Biography of George R. Wendling, Jr.

Last Updated on July 18, 2012 by

George R. Wendling, Jr., of the Myers-Wendling Insurance Company of St. Louis, was born March 9, 1894, in Bloomington, Illinois. His father, George R. Wendling, was also a native of Illinois, his birth having occurred in Shelby county. He became a prominent attorney of that state and was a member of a constitutional convention of 1870 which framed the organic law of the commonwealth and had the distinction of being the youngest representative in that body, as he was only twenty-five years of age when elected. He won wide popularity as a lecturer as well as distinction in law practice. For several years he was associated in his professional activity with Judge Anthony Thornton, at one time chief justice of the state of Illinois. In politics Mr. Wendling was a lifelong democrat and exerted considerable influence over political affairs in state and nation, yet never sought nor desired public office. In early manhood he married Josephine Stephenson, a daughter of James Stephenson, who was born in Virginia. In tha family of Mr. and Mrs. George R. Wendling, Sr., were two daughters: Mrs. O. W. Catching, of Vicksburg, Mississippi, her husband being a prominent attorney there, and Mrs. William S. Conant, whose husband is a consulting engineer of Detroit, Michigan.

The son of the family, George R. Wendling, Jr., was educated in the public schools of Washington, D. C., and then went to Woodbury Forest, Virginia, where he pursued a course preparatory to entering upon his business career. He afterward continued his studies at Lawrenceville, New Jersey, for four years, and next entered Princeton University, while still later he pursued a special course in the University of Virginia. He was subsequently appointed special agent for the Fidelity & Deposit Company of Maryland, entering into business relations with this company in 1907, since which time he has been connected with the corporation, filling various important positions and offices. For several years past he has been the vice president of the company, which covers in its operations one half of the territory of Illinois and two-thirds of the state of Missouri, tributary to St. Louis. He is also one of the managers and partners of the London Guarantee & Accident Company, Limited. He has through his business connections become widely known and his powers have constantly developed, making him a leading factor in financial circles. He has traveled all over the world, establishing branch offices for the company, spending two years in South America and some time in Europe, where as the result of his labors several branch offices have been opened.

On the 19th of November, 1913, in Louisville, Kentucky, Mr. Wendling was married to Miss Jean Bruce Haldeman, a daughter of John Haldeman, owner of the Courier Journal and Louisville Evening Times of Louisville. Mr. and Mrs. Wendling have two daughters, Margaret Buchanan, five years of age; and Ann Haldeman, two years old.

Mr. Wendling is a member of the St. Louis Club, the Racquet Club and the Pendennis Club of Louisville, Kentucky. He likewise belongs to the Chamber of Commerce of St. Louis and is a member of St. Peter’s Episcopal church of this city. For several years he has been associated with the business interests of St. Louis.



Stevens, Walter B. Centennial History of Missouri (The Center State) One Hundred Years In The Union 1820-1921 Vol 6. St. Louis-Chicago: The S.J. Clarke Publishing Company. 1921.

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