Biography of Mark E. Winings

MARK E. WININGS, The proprietor of the undertaking parlors at 1610 Main Street in Elwood, Mr. Winings is a young business man whose conscientious work in his profession has been much appreciated in Elwood, where he has been a resident for the past ten years, and has enjoyed a progressive success in his business, He was born, reared and spent most of his life in Indiana, and Mr. Winings has enjoyed probably a larger share of world travel than any of his contemporaries in business at Elwood, and his career has had many diversified and interesting experiences. He was born … Read more

Biography of Hon. John Larue Forkner

HON. JOHN LARUE FORKNER, As a volume of biography on Madison County would hardly be complete without the name of John L. Forkner, who as supervising editor of the present history is naturally modest concerning his own life record, the publishers take upon themselves the responsibility for the preparation and publication of the following sketch of a man who has been known in Madison County for nearly fifty years, and in many important relations with the business and civic life of his home city of Anderson and the County of Madison. John LaRue Forkner was born near the village of … Read more

Biography of Weems Bronnenberg

WEEMS BRONNENBERG. Agricultural methods have changed very materially during the past several generations, and now that progression among the farmers has become a vital national issue there is every reason to suppose that still further advance will be made along all lines, Interurban service, the telephone and the automobile, with the consequent bettering of the roads on account of the increased popularity of the last- named, have brought the farmers much closer together and have placed them in close touch with the centers of activity, and the man today who devotes himself to the cultivation of the soil finds himself … Read more

Biography of William Butler Bronnenberg

Henry Bronnenberg

WILLIAM BUTLER BRONNENBERG. Success has amply attended the efforts of William Butler Bronnenberg, who has devoted himself with diligence and energy to the farming business all his life, Few men in this community have surpassed or equaled him in his accomplishments in the field of agriculture, and he is representative of the best and most progressive class of farming men in the County and state today, Beginning with little or nothing, Mr. Bronnenberg is today the owner of something like 250 acres of the most fertile land in the County, which yields him richly and repays him goodly measure of … Read more

Biography of Emmor Williams

EMMOR WILLIAMS. Among the highly respected citizens of Madison County who have returned to agricultural pursuits after many years spent in other lines of endeavor, Emmor Williams, of Adams Township, is a representative example, He has always been an industrious, energetic workman, making his own way in the world by well directed efforts, and has fairly earned the respect and esteem in which he is universally held, Mr. Williams was born on a farm in Fall Creek Township, Madison County, Indiana, June 21, 1848, and is a son of Samuel F. and Arie A. (Rice) Williams. Henry Williams, the grandfather … Read more

Biography of Edward E. Lyst

EDWARD E. LYST, The architectural beauty of the city of Anderson, Indiana, has been brought about by a group of men of ability and artistic training who have possessed the public spirit necessary to cause them to labor faithfully and assiduously in transforming an ungainly, half- formed municipality into a business and residence center of which its citizens may well be proud, Years of experience and a wealth of ideas have been brought into this work, and the services of a number of the most able contractors in the state have been enlisted, Prominent among them is Edward E. Lyst, … Read more

Biography of David R. Carlton

DAVID R. CARLTON. Naturally a man’s success in life is measured by his prestige in business, political or social circles, and when he figures prominently in all it inay be reasonably assumed that he is possessed of more than the average ability. Among the men of Elwood, Indiana, who have risen to places of prominence in business life and have also attained eminence in the political arena, stands David R. Carlton, County recorder of Madison County, and one of this section’s most popular and capable officials. Mr. Carlton was born in Lafayette Township, Madison County, Indiana, September 24, 1877, and … Read more

Biography of Thomas Morris

THOMAS MORRIS. Perseverance, intelligence and industry combine oto form the price of success in farming in these modern days of agricultural work, when the hard, unremitting toil of former years has given way in large degree to the scientific use of modern machinery and a comprehensive knowledge of intelligent methods of treating the soil, Madison County is the home of many skilled farmers who treat their vocation more as a profession than as a mere occupation and take a pardonable and justifiable pride in their accomplishments, among, these being Thomas Morris, the owner of eighty acres of fine land located … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Emerson Manger

EMERSON MANGER. One of the more ambitious and enterprising young farming men of Union Township may be cited in the person of Emerson Manger, who gives his time and honest attention to the cultivation of his eighty acre farm, located some two miles north of the town of Chesterfield, His accomplishments in the years of his residence here have been well worthy of mention, and it is not too much to expect that the future will find him steadily advancing in prosperity and success. Born on August 29, 1881, in Pike County, near the town of Piketon, Ohio, Mr. Manger … Read more

Biography of Walter Maul

WALTER MAUL. A native son of Pendleton, where he has passed all his life, Mr. Maul grew up in this community and learned a trade there, has used his business energy in extending his work and service, and is now enjoying a yearly increasing success as a brick-mason contractor. Walter Maul was born in Pendleton December 24, 1871, a son of George K. and Susan R. (Parson) Maul, The father was born at Huntsville in Fall Creek Township in 1847, so that the family is among the oldest in southwestern Madison County, The father now resides at Caney, Kansas, During … Read more

Biography of John A. Smethers

JOHN A. SMETHERS, A farmer and lifelong citizen of Greene Township, in Madison County, John A. Smethers has lived a life of usefulness and worthy influence in his native community, and is well deserving of the position he holds in the minds of those who know him. He was born here on August 20, 1867, and is the son of James W. and Mary R. ( Schweikhardt ) Smethers. James W. Smethers was born in this Township also, and is now a resident of Ingalls, He has been twice married, His first wife died on April 7, 1889, leaving him … Read more

Biography of Benjamin H. Cook, M. D.

BENJAMIN H. COOK, M. D. Numbered among the most important of the learned professions, and the one that undoubtedly has made the most progress during the past several decades, is that of medicine, whose devotees are called upon to continue their studies at all times and to keep fully abreast of the times in order to observe the numerous discoveries and advancements of their honored calling, A practicing physician since 1885, Dr. Benjamin H. Cook has risen to a high place in his profession, and since 1903 has been located in Anderson, in which field of endeavor he is highly … Read more

Biography of Thomas Morris Hardy

Thomas Morris Hardy

THOMAS MORRIS HARDY, The prosperity and advancement of a community depend upon the social character and public spirit of its members and in every prosperous town or country center may be found citizens who take leadership and give their energies not atone to their well being but to the things that make better and fuller life for all, Such a citizen at Pendleton has Mr. Hardy been recognized for many years. Lieutenant Hardy was a soldier of the Civil war, was in early life a teacher, from that became actively identified with farming, and for the past twenty-five years has … Read more

Biography of John Meckel

JOHN MECKEL. With the pre-conceived ability to design and execute plans for buildings, possessed of marked artistic talent and that hardheaded practicality which puts ideas and ideals to the test of materiality, and the capacity for co-operation with others, John Meckel, architect of Anderson, has accomplished a work in the planning of structures that is of such a character as to leave its impress on the city for many years to come. With a mind fertile in means, resources and expedients, he has fully mastered the multitudinous details of his complex and many-sided profession, and has risen to deserved prominence … Read more

Biography of George W. Bickford

GEORGE W. BICKFORD. Mr. Bickford has been a resident of Anderson for more than twenty years and during the greater part of that time has been one of the faithful and efficient men in the postal service, He comes from good New England stock, and was born in the village of Rochester, New Hampshire, June 11, 1856, a son of John H. and Mary Jenks Bickford, both natives of New Hampshire. The father was a carpenter by trade and worked in that line the greater part of his life, and did well by his family. George W. Bickford grew up … Read more

Biography of Hon. George Nichol

HON. GEORGE NICHOL. Still hale and hearty at the age of eighty- three and a familiar figure on the streets of Anderson and a daily visitor at the store whose business was founded and built up by him, Hon, George Nichol has a record as a soldier, business man, public spirited citizen and official, which places him among the most venerable and useful men of Madison County, Nearly sixty years of his life time has been spent within the limits of this County, and he is one of the few still living whose memory and intimate knowledge of business and … Read more

Biography of Charles J. Rozelle

CHARLES J. ROZELLE. Eminent in Anderson business affairs, and also in the political life of the city, Mr. Rozelle has for a number of years successfully followed the contracting and building trade, and his practical endeavors have their results in many of the permanent structures to be seen in this city and vicinity. Charles J. Rozelle was born in the city of Anderson, November 16, 1883, and belongs to one of the old families of Indiana, The Rozelles are of French descent, the first ancestors having come from France and settled at an early date in the colony of Virginia, … Read more

Biography of Herbert D. Webb

HERBERT D. WEBB. Among the energetic and successful citizens of Anderson, Indiana, none is better known that Herbert D. Webb, secretary and treasurer of one of the important manufacturing plants of this city, Mr. Webb has always taken an active part in any movement which had as its aim the advancement of Anderson or of this section of the state, and he has played a prominent part in the commercial history of the city, Mr. Webb has been a hard worker throughout his life and his success is not the result of good fortune but of industry and a natural … Read more

Biography of Ira Williams

IRA WILLIAMS. Now retired from business and looking after his real estate business in Anderson, Mr. Williams is a citizen of Madison County, who started out as a farmer, found himself against a losing game, then managed to turn, ventured into a new field in a very modest way and by furnishing exceptional value and service in return for his customer’s money, built up a local business which was highly profitable and from which he was able to retire a few years ago, and spend his later years in comfort, To his wife he also credits a large share of … Read more

Biography of Herbert D. Webb

HERBERT D. WEBB. Among the energetic and successful citizens of Anderson, Indiana, none is better known that Herbert D. Webb, secretary and treasurer of one of the important manufacturing plants of this city, Mr. Webb has always taken an active part in any movement which had as its aim the advancement of Anderson or of this section of the state and he has played a prominent part in the commercial history of the city. Mr. Webb has been a hard worker throughout his life and his success is not the result of good fortune but of industry and a natural … Read more