Biography of Clinton M. Cotterman

CLINTON M. COTTERMAN. A resident of Anderson who for some years has made a substantial business of furnishing the people of this locality with the product of a market garden is Clinton M. Cotterman, who has his gardens well within the city limits, and who has also served the community in official capacity, and has long taken an active interest in politics. Clinton M. Cotterman was born on a farm three miles west of Dayton in Montgomery County, Ohio, September 1, 1849, His father was William Cotterman, born in Pennsylvania, and the grandparents moved from Pennsylvania t0 Ohio, and became … Read more

Biography of Enoch E. Byrum

Enoch Bryum

ENOCH E. BYRUM. A distinguished and influential member of the clergy of the Church of God, author of high-grade and valuable works and president of the Gospel Trumpet Company, whose printing and publishing plant, located near the city of Anderson, is one of the finest in the state of Indiana, Mr. Byrum is numbered among the prominent and honored citizens of Madison County, has been a power for good in the various relations of life, is a man of high attainments and exalted character and is eminently entitled to representation in this publication. Enoch E. Byrum is a native son … Read more

Biography of George W. Pettigrew

GEORGE W. PETTIGREW. From an inheritance of five and a half acres of land, George W. Pettigrew has increased his holdings in Madison County in recent years until today he has a goodly acreage of two hundred and sixty-two and a half acres of the finest land to be found in this section of the state, all of which is under cultivation and which yields its owner an excellent income, Mr. Pettigrew has been a resident of this Township all his life, and was born here on January 8, 1858, the son of Samuel J. and Mary J. (Tingley) Pettigrew. … Read more

Biography of Garland Hancock

GARLAND HANCOCK. As superintendent of the north Anderson Schools, Mr. Hancock is a young educator who has proven his value and ability, and is now performing a very capable service in one of the largest schools in the County. Garland Hancock was born in 1887 in Richland Township, Madison County, and belongs to one of the old families of this section of the state, His parents were James and Jennie (Bronneberg) Hancock, and the father was for a number of years engaged in the livery business at Versailles in Ripley County, and previous to that time was a farmer, The … Read more

Biography of Samuel Douglas Montgomery

SAMUEL DOUGLAS MONTGOMERY, Among the officials of Madison County who are rendering the community signal service in the discharge of their duties, none have attained a greater degree of popularity than that which has come to Samuel Douglas Montgomery, who has served efficiently since January 1, 1911, in the office of County assessor, A resident of this County since early boyhood, he was for years identified with the agricultural and stock raising interests of this section, and the success with which he met in his own affairs made his fellow citizens confident that he would have no trouble in successfully … Read more

Biography of Dr. Lot Edward Alexander

Lot E. Alexander

DR. LOT EDWARD ALEXANDER has practiced medicine and has performed the varied responsibilities and duties of good citizenship at Pendleton, since 1879, and is one of the best known citizens of Madison County. His name is spoken with respect on the north and east sides of the County, but it is with his home community of Pendleton that he has been most closely identified. Dr. Alexander is descended from old ,American stock, originally of Scotch ancestry on both father’s and mother’s side. The family was founded in America by Hugh Alexander, who emigrated from Scotland in 1736 and settled in … Read more

Biography of Charles L. Oldham

CHARLES L. OLDHAM. One of the well known prosperous farming men of Fall Creek Township of whom it is but reasonable that mention be made in this historical and biographical work devoted to the representative men of the County, Charles L. Oldham takes a leading place in the representative activities of Pendleton and the Township, He was born in Champaign County, Illinois, in December, 1866, and is the son of A. W. and Barbara A. (Stephens) Oldham, the latter being now deceased, and the former a resident of Pendleton, Indiana. Both were natives of Hamilton County, Ohio. The father came … Read more

Biography of Arthur Wolfe Brady

ARTHUR WOLFE BRADY, The president of the Union Traction Company of Indiana, whose home for a number of years had been in Anderson, was born at Muncie, January 13, 1865, a son of General Thomas J. and Emeline (Wolfe) Brady, On his father’s side there is a combination of both Irish and English stock, while the maternal forbears were some of them German and others French, On both sides the earliest members of the family came to the United States during the eighteenth century, His father, the late Thomas J. Brady was born at Muncie in 1839, and he died … Read more

Biography of Wallace B. Campbell

WALLACE B. CAMPBELL has been closely identified with the business life of Anderson since coming to the city in 1895, He is well and favorably remembered as editor and owner of the Anderson Herald, which he built up to be one of the best equipped printing establishments in any city of similar size in the state. After several years of very successful newspaper work he turned his attention to real estate, developing one of the largest flat, apartment and business properties in the city. In addition to looking after his own property interests during the past eight years, he has … Read more

Biography of Spencer Gorland Bevilhimer

SPENCER G. BEVILHIMER. For more than sixty years a resident of Madison County, Mr. Bevilhimer is one of the citizens whose name and a brief record of whose career should be permanently recorded in any history of the community, He represents a family which had its part in the early development of the County, he was himself one of the Madison County’s soldiers for the war of the Rebellion, and since his return to the County as a veteran soldier he has had his full share in the responsibilities of making a living and providing for home and family, and … Read more

Biography of James W. Griffin

JAMES W. GRIFFIN. An able representative of the business interests of Elwood, James W. Griffin is widely known in insurance circles of the Hoosier State as the assistant superintendent of the Prudential Life Insurance Company, Mr. Griffin was born March 6, 1868, at Pittsboro, North Carolina, and is a son of James D. and Sarah A. (Harman) Griffin. John Griffin, the paternal great-grandfather of Mr. Griffin, was a native of Ireland, whence he came directly to the United States and settled in Ohio, There also settled Henry Harman, the maternal great- grandfather of Mr. Griffin, who had been born in … Read more

Biography of Lewis Heffner

LEWIS HEFFNER. A substantial business citizen whose history has been commensurate with that of Elwood from the time this flourishing and prosperous city was but a small, struggling village, Lewis Heffner has played no small part in the great growth and development here during the past forty years, during which time he has been intimately identified with some of the city’s largest business interests, His life has been one of industry and perseverance, and the systematic and honorable business methods which he has followed have won him the support and confidence of his fellow-citizens. Mr. Heffner was born in Berks … Read more

Biography of John H. Lail, M. D.

JOHN H. LAIL, M. D. It is widely recognized, in a comparison of the relative value to mankind of the various professions and pursuits to which men devote their time and energies, that none is more important than the science of medicine, Human destiny is largely in the hands of the physician from the cradle to the grave, not alone on account of the effect of his ministrations may have upon the physical system, but upon men’s moral and mental nature as well, A cheerful presence, a sympathetic disposition and a kindly nature often contribute to a patient’s recovery in … Read more

Biography of Ivan C. Dunlap

IVAN C. DUNLAP. Every line of business is being successfully prosecuted at Elwood, for it is a community of sufficient importance to command a large trade from the surrounding country, and the people who make it their market demand the best of goods and service. One of the leading business men of this place is Ivan C. Dunlap, proprietor of the handsome jewelry establishment located in the Milligan Block, Mr. Dunlap was born at Arrowsmith, McLean County, Illinois, September 20, 1881, and is a son of Theodore F. and Eliza E. (Green) Dunlap. The paternal grandfather of Mr. Dunlap, Calvin … Read more

Biography of John A. Moon

JOHN A. MOON, the proprietor of a picture-framing establishment at No, 1418 Main street, has been a resident of Elwood for more than twenty years, and during this time has gained a substantial position among the business men of the city and a place in the confidence of those with whom he has been associated, He has witnessed the marvelous growth and development which has made this city one of the principal commercial and industrial centers of this part of the state, and has been an active participant in many of the movements which have brought this great progress about, … Read more

Biography of Orlando D. Hinshaw

ORLANDO D. HINSHAW. It has been found that the better class of druggists, everywhere, are men of scientific attainments and high integrity, whose lives are devoted to the welfare of their fellow-men in supplying the best of remedies and purest medicinal agents of known value, in accordance with physicians’ prescriptions and scientific formula, Usually the greatest reward for long years of study and many hours of daily toil in their vocation is the earning of a fair living, with the satisfaction which arises from the knowledge of the benefits conferred upon their patrons and the assistance rendered the medical profession, … Read more

Biography of Frederick Mosiman

FREDERICK MOSIMAN. Into two classes may roughly be divided men who achieve success. The first of these are the dashing geniuses who engineer brilliant coups and march to victory with good fortune waiting on their talents; the second class consists of the patient, solid men, who forge more slowly but more surely forward, and whose accomplishments are as a rule more stable and permanent. In the second class of business men of Elwood may be mentioned Frederick Mosiman, a resident of this city for more than twenty-two years, during which time he has steadily advanced as a factor in the … Read more

Biography of Will G. Evans

WILL G. EVANS. Among the younger generation of business men of Elwood, one who has made a place for himself in. commercial circles is Will G. Evans, the energetic proprietor of the pharmacy at Main and Sixteenth streets, Mr. Evans was born in Irondale, Ohio, September 5, 1887, and is a son of John R. and Matilda (Mayberry) Evans. The paternal grandparents of Mr. Evans spent their entire lives in South Wales, They were the parents of a large family of children, John 11. Evans was born in South Wales, and as a young married man emigrated to the United … Read more

Biography of William P. Meyer

WILLIAM P. MEYER. The modern pharmacist is a man of many callings, for his is a vocation that calls for knowledge of various other lines of endeavor, His is a learned profession, necessitating years of study in the sciences of pharmacy and chemistry, and his care and skill in preparing prescriptions are of the most vital importance, while it is doubtful if there are many other callings that ask such long hours of labor, For these and other reasons the druggist is generally numbered among the substantial men of his neighborhood, and to be the proprietor of a successful pharmacy … Read more

Biography of Hon. William G. Zerface

HON. WILLIAM G. ZERFACE. whose career as legist, jurist, business moan and citizen has reflected honor upon himself and his community, is widely known to the legal profession throughout Madison County, as well as to realty men in this part of the state, where he has made his home for many years, He is a native of Indiana, having been born in Montgomery County, September 13, 1858, and is a son of Martin and Mary Jane (Larew) Zerface. The Zerface family was founded in America by Philip Zerface, the paternal great-great-grandfather of Judge Zerface, who came from England, although his … Read more