Biography of Thomas H. Leathers

Thomas H. Leathers, who for a number of years has stood second to none among the competent dental surgeons of Champaign County is an instance of a self-made man who came almost to the age of manhood without schooling or education and by sheer force of will and ambition qualified for a profession requiring a high degree of skill and intelligence. Doctor Leathers was born in Glensboro, Kentucky, June 30, 1870, son of William and Mary (Royalty) Leathers. His parents were both born in Kentucky, were thrifty farming people but of modest means. The mother died at the age of … Read more

Wright Family of Boston, MA

WRIGHT. The family of this name is an early Boston family, which through marriage is allied with some of the historic families of New England, among them those of Adams, Winslow and Wentworth. We give herewith an outline of the earlier generations, beginning with the first ancestor in this country. (I) Richard Wright, born about 1607, died in Plymouth, Mass., June 9, 1691. In 1644 he married Hester Cook, and they had children: Adam, Esther and Mary. (II) Adam Wright, born about 1644, died Sept. 20, 1724. He was twice married, having by his first wife, Sarah (Soule), two children, … Read more

Peace Attempts with Western Prairie Indians, 1833

General Henry Leavenworth

What was known as the Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek was entered into in Mississippi with the Choctaw Indians September 27, 1830; pursuant to the terms of the treaty, in 1832 the movement of the Choctaw to their new home between the Canadian and Red rivers was under way but they were in danger from incursions of the Comanche and Pani Picts or Wichita, and the Kiowa tribe, who came east as far as the Washita and Blue rivers; these Indians had also evinced a hostile attitude toward white citizens and had attacked and plundered Santa Fe traders, trappers, and … Read more

Biography of George Lord

George Lord, President of the Society of California Pioneers of San Bernardino County, and a representative of the best type of “Forty-niners,” is a native of New York City, and was born June 27, 1800, and consequently was eighty-nine years old his last birthday. His father, George Lord, was a sea captain, who died of yellow fever at quarantine in New York harbor, having contracted the disease in the West Indies, whence his vessel had just returned. The subject of this memoir being left self-dependent went to enlist in mercentile pursuits. Stopping for a time in Louisville, Kentucky, he was … Read more

Biography of William Anthony

William Anthony was long known as a dry goods merchant in Burlingame, Kansas. When he died there he left his widow and four young children. Mrs. Anthony, who now lives at Topeka, gave a splendid exposition of resourcefulness in a critical time. After the death of her husband she took the active management of the dry goods store, and though little acquainted with mercantile methods, she managed the enterprise so successfully that she gave her children the advantages they required at home and in school, and a few years ago sold the business, and moved to Topeka. Born at Marysville … Read more

Biography of Walter A. Johnson

Walter A. Johnson, president of the Missouri Life & Accident Insurance Company, with offices in the Metropolitan building, was born on a farm near Murfreesboro, Tennessee, November 23, 1869. His father, B. P. Johnson, is a native of Tennessee and is now a farmer near Waco, Texas. An uncle, Willis Johnson, was killed while serving with the Confederate forces in the Civil war. The mother of Walter A. Johnson bore the maiden name of Ella Norman and was born in Tennessee. The family has been represented in America through several generations. The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Johnson was celebrated … Read more

Biography of Caleb S. Stone, M. D.

Dr. Stone has left the ranks of the many to stand among the more successful few in a profession where advancement depends solely upon individual merit. In other walks of life, especially in commercial circles, one may enter upon a business already established and carry it on from the point where others laid it down, but the physician must rely solely upon his knowledge and ability, and these must be acquired through close and earnest application. That Dr. Stone, of Wallace, is numbered among the leading physicians and surgeons of his section of the state is therefore evidence of his … Read more

Biography of Mrs. James Atkins

Mrs. James Atkins presided over one of the fine homes of El Dorado and had long been prominent socially in that city. Mr. James Atkins is an honored veteran of the Civil war, one of the earliest settlers of Butler County, and though he began life in the West with little more than his courage and the labor of his hands he now had abundance and deserves both his leisure and his success. Mrs. Atkins was born at Louisville, Kentucky, December 11, 1864. Her maiden name was Eva J. Pool. Her parents were Anthony and Matilda J. (Bennett) Pool. In … Read more

Slave Narrative of Thomas Lewis

Interviewer: Estella R. Dodson Person Interviewed: Thomas Lewis Location: North Summit Street, Bloomington, Indiana Place of Birth: Spencer County, Kentucky Date of Birth: 1857 Submitted by: Estella R. Dodson District #11 Monroe County Bloomington, Ind. October 4, 1937 INTERVIEW WITH THOMAS LEWIS, COLORED North Summit Street, Bloomington, Ind. I was born in Spencer County, Kentucky, in 1857. I was born a slave. There was slavery all around on all the adjoining places. I was seven years old when I was set free. My father was killed in the Northern army. My mother, step-father and my mother’s four living children came … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. S. Garner, M. D.

J. S. Garner, M. D., Salisbury; was born in Russell Co., Ky., Oct. 14, 1831; at the age of 18, he went to Lancaster, Garrard Co., Ky., where he studied medicine in the office of J. S. Pierce, M. D., for three years; after which, he attended a course of lectures in Louisville, Ky., and commenced the practice of medicine in Wayne Co., Ky., and continued there up to the year 1863, when, having recruited. Co. K, 48th Regt. Ky. Vols., was elected its First Lieutenant, and, having served for eighteen months in our late civil war, moved to Salisbury, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. L. Scott

J. L. Scott, dealer in groceries, queensware and glassware, Mattoon; was born in Henry Ky., in 1836; his early life was passed upon the farm, and his education was derived from the common schools; in 1856, he moved to Franklin, Ind., where he engaged in mercantile pursuits; in 1863, he returned to Kentucky, located in Louisville, and was employed in the United States Government Pay Department, under Gen. Thurston, Paymaster of the Army of the Cumberland; in the spring of 1865, he removed, with his parents to Coles Co., Ill., and purchased a farm of 160 acres northeast of Mattoon; … Read more

Biography of Silas R. Dague

Silas R. Dague. As president of the Dague Business College, in the City of Wichita, Mr. Dague has been the potent force in the development and upbuilding of one of the admirable and influential educational institutions of the Sunflower State, and the college of which he is the executive head is maintained at the highest modern standard, with the best of material facilities and with a corps of instructors who are notable for distinct efficiency in the work of the respective departments to which they are assigned. Mr. Dague was born in Will County, Illinois, on the 17th of February, … Read more

Biography of Capt. Oliver E. Hindes

CAPT. OLIVER E. HINDES. There are few men in business circles who show as much fitness for their avocation in that they are wide awake, reliable, experienced and energetic as does Capt. Oliver E. Hindes, and there are none who have a more thorough knowledge of the wonderful mineral wealth and fine agricultural lands surrounding Lead Hill, Arkansas, than has he. The Captain has explored the entire mineral region of north Arkansas and south Missouri, and is perhaps more familiar with that field than any other man. He is one of the prominent farmers and land speculators of Lead Hill, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Byron J. Thompson

Byron J. Thompson was born in Gallia County, Ohio, in 1848. He received a high school education, and has since devoted the most of his time to teaching, in which profession he has been very successful; was principal of the public schools of Austin, Mo., and Louisville. He abandoned the profession on account of poor health. Purchasing the Jewell County Monitor, he sprang into the arena of journalism, where he is meeting with deserved success. He is one of the early settlers of Jewell County, is widely known and highly esteemed for his honesty, integrity and ability.

Biography of George Wood Ebbert

GEORGE WOOD EBBERT. – A life of sixty years in and west of the Rocky Mountains, fifty of which have been passed in the Willamette valley, – this is the pioneer record of Mr. Ebbert. As such it is full of interest; and in its further character, as a career of exceptional activity and adventure, it is of thrilling fascination. Although now eighty years of age, somewhat bent and infirm, the fires of manhood still glow, and the mind is still active. He was born in Bracken county, Kentucky, in 1810. When a youth he was apprenticed at Louisville to … Read more

Biography of Henry S. Thompson

Henry S. Thompson, president of the Kansas State Fair Association at Hutchinson, had owned and directed many large interests in Reno County for over twenty years. With all his active relations with the community and state at large and with varied business holdings, Mr. Thompson is essentially a farmer, and as a matter of preference he keeps his home at his large ranch situated a mile west of Sylvia. Mr. Thompson was born at Louisville, Kentucky, January 13, 1851. His father, Alfred Thompson, was born on the Isle of Wight, England, in 1807, grew up in that country, and when … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Gen. John A. Halderman

Gen. John A. Halderman, a Leavenworth lawyer and a Kentnckian by birth, made an honorable reputation in the public and military affairs of Kansas, as well as in the diplomatic service of the Far East. In the spring of 1854, at the age of twenty-one, and soon after his graduation from the University of Louisville, he came to Kansas and began the practice of law at Leavenworth. He served as private secretary to Andrew H. Reeder, the first territorial governor, and in 1855 was secretary of the first Territorial Council. He was appointed the first probate judge of Leavenworth County; … Read more

Biography of A. Banks Wilburn, M. D.

Dr. A. Banks Wilburn, engaged in the practice of surgery in St. Louis, was born in Audrain county, Missouri, February 19, 1874, a son of St. Clair and Susan (Coyle) Wilburn. The father was successfully engaged in farming and stock raising for many years in Audrain county but has now passed away. The family numbered fourteen children, nine sons and four daughters, of whom thirteen reached maturity. Dr. Wilburn was educated to the age of fourteen years in the district schools of his native county and spent that period of his life upon the home farm. The family then removed … Read more

Biography of John Milton Cunningham

John Milton Cunningham. Of the men who have long lent dignity and progressiveness to the business of ranching and farming in Osage County none are held in higher esteem than is John Milton Cunningham, who is now a resident of Caney and one of that city’s leading and influential citizens. During a long and successful career he has been identified prominently with financial matters in several parts of the country, but has always returned to agriculture as a vocation, and in this calling has found his greatest measure of prosperity. Mr. Cunningham was born in the City of Louisville, Kentucky, … Read more

Biography of William Lenox McWilliams

Many interests claim the time and attention of William Lenox McWilliams, a foremost citizen of Miami, who is president of the First National Bank, being also extensively interested in stock raising and mining, and he is likewise one of the leaders of the republican party in Oklahoma. He was born upon a farm near La Belle, Missouri, April 29, 1865, his parents being George Washington and Lucy M. (Clapp) McWilliams, and is a representative of an old American family, his ancestors having been passengers on the Mayflower. The father fought in the Civil war and gave up his life for … Read more