Biography of Joseph Holmes

Joseph Holmes, one of the representative horticulturists of Ontario and progressive citizens of San Bernardino County, came to California in 1883 and located in the Ontario colony as one of its early settlers, and has ever since taken a leading part in building up his chosen section and advancing its interests. His home is on the corner of Fourth Street and Campus Avenue, where he has erected a substantial two-story residence, well furnished and fitted with modern conveniences. He has surrounded his home with ornamental trees and rich floral plants. His twenty-acre tract is located between Third and Fourth streets … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George B. Durell

Durell, George B.; manufacturer; born, New Jersey, Sept. 27, 1861; son of Edward H. and Hannah A. Woodward Durell; educated, Princeton University, A. B., 1885; married, Harriman, Tenn., June, 1893, Generiere Hill; issue, George Edward, GIadys, Kathryn; sec’y Chattanooga Tool Co., Chattanooga, Tenn.; gen. mgr. Chattanooga Tool Co., Chattanooga, Tenn.; gen. mgr. Harriman Hoe & Tool Co., Harriman, Tenn.; pres. Harriman Hoe & Tool Co., Harriman, Tenn.; pres. Manufacturer’s National Bank, Harriman, Tenn.; vice pres. and treas. American Fork & Hoe Co.; director Citizens Savings & Trust Co.; pres. Eagle Coal Co.; vice pres. United States Handle Co.; member Union, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Arthur Houghton Otis

Otis, Arthur Houghton; Northern Ohio mgr. Otis Elevators Co.; born, Yonkers, N. Y., Aug. 21, 1881; son of Norton Prentiss and Elizabeth Fahs Otis; educated, Yonkers public and High School, and Princeton University, B. S., 1906; married, Cleveland, June 21, 1912, Mildred Vilas; issue, Malcolm V. and Arthur H., Jr.; since graduation from college, connected with The Otis Elevators Co.; mgr. for Northern Ohio; his father, who died in 1904, was pres. of the Otis Elevators Co.; was a native of Vermont; member of New York Assembly, and Mayor of Yonkers; served two terms in Congress, and in 1900, was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Samuel McWilliams

McWilliams, Thomas Samuel; minister; born, Kentucky, Nov. 22, 1865; son of Samuel and Martha A. Harrington McWilliams; Centr. College, Danville, Ky., A. B., 1886, A. M., 1889, D. D., 1899; Danville Theological Seminary, 1886-1888; Princeton Theological Seminary, 1888-1889; married, Chillicothe, O., Dec. 5, 1887, Susan Probasco Nipgen; one son, John P. McWilliams; pastor First Presbyterian Church, Chillicothe, 0., 1889-1892; American Presbyterian Church, Montreal, Can., 1892-1902; pastor Calvary Presbyterian Church, Cleveland, since 1902; in 1911, chairman of committee that formed the Association of Federated Churches of Cleveland; pres. of Cleveland Peace Society, 1911, member Kappa Alpha Fraternity; member Mayfield, and Country … Read more

Biography of Thomas R. Hopkins

Thomas R. Hopkins. Modern business requires practical and thorough training in the same degree as the professions and sciences. In Champaign County there is no institution which affords a better curriculum and practical business education than the commercial college formerly known as Brown’s Business College and now owned and administered by Mr. Thomas R. Hopkins, himself a thorough educator of long experience and a man who has trained hundreds of young men and women and given them a thorough preparation for entrance into business affairs. Mr. Hopkins was born in Peoria County, Illinois, January 24, 1877, a son of Griffith … Read more

Biography of Edward J. Curtis

Among the eminent men of the northwest whose life records form an integral part of the history of Idaho was numbered Hon. Edward J. Curtis. In his death the state lost one of its most distinguished lawyers, gifted statesmen and loyal citizens. As the day, with its morning of hope and promise, its noontide of activity, its evening of completed and successful efforts, ending in the grateful rest and quiet of the night, so was the life of this honored man. His career was a long, busy and useful one, marked by the utmost fidelity to the duties of public … Read more

Biography of C. B. Mitchell

Although one of the more recent additions to the Miami bar, Charles B. Mitchell has already demonstrated his ability to cope with the intricacies of the law and is building up a good practice. He is also well known as a writer of ability and has contributed many interesting articles to leading magazines. He was born at Brunswick, Maine, on the 9th of October, 1870, his parents being George E. and Agnes E. Mitchell, also natives of the Pine Tree state, the former born at Brunswick, August 3, 1850, while the birth of the latter occurred at Oldtown in 1854. … Read more

Biography of Prof. George Bush

George Bush, one of the most eminent Biblical scholars and Orientalists of his time in America, was born in Norwich, Vt., June 12, 1796, a son of John and Abigal (Marvin) Bush, and grandson of Capt. Timothy Bush. The boyhood of George Bush was mostly passed in Hanover, New Hampshire, whither his father removed when he was quite young. The son gave early indications of superior intelligence. His eldest sister says “he had a ravishing love of books from her first remembrance of him.” He frequented the College library at Hanover and would bring home ponderous volumes, almost as large … Read more

Biography of Harry M. Moore, M. D.

Among those who are devoting their lives to the practice of medicine and surgery in St. Louis and discharging their duties with a high sense of conscientious obligation and a recognition of the responsibility that devolves upon them is Dr. Harry M. Moore, who is one of the alumni of Washington University. He was born in California, Missouri, March 1, 1874, and is a son of John W. Moore, who was born in Massachusetts and was descended from one of the old families of that state, the ancestral line being traced back to a period long antedating the Revolutionary war, … Read more

Biography of George R. Wendling, Jr.

George R. Wendling, Jr., of the Myers-Wendling Insurance Company of St. Louis, was born March 9, 1894, in Bloomington, Illinois. His father, George R. Wendling, was also a native of Illinois, his birth having occurred in Shelby county. He became a prominent attorney of that state and was a member of a constitutional convention of 1870 which framed the organic law of the commonwealth and had the distinction of being the youngest representative in that body, as he was only twenty-five years of age when elected. He won wide popularity as a lecturer as well as distinction in law practice. … Read more

Biography of Mrs. E. S. Hunt

Mr. and Mrs. Hunt are some of San Mateo’s pioneer families and on Mrs. Hunt’s side come from a family of pioneers. Mr. and Mrs Hunt originally settled in the immediate neighborhood of their present home, 317 Ellsworth avenue, at a time when there were only two or three neighbors within calling distance. They bought their home direct from the Howards who at that time practically owned the entire city of San Mateo. Two picturesque log cabins were erected on their lots, one of which they occupied themselves. One of these cabins was burned down not so long ago, but … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dayton Clarence Miller

Miller, Dayton Clarence; physicist; born at Strongsville, O., March 13, 1866; son of Charles W. D. and Vienna (Pomeroy) Miller; A. B., Baldwin University, 1886, A. M., 1889; D. Sc., Princeton, 1890; married Edith C. Easton, of Princeton, N. J., June 28, 1893; prof. natural science, Baldwin University, 1883-1889; asst. in mathematics and physics, 1890-1893; prof. physics, since 1893, Case School Applied Science; fellow A. A. A. S. (sec’y Sect. Physics, 1903-1907, vice pres. 1908; gen. sec’y 1910), member American Physical Society, American Astronomical Society, Cleveland Engineering Society (pres., 1906); trustee Baldwin University since 1899. Author: Laboratory Physics, 1903; Boehm … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Mathews

Mathews, James; lawyer; born, Bellwood, Pa., Sept. 4, 1868; educated at Mifflintown; graduated, Princeton University, 1890, degree A. B., Cincinnati Law School, 1893, degree LL. B.; admitted to the bar, and began practice in the United States attorney’s office, in Pittsburgh, Pa., 1893; come to Cleveland in 1894, as attorney for Cleveland, Akron & Columbus R. R.; formed partnership with Senator H. W. Wolcott, continuing until Wolcott was made gen. mgr. Kansas City & Leavenworth Ry.; then with Berkley Pearce, firm name Mathers & Pearce; member Century, Euclid and Hermit Clubs; politically Independent.

Biographical Sketch of Arthur Silas Wright

Wright, Arthur Silas; educator; born, Decatur, N. Y., March 7, 1858; son of Hanson and Fannie M. (Mason) Wright; A. B., Union College, 1882, A. M., 1886; Princeton Theological Seminary, 1884-1885; University of Leipzig, 1885-1887; married, Julia B. Barbyte, of Schenectady, N. Y., April 2, 1890; junior prof. modern languages, Union College, 1887-1892; prof. modern languages, Case School of Applied Science, since 1893; member Modern Language Association of America; Modern Language Association of Ohio. Editor: In St. Jurgen (Theodor Storm), 1901; Entwicklungslehre (v. Wagner), 1903; Elektronentheorie (Kayser), 1905.

Biographical Sketch of Knox Taylor

This gentleman, who has furnished for this work the history of the mines with which he has been connected, is a native of New Jersey, born at Highbridge, on the 19th of October, 1873. His father and grandfather are the principal owners of the large Taylor Iron and Steel Works at his native place, the grandfather being the president of the company. Knox Taylor was educated in the noted College of New Jersey at Princeton, graduating in the class of 1895, and he has made metallurgy and mining engineering a specialty. After graduating he went to New Mexico to engage … Read more

1910 Sioux Census

This is the most interesting piece of information, especially for those who have lost Sioux ancestors in 1910. All give South Dakota as their birthplace and the birthplace of both parents.  All say they are full-blooded Sioux.  All give occupation as “Wild West Shoe.” New Jersey, Mercer County, Hamilton Township, North District, Enumeration District #32, Sheet No 18 A. Enumerated on 22 April 1910 by John Magowan. Name Relationship Sex Age Marital Status How Many Years Married Mother of how many Children still living Iron Tail Head M 57 M1 21 Annie Wife F 46 M1 21 2 2 Sam … Read more

Biography of Charles Pope O’Fallon

Charles Pope O’Fallon, a representative in the third generation of the O’Fallon family in St. Louis, giving his attention to the management of estates, and invested interests, was born in Madison county, Alabama, August 3, 1868, and is a son of John Julius O’Fallon, mentioned elsewhere in this work. His ancestral line is one of which he has every reason to be proud and is given in detail in the sketch of his father. Dr. James O’Fallon served as a surgeon in the American army in the Revolutionary war and the great-granduncles of Charles P. O’Fallon included General William Clark, … Read more

Biography of Selden Spencer, M. D.

Dr. Selden Spencer, surgeon and laryngologist enjoying an extensive and important practice in St. Louis as a professional associate of Dr. Richard Johnson Payne, was born in this city March 23, 1873, and is a son of Dr. H. N. Spencer, a distinguished physician who passed away in August, 1915. The son was educated in the public and manual training schools of St. Louis and in St. Paul’s School at Concord, New Hampshire, before entering Princeton College, where he won his Bachelor of Arts degree in 1897. He then took up the study of medicine in Washington University and gained … Read more

Biography of Rev. Jacob Lindley

The Rev. Jacob Lindley, seventh son of Demas Lindley, one of the early settlers of Washington county, Pennsylvania, was born in that county, June 13, 1774. At the age of eighteen he was sent to Jefferson college, Pennsylvania, and from there went to Princeton, New Jersey, where he graduated in 1798. After a course of theological study he was license] to preach by the ” Washington Presbytery,” and in 1803, he removed to Ohio, settling first at Beverly, on the Muskingum. Having been selected by the first board of trustees of the Ohio university to organize and conduct that institution, … Read more