Biography of Jacob Newman

Last Updated on March 7, 2013 by

JACOB NEWMAN. – In the person of the subject of this sketch we have one of the heaviest real estate holders and most progressive agriculturists of the county, and one that has well earned the name of pioneer, having wrought here for forty years. In all this extended time he has displayed stanch, manly characteristics, while his sagacity and untiring labors for the good of all and especially for the advancement of the principles of Christianity in the upbuilding and nourishing of the early church are well known to our citizens. Mr. Newman is the son of George and Barbara (Hammond) Newman, and was born in Franklin county, Pennsylvania, in 1826, whence his parents removed to Ohio for about twelve years, and thence to Indiana for twelve years, and thence to Iowa and there passed the remaining days of their service on earth and went hence to their rewards. Our subject came from Iowa to this section in 1862. He soon homesteaded a quarter-section twenty-five miles from Baker City on the Powder river, and for seven years he gave his attention to cultivating the soil and raising stock. Then he sold out and removed to the Grande Ronde valley, settling one mile east from Old Town on a quarter-section of land. He followed general farming and raising stock steadily, handling his business with care and thrift and the result was that prosperity in unbounded measure attended him, and he was enabled to add to his realty holdings by purchase until he is the proprietor of a generous estate of two thousand acres in the vicinity of his home place and one hundred and sixty acres five miles east from Lagrande. He is one of the progressive and leading men of the county.

In 1850 Mr. Newman married Miss Ellen Lemon, a native of Indiana, and they became the parents of the following children: George, Samuel, Clark: and Mary, Abraham, Martha, deceased; and Jacob. In 1890 Mrs. Newman was called to lay down the burdens and cares of her faithful life and go to the rewards awaiting in the world beyond. Her remains lie buried in North Powder and her demise was a time of deep mourning to all who knew her.

In 1891 Mr. Newman took to wife Lida Brisban, who also died in 1894.

In 1898 the third marriage of Mr. Newman was solemnized, the lady of his choice at this time being Mrs. Julia Ann (Ide) Merritt, a native of New York and daughter of Jesse and Roxana (Nye) Ide, natives respectively of New York and Vermont.

Mr. Newman relates the following anecdote of himself: One day, during the Indian trouble, as he was driving across the country he beheld a body of Indians rapidly approaching, and fearing captivity and doubtless terrible torture he lashed his horses to their utmost speed to make the settlement as the band were endeavoring to cut off his retreat. He soon outran the pursuers and had the settlement aroused to meet the attack, when the band proved to be soldiers with some Indian captives. The sly smile that is frequently indulged in to this day is a quiet reminder of Mr. Newman’s Indian chase.

For the last ten years Mr. Newman has been retired from the active management of the large estates of which he is a possessor. In church relations he is a non-resident member of the Free church of Tacoma, Washington.



Franklin County PA,

An Illustrated history of Union and Wallowa Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Western Historical Pub. Co., 1902.

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