Biography of James W. Griffin

JAMES W. GRIFFIN. An able representative of the business interests of Elwood, James W. Griffin is widely known in insurance circles of the Hoosier State as the assistant superintendent of the Prudential Life Insurance Company, Mr. Griffin was born March 6, 1868, at Pittsboro, North Carolina, and is a son of James D. and Sarah A. (Harman) Griffin. John Griffin, the paternal great-grandfather of Mr. Griffin, was a native of Ireland, whence he came directly to the United States and settled in Ohio, There also settled Henry Harman, the maternal great- grandfather of Mr. Griffin, who had been born in … Read more

Biography of Lewis Heffner

LEWIS HEFFNER. A substantial business citizen whose history has been commensurate with that of Elwood from the time this flourishing and prosperous city was but a small, struggling village, Lewis Heffner has played no small part in the great growth and development here during the past forty years, during which time he has been intimately identified with some of the city’s largest business interests, His life has been one of industry and perseverance, and the systematic and honorable business methods which he has followed have won him the support and confidence of his fellow-citizens. Mr. Heffner was born in Berks … Read more

Biography of John H. Lail, M. D.

JOHN H. LAIL, M. D. It is widely recognized, in a comparison of the relative value to mankind of the various professions and pursuits to which men devote their time and energies, that none is more important than the science of medicine, Human destiny is largely in the hands of the physician from the cradle to the grave, not alone on account of the effect of his ministrations may have upon the physical system, but upon men’s moral and mental nature as well, A cheerful presence, a sympathetic disposition and a kindly nature often contribute to a patient’s recovery in … Read more

Biography of Ivan C. Dunlap

IVAN C. DUNLAP. Every line of business is being successfully prosecuted at Elwood, for it is a community of sufficient importance to command a large trade from the surrounding country, and the people who make it their market demand the best of goods and service. One of the leading business men of this place is Ivan C. Dunlap, proprietor of the handsome jewelry establishment located in the Milligan Block, Mr. Dunlap was born at Arrowsmith, McLean County, Illinois, September 20, 1881, and is a son of Theodore F. and Eliza E. (Green) Dunlap. The paternal grandfather of Mr. Dunlap, Calvin … Read more

Biography of John A. Moon

JOHN A. MOON, the proprietor of a picture-framing establishment at No, 1418 Main street, has been a resident of Elwood for more than twenty years, and during this time has gained a substantial position among the business men of the city and a place in the confidence of those with whom he has been associated, He has witnessed the marvelous growth and development which has made this city one of the principal commercial and industrial centers of this part of the state, and has been an active participant in many of the movements which have brought this great progress about, … Read more

Biography of Orlando D. Hinshaw

ORLANDO D. HINSHAW. It has been found that the better class of druggists, everywhere, are men of scientific attainments and high integrity, whose lives are devoted to the welfare of their fellow-men in supplying the best of remedies and purest medicinal agents of known value, in accordance with physicians’ prescriptions and scientific formula, Usually the greatest reward for long years of study and many hours of daily toil in their vocation is the earning of a fair living, with the satisfaction which arises from the knowledge of the benefits conferred upon their patrons and the assistance rendered the medical profession, … Read more

Biography of Frederick Mosiman

FREDERICK MOSIMAN. Into two classes may roughly be divided men who achieve success. The first of these are the dashing geniuses who engineer brilliant coups and march to victory with good fortune waiting on their talents; the second class consists of the patient, solid men, who forge more slowly but more surely forward, and whose accomplishments are as a rule more stable and permanent. In the second class of business men of Elwood may be mentioned Frederick Mosiman, a resident of this city for more than twenty-two years, during which time he has steadily advanced as a factor in the … Read more

Biography of Will G. Evans

WILL G. EVANS. Among the younger generation of business men of Elwood, one who has made a place for himself in. commercial circles is Will G. Evans, the energetic proprietor of the pharmacy at Main and Sixteenth streets, Mr. Evans was born in Irondale, Ohio, September 5, 1887, and is a son of John R. and Matilda (Mayberry) Evans. The paternal grandparents of Mr. Evans spent their entire lives in South Wales, They were the parents of a large family of children, John 11. Evans was born in South Wales, and as a young married man emigrated to the United … Read more

Biography of William P. Meyer

WILLIAM P. MEYER. The modern pharmacist is a man of many callings, for his is a vocation that calls for knowledge of various other lines of endeavor, His is a learned profession, necessitating years of study in the sciences of pharmacy and chemistry, and his care and skill in preparing prescriptions are of the most vital importance, while it is doubtful if there are many other callings that ask such long hours of labor, For these and other reasons the druggist is generally numbered among the substantial men of his neighborhood, and to be the proprietor of a successful pharmacy … Read more

Biography of Hon. William G. Zerface

HON. WILLIAM G. ZERFACE. whose career as legist, jurist, business moan and citizen has reflected honor upon himself and his community, is widely known to the legal profession throughout Madison County, as well as to realty men in this part of the state, where he has made his home for many years, He is a native of Indiana, having been born in Montgomery County, September 13, 1858, and is a son of Martin and Mary Jane (Larew) Zerface. The Zerface family was founded in America by Philip Zerface, the paternal great-great-grandfather of Judge Zerface, who came from England, although his … Read more

Biography of Patrick S. Bradley

PATRICK S. BRADLEY, general manager of the Home Storage and Manufacturing Company, at Elwood, Indiana, an example of the self- made manhood of which this country is so justifiably proud, has been a resident of this city for nearly twenty years, during which time he has firmly established a reputation as a capable man of affairs, He was, born in Brooklyn, New York, May 14, 1854, and is a son of Arthur and Ann (Murnin) Bradley, natives of County Down, Ireland. The paternal grandparents of Mr. Bradley, Peter and Catherine (Burns) Bradley, were farming people of Ireland, who passed their … Read more

Biography of Charles H. Herring

CHARLES H. HERRING. The career of Charles H. Herring, of Elwood, furnishes an example of the truth of the fact that industry, perseverance and well-directed energy invariably lead to success, Content to start business life in a humble capacity, and to work his way upward through merit, he finds himself today in an enviable position among the business men of this city, and his establishment, at No, 1528 Main street, where he carries a full line of general house furnishings, receives its full share of patronage, Mr. Herring was born at New Albany, Floyd County, Indiana, June 8. 1857, and … Read more

Biography of George W. Koons

GEORGE W. KOONS. It has been the privilege of Mr. Koons to witness practically all the developments and growth of the remarkable industrial city of Madison County, Elwood, since he has lived in this vicinity for nearly thirty years, and his family represent the early settlers in this portion of Indiana. Mr. Koons has been identified with the Elwood postal service for a number of years and is now assistant postmaster, and during his official term has done much to improve and facilitate the mail service in this city. George W. Koons is a native of Grant County, where he … Read more

Biography of Charles L. Armington, M. D.

Charles L. Armington

CHARLES L. ARMINGTON. M. D. Numbered among the able and honored representatives of the medical profession in Madison County is Dr. Charles Lee Armington, who is a scion of one of the sterling pioneer families of the Hoosier state and who has attained to marked distinction in the profession that was dignified and honored by his father, Dr. Armington has been established in the practice of medicine and surgery at Anderson, the thriving capital of Madison County, for nearly a quarter of a century, has served as County coroner and held other positions of trust, and his hold upon popular … Read more

Biography of Frank M. Greathouse

FRANK M. GREATHOUSE, The leading clothing merchant of Elwood, Mr. Greathouse, became a resident of what was then a small town more than twenty-six years ago, and began his career as clerk in one of the local stores, He has advanced himself through his own ability and by persistent application of industry and good judgment and now enjoys a prosperous position second to none among the larger business men of this city. Frank M. Greathouse was born in Hillsboro, Ohio, August 16, 1859, a son of John and Carolina (Van Winkle) Greathouse, both of whom were natives of Ohio, The … Read more

Biography of Fred B. Fornshell

FRED B. FORNSHELL. Now editor and manager of the Elwood Call- Leader, Mr. Fornshell is a young and enterprising newspaper man, and has proved himself a worthy successor of his father in the work of building up and conducting a first-class newspaper. He was born at Van Wert, Ohio, March 14, 1885, and is the only son and child of Elmer E. and Emma (Conover) Fornshell. His father, who was reared and educated at Camden, Ohio, first learned the tinner’s trade under his father, and followed that occupation for twenty-five years, He then entered the field of journalism, being associated … Read more

Biography of Elmer Ellsworth Fornshell

ELMER ELLSWORTH FORNSHELL As postmaster of Elwood since 1905 Mr. Fornshell has performed a large amount of useful public service for his home city, and has managed the affairs of his office to the best advantage and convenience of the citizens. But the accomplishments for which he is best known and by- which his name is most closely identified with the city of Elwood were his enterprise in establishing the Leader, and his subsequent connection with that and the combination paper now known as the Call-Leader, Mr. Fornshell has been in the newspaper business for many years and has a … Read more

Biography of Bertan E. Sneed

BERTAN E. SNEED. Any city would do well to have more of such progressive and public spirited merchants and citizens as Mr. Sneed, the druggist and pharmacist of Elwood, Mr. Sneed began his career with little except his brains and energies, and having once got a foothold in the drug trade has continued his advantage from one position to another, until now for a number of years he has been an independent and fairly successful business man. Mr. Sneed represents the young and aggressive element of Elwood’s citizenship, and the continued advancement of the city rests upon the spirit of … Read more

Biography of Elmer A. Guy

ELMER A. GUY. A prospering business man of Elwood who has been identified with this city for the past twenty years, Mr. Guy has two first class stores for the cigar, tobacco and confectionary trade, and his business also includes a similar establishment in the town of Tipton. He carries on both wholesale and retail trade, and by progressive business methods has placed himself in the front ranks of Elwood business leaders. Elmer A. Guy was born in Walton, Cass County, Indiana, July 11, 1875, The family settled in Cass County during the pioneer period. The founder of the family … Read more

Biography of Bartlett H. Campbell

BARTLETT H. CAMPBELL. A senior member of the law firm of Campbell & Kidwell in Elwood, Mr. Campbell is head of the best known combination of legal talent in this city, and has been an active member of the Madison County bar for more than twenty years, During this long practice as a lawyer, he has become one of the conspicuous leaders in political affairs and has been prominent in the councils of his party in many capacities, Bartlett M. Campbell is a native of Madison County, born in Richland Township, April 14, 1862, and represents the best of citizenship … Read more