Biography of John E. Davis

JOHN E. DAVIS. For many years one of the well known business men of Anderson, Mr. Davis has spent nearly sixty years of his life time in Madison County, and has been very familiar by experience with the development of the country east of Anderson from pioneer times to the present, During the many years of his residence in the County, he has prospered, has enjoyed many of the good things of life, and has well provided for his family, and is still active and vigorous in business affairs at the County seat. John E. Davis was born on a … Read more

Biography of Henry Clay Brown

HENRY CLAY BROWN. A life long resident of Madison County and for many years a progressive farmer of Fall Creek Township, Henry Clay Brown has enjoyed the best elements of success, having acquired a good home, having given his family the comforts of living and education, and having steered an honorable and straightforward course throughout his own career. Henry Clay Brown was born in Anderson Township, Madison County, June 12, 1852, a son of Warner and Lavina (Clark) Brown. Both parents were born in the state of Maryland, where they were reared and married. After their marriage they came west … Read more

Biography of Lewis D. Kinnard

LEWIS D. KINNARD. Few of the farmers of Fall Creek Township, in Madison County, Indiana, have made a better showing from a similar beginning than Lewis Dunwoody Kinnard. He has gained prominence in the agricultural sections of the County as a farmer and stock raiser, as well as being a feeder and shipper of some extent, and has a fine place of one hundred and sixty acres under cultivation. He takes his place among the representative citizens of the Township, and enjoys the esteem and friendship of a large circle of the best citizenship of the Township. Lewis D. Kinnard … Read more

Biography of William R. Kinnard

WILLIAM R. KINNARD. Since he located on the old Thomas farm in Pendleton Township, securing the place on the status of a renter, the fortunes of William Rush Kinnard have kept pace with those of the most prosperous of the men of his community, and he is today the owner of the fine old place which had been the property of his wife’s family years ago. Success has attended his efforts and he is reckoned among the prosperous and substantial men of the town, and one whose influence and opinion are potent factors in the communal life of the place. … Read more

Biography of George A. Phipps

GEORGE A. PHIPPS. In the little village of Huntsville in Fall Creek Township, on the north bank of historic and picturesque old Fall creek, the principal industrial features and also business institutions are the flour mill and the saw mill which for many years have been conducted under the name and proprietorship of Mr. Phipps. A mill or factory is always an important institution in any community, and particularly is this true of the small rural settlement of Huntsville, where the mill becomes almost the central feature of the place and around it are grouped in comparative order the church … Read more

Biography of John Willits Jones

JOHN WILLITS JONES. Madison County from its early pioneer history to the present time has had the benefit and the productive labors of different members of the Jones family, one of whose best known members is Mr. John W. Jones of Fall Creek Township. The industrial and social character of a community is the result of its citizenship, and among the many family groups which have contributed in this important regard to the development of Madison County, none could claim more credit than the Jones family, through its various representative since early pioneer times. Mr. John W. Jones the Fall … Read more

Biography of Samuel Swain

SAMUEL SWAIN. The old citizenship of Madison County had no better representative than the late Samuel Swain, who was born in Fall Creek Township in the decade of the forties, and who died on the 9th of September, 1913. He had been continuously identified with this section of the County throughout practically all the years that intervened since the pioneer period. Mr. Swain was an infant when the first railroad was brought through the County and in the vicinity of his old homestead, he was a boy in his teens when the Civil war broke out, and he witnessed practically … Read more

Biography of John W. Lewark

JOHN W. LEWARK. Madison County’s citizenship contains few members whose careers have illustrated so well the varied battle with fortune and with circumstance as that of Mr. John W. Lewark, of Pendleton. Mr. Lewark came to Madison County a runaway boy, obtained his education between periods of hard work, went from this County to the Union ranks in the great war between the states, and since returning a veteran from that conflict has been one of the honored citizens and business men of Pendleton. John W. Lewark was born in the city of Anderson on Ninth Street, April 20, 1842, … Read more

Biography of Oscar F. Mingle, D. V. S.

OSCAR F. MINGLE, D. V. S. A resident of Pendleton for the past four years, and the only doctor of veterinary surgery in that locality, Dr. Mingle is a progressive young citizen and has made a very excellent success in his profession and in general affairs of citizenship in this locality. Oscar F. Mingle was born in Hancock County, Indiana, May, 28, 1878, a son of Madison and Martha D. (Jackson) Mingle. The father now makes his home in Pendleton and the mother passed away in the fall of 1906. They were the parents of five children, four of whom … Read more

Biography of A. W. Cook

A. W. COOK. One of the oldest and most esteemed residents of Fall Creek Township, Mr. Asahel Walter Cook has spent the most of a long life of eighty years in this County, has given a long period of service as a teacher and educator, and for a number of years was a trustee of his home Township first elected in 1890 for five years, then re-elected in 1899 for another four years. The opportunities for such service in behalf of the public come only to the man whose integrity and efficiency are proved beyond all doubt to the citizenship, … Read more

Biography of George M. Overman

GEORGE M. OVERMAN. President of the Madison County Abstract Company at Anderson, Mr. Overman has been successful in the real estate and insurance business at Anderson for more than ten years, and in the abstract company is at the head of one of the solid and prosperous institutions of this County.. He has served as president and manager since 1907. Mr. Overman has had a varied but generally successful career, has been a farmer and stock raiser in early life, followed mercantile lines for a number of years, and finally located permanently in Anderson, where he is held in high … Read more

Biography of Hon. William A. Kittinger

HON. WILLIAM A. KITTINGER. A former state senator from Madison County, ex-prosecuting attorney of Madison and Hamilton counties, and for many years closely connected with the political and public affairs of the County, Mr. Kittinger has been both a prominent and useful citizen of Anderson for more than four decades, and throughout that time has practiced his profession of the law. As a criminal lawyer Mr. Kittinger is probably unsurpassed in this section of Indiana, and is a man of the highest standing in his profession and as a citizen. Mr. Kittinger was not born to fortune, and probably few … Read more

Biography of George Grant Manning

George Manning

GEORGE GRANT MANNING. In the death of George Grant Manning, which occurred at his home Id the city of Anderson, August 8, 1908, there came to a close in its sixty-sixth year a life which contained a great aggregate of usefulness, of kindly relationship with family and community, and one that was successful from the usual material estimate. Mr. Manning gave many years of his life to educational work, and came to Anderson in 1895 as one of the proprietors of the Crystal Ice Company, with which his name continued to be identified until his death. George Grant Manning was … Read more

Biography of John B. Pritchard

JOHN B. PRITCHARD. The present superintendent of police at Anderson has recently completed a record of twenty years with the police force, in which he began as a patrolman, and by efficiency and faithful service has been promoted and under several different city administrations has held his present place. He belongs to one of the old families of Madison County, the Pritchards having been identified with this County for upwards of seventy years. John B. Pritchard was born in Madison, Kansas, December 17, 1863, a son of Nelson T. and Magdalene (Nelson) Pritchard. His father belonged to an old North … Read more

Biography of David Eshelman

DAVID ESHELMAN. The business of contractor and builder has been the vocation of Mr. Eshelman, since his early manhood. The degree of accomplishment in such a career is open to inspection, for there are hundreds of homes, business and public structures through this section of Indiana that are the practical testimony of his skill and ability. Representing one of the pioneer families of Madison County and one of the leading men in his line of business, Mr. Eshelman was born in Madison County, on a farm four miles north of the city of Anderson in Lafayette Township on January 16, … Read more

Biography of Chester F. Scott

CHESTER F. SCOTT. The firm of Scott & Mead, plumbers and dealers in heating and plumbing supplies, is one of the well known business concerns of Anderson, established here in recent years, with Chester F. Scott as junior member of the firm. Mr. Scott was born in Windfall, Tipton County, Indiana, on January 25, 1883, and is the son of Dr. W. F. and Ada V. (Conkling) Scott. The father is a West Virginian by birth and there he spent his early days, coming to Indiana while yet in his young manhood. He is still living, and is in his … Read more

Biography of Augustus T. Dye

AUGUSTUS T. DYE. A former County recorder and one of the most popular men in public affairs of Madison County, Mr. Dye has a prominent place in financial circles of Anderson, being assistant secretary and treasurer of the Farmer’s Trust Company, of which he was the original organizer. The Farmer’s Trust Company is one of the most substantial organizations of its kind in this section of the state, and among its directors are many of the reliable business men and well known citizens of both Anderson and the surrounding country. The career of Augustus T. Dye began in Clermont County, … Read more

Biography of Emereth E. Luse

EMERETH E. LUSE. A prominent and old-established real estate man of Anderson, Mr. Luse has been identified with this city in a successful and public spirited manner for many years, and is numbered among the citizens who have been instrumental in helping promote many projects for the upbuilding and progress of this community. The firm of Luse & Hardie is the largest office for real estate and insurance in Anderson, and both members of the firm are well known and able business men. Emereth E. Luse was born upon a farm near Elwood in Tipton County, January 5, 1872. William … Read more

Biography of Edward C. Handy

EDWARD C. HANDY. As treasurer and general manager of the Indiana Ice & Dairy Company at Anderson, Mr. Handy has the practical control of one of this city’s most servicable industries. The United States Department of Agriculture estimates that milk and cream together furnish fifteen percent of the total food of the average American family, and with this fact before us it is possible to estimate the importance of the milk business in every community. The Indiana Ice and Dairy Company, with which Mr. Handy has been connected as manager for the past fifteen years, manufactures and bottles pasteurized milk … Read more

Biography of Frank D. Pence

FRANK D. PENCE. As the owner of a large and well equipped livery and sales stable in the city of Anderson, Mr. Pence has gained marked success and is known as one of the aggressive, enterprising and substantial business men of Madison County. In addition to a general livery business of important order he has built up a profitable enterprise in the buying and selling of horses, and he is recognized as an authoritative judge of equine values. He has a wide circle of friends in Madison County and further interest attaches to the record of his achievement by reason … Read more