Biography of Jefferson L. Steele

Jefferson L. Steele. For over thirty years Jefferson L. Steele, one of Minneapolis’ most respected retired citizens, had from choice been a resident of Ottawa County, finding here when he came in 1884 elements that go far in working out the scheme of a satisfactory life, business opportunity and some of the finest people in the world with whom to be neighborly and to work with in promoting the best interests of the place. Mr. Steele had proved his appreciation of these advantages in many practical ways and today occupies a foremost position among the representative men of this county. … Read more

Biography of Leman Blanchard

LEMAN BLANCHARD. – Old England has contributed many a son to the citizenship of thie country who has done credit to his native land as well as being a bright example of typical manhood in his foster land, and among this worhty number must be mentined the esteemed and intelligent gentleman whose name is at the head of this article and who is numbered among the progressive agricultural population of Union county, his fine and valuable farm lying three miles east from Elgin, where he has a home that is a credit to any country and an abode of comfort … Read more

Biography of William T. Cohenour

William T. Cohenour, a prominent and well known representative of the automobile business in Muskogee, established his agency in 19 9 and through the intervening period ha s built up a substantial trade. He came to the southwest from Illinois, his birth having occurred in Pittsfield, Pike county, that state, on the 7th of March, 1877. He is a son of Howard A. and Mary (Cope) Cohenour. The father was a farmer and breeder of fine stock, making a specialty of cattle and hogs. William T. Cohenour was reared in his native state, spending his youthful days under the parental … Read more

Biography of Isaac S. Lightle

Isaac S. Lightle. The influence of a sound, conservative banking house is wide and its practical results far reaching. Without such an institution in its midst, no city can hope to take its place among its sister communities, and to it will come no reliable outside concerns. It may be truly said that the growth and development of a community depends largely upon the quality and stability of its banks, and this means the sagacity and integrity of the men who stand at their head. Therefore the thriving community of Arcadia, in Crawford County, is fortunate in the possession of … Read more

Biography of Emmor W. Jeffers

Emmor W. Jeffers, the present circuit clerk of Douglas County, who has occupied that office since February 3, 1899, was born in Pike County, Illinois, November 19, 1861. He is a son of John C. and Elizabeth (Mc-Kinney) Jeffers, both natives of Ohio, who removed to Douglas County and settled in Camargo Township about 1864. His mother died in December, 1893, while his father resides in Bloomington, Illinois. (For further ancestry of the Jeffers family see sketch of George C. Jeffers, of Camargo). James McKinney, our subject’s maternal grandfather, was a native of Ohio. In 1889 E. W. Jeffers was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of R. W. Hill

R. W. Hill, general merchant, was born in Greene County, Ill., June 16, 1849. In 1869 he came to Washington County, Kan., and to Jewell County in 1874, and engaged in general merchandising. In 1881 he built a large storeroom, 28×100 feet, and stocked it with from $15,000 to $20,000 worth of goods, and is now doing a tremendous business. He was married in Pike County, Ill., in May 1875, to Miss L. Bashforth. They have three children – Alice, Richard and Helen. Mr. Hill belongs to the Masonic fraternity.

Biography of Frank M. Hubbard

Frank M. Hubbard is numbered among the successful farmers of Weiser. He was born in Pike county, Illinois, on the 9th of July 1851, his parents being Joseph and Sarah (Venable) Hubbard. His father was born in Wisconsin, and the mother was a native of Illinois. They crossed the plains with oxen in 1853 being six months in making the long and perilous journey to the northwest. Indians occasioned them considerable annoyance, but they accomplished the journey in safety and located in Silverton, Marion County, Oregon, where the father obtained three hundred and twenty acres of land, which he successfully … Read more

Biography of David Dearien

DAVID DEARIEN. He whose name heads this sketch is a public-spirited citizen in harmony with advanced ideas, intelligent progress, and the best methods of improving agricultural pursuits, and the good of his country eneraly. He first saw the light of day in Pike County, Illinois, in 1849, a son of A. M. and Elizabeth (Carr) Dearien, the former of whom was a Virginian, and removed from that State to Illinois, thence to Arkansas about 1854. They first located on White River, then moved to Richwoods, and in this county the father still resides and makes his home with his children. … Read more

Biography of Robert Dinsmore

Robert Dinsmore, whose interests in Rice County and the City of Lyons cover a long period of years, had been successful both as a merchant and farmer, and represents a solid and substantial old family in Western Kansas. Mr. Dinsmore was born in Pike County, Illinois, August 27, 1863. The paternal ancestry had been in America since colonial days and it is recalled that a Lord Dinsmore of another branch of the same family accompanied General Lafayette on the latter’s second visit to the United States. Robert Dinsmore’s grandfather was also named Robert, and in the early years of the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Beamer, P.W.

P. W. Beamer, general blacksmith, wagon and plow maker, was born March 12, 1846, in Jackson, Ohio; was raised in Adams and Pike counties, Ill.; served apprenticeship at the above trade in 1858-1859 to fall of 1860. Enlisted in the spring of 1861 in Company K, Sixteenth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and participated in all the battles of his command, which was under Generals Pope, Rosecranz and Grant. Re-enlisted as a veteran in December, 1863, and participated in the campaigns under Sherman until the war closed; was discharged as First Sergeant at Springfield, Ill, July 1865. Was married to Miss … Read more

Biography of Mrs. Dr. Mary C. E. Kellogg

MRS. DR. MARY C.E. KELLOGG.- Mrs. Mary C. Edwards Morand, who became the wife of Doctor George Kellogg in 1879, and is now continuing the work and manufacturing the remedies of her husband, was born in Illinois, and received her education in Pittsfield, and at the Jacksonville Seminary, of which Doctor Jaques was president. In early life she was much of an invalid, and for her own improvement read medicine, looking closely into the systems of allopathy and hydropathy, and taking also a course under the celebrated phrenologist, Professor O.S. Fowler, of New York, and afterwards studying with Doctor P.W. … Read more

Biography of Charles W. Parker

Charles W. Parker is the world’s Napoleon in the manufacture of amusement devices. He lives in Kansas, had his immense plant, sometimes known as the “Wooden Horse Ranch,” at Leavenworth. He had been a resident of Kansas since he was an infant of five years. A philosopher may discover, if he can, any connection between the fact that he was brought to Kansas in one of the old fashioned movers or emigrant wagons, and the fact that his carnival outfits, shows, amusement machinery now circulate and travel to all parts of the habitable globe. He was born April 26, 1864, … Read more

Biography of Hon. George A. Neeley

Hon. George A. Neeley, of Hutchinson, is one of the younger men of Kansas, but had already gained distinction both in the law and business and as a valiant fighter for the cause of advanced principles in public affairs. Mr. Neeley came into special prominence not only in Kansas but over the nation during his two terms as congressman from the “Big Seventh” district. He was elected on the democratic ticket. In 1910 he was a candidate for the office against the redoubtable E. H. Madison. Madison was elected, but died in September, 1911, before finishing his term. At a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George W. Harris

GEORGE W. HARRIS. – This successful business man of Morrow county was born at Pittsfield, Pike county, Illinois, February 18, 1858. During his minor years he followed the fortunes of his parents, who moved to Iowa in 1860, and four years later crossed the plains to California with ox-teams, locating at Red Bluff. In 1865 they came to Oregon and located at Monmouth. From that date many changes and removals were undergone, including a return to California, a residence at Corvallis and again at Eugene; also a trip across the continent to Missouri, Texas and Iowa, and a return to … Read more

Biography of Allen C. Mason

ALLEN C. MASON. – The well-known fact that a city presents, as a whole, the characteristics of the individuals who compose it, finds no better illustration than in the city of Tacoma, Washington. It is wide-awake, enterprising and progressive, and is such not only because of its unrivaled location and its commanding position as the terminus of the great Northern Pacific Railroad, but because its business men are themselves possessed of a spirit of progressive enterprise, are thoroughly imbued with confidence in the great destiny of their city, and are united in their efforts to promote its welfare. Prominent among … Read more

Biography of John Henry Tole

John H. Tole. While it is certainly true that a live and growing community such as Liberty offers many and widely diversified opportunities for advancement along every line of personal endeavor, yet it is just as true that only a certain percentage achieve distinction, and a large number fail of even attaining a competency. It takes something more than mere opportunity to elevate a man from the common level of every-day accomplishments. Unless he has within him that divine spark of genius for his life work, be will continue to belong to the great majority of mediocre humanity, instead of … Read more

Biography of William E. Graves D. V. M.

William E. Graves, D. V. M. Among the men skilled in the practice of veterinary medicine and surgery in Kansas, one who has enjoyed a long and successful career, is Dr. William E. Graves. A graduate of a leading St. Louis institution, he began practice about the time that he attained manhood, came to Kansas in 1896 and carried on his vocation in Franklin County for ten years, and in 1906 changed his field of operation to Topeka, where he now has his home. Doctor Graves was born on a farm in Pike County, Illinois, in 1852, a son of … Read more

Biography of John A. Pottorf

John A. Pottorf. When a man reaches the seventy-fourth milestone of his life’s journey it may be taken for granted that he has had a wealth of experience which, if properly written out, would fill a volume. In the case of John A. Pottorf, who has already passed his seventy-fourth birthday, long life means more than length of years. He was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth and even when he came to Kansas a little over thirty years ago he had to begin as a farm renter. The overcoming of obstacles to success has been a … Read more

Biography of Alexander M. Irving

Alexander M. Irving was born in Chambersburg, Pike county, Illinois, January 16, 1842. He attended the common schools of his native place and thus acquired the foundation for his present educational advantages. When he had reached the age of sixteen, his father died and he was compelled to earn his own living and assist his mother, and was engaged in work upon the farm until the mutterings of coming war spread over the land in 1861, when he espoused the cause of the Union, and enlisted in Company H, Ninety-ninth Regiment of Illinois Volunteer Infantry, in August of the year … Read more