northwest of Flora. The following spring, his parents joined him and since that time they have lived at his place. The farm is well improved, having a ten room dwelling, large barn and other necessary buildings, and is tilled in a very commendable manner.

On December 1, 1897, the marriage of Mr. Bacon and Hattie, a native of Wisconsin, and an adopted daughter of John and Mary Rogers, was solemnized, and to bless this happy union, two children have been born. Amy D. and Benjamin C. Mr. Bacon has steadily pursued his way since coming to the county, gaining the proper meed of industry and thrift in a good holding of property consisting of his lands, buildings and stock, while his integrity and uprightness have commended him to his fellows and he stands as one of the prominent men of the community to-day.

Our subject’s father is a native of New York, born in October 1822, and came to California in 1849, and there superintended the erection of the first building in Sacramento. The mother was born in New York on December 14, 1840, and they both live with their son.



An Illustrated history of Union and Wallowa Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Western Historical Pub. Co., 1902.

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