Biography of Charles F. Hemenway

Last Updated on July 6, 2011 by

A prominent and active figure in the business life of Moline, Illinois, has been, and still is, Mr. Charles F. Hemenway, the well known dealer in real estate and loans.

Mr. Hemenway was born November 1, 1846, at Grand de Tour, Illinois. His father’s name was Luke E. Hemenway (to whom a special article is devoted in this book), who married Jane E. Marsh, at Grand de Tour, June 23, 1842. The Hemenways are direct descendants of Ralph Hemenway and Elizabeth Hewes, who were married at Roxbury, Massachusetts, July 5, 1634. Their grandson, Daniel Hemenway, was a delegate to the convention that framed the Constitution of Massachusetts. He was Treasurer for the Patentees of the Town of Shoreham, Vermont, in the year 1873. From him is descended the subject of this sketch.

Mr. Hemenway received a common school education in the Schools of Grand de Tour and Moline, finishing at the latter place at the age of fourteen.

He left home at the age of fifteen, to accept a position in the post office at Lansing, Iowa, November 15, 1861.

On August 13, 1862, he enlisted in Company B, Twenty-seventh Iowa Infantry, Volunteers, at the age of fifteen years, and was honorably discharged at Vicksburg, Mississippi, June 6, 1865, with the rank of Corporal. Mr. Hemenway served with his company during the campaign in Northern Mississippi, being present at the capture of Holly Springs, of that State. He was detailed as clerk at Headquarters of the Third Brigade, Sixteenth Army Corps, July 11, 1863; again as clerk in the Adjutant-General’s Office, Sixteenth Army Corps, December 4, 1863, and as clerk at Headquarters of the Department of Mississippi, January 13, 1865, where he was on duty when discharged.

The war ended, Mr. Hemenway returned home from the service of his country, and on June 12, 1865, entered the First National Bank of Moline, as bookkeeper. In April, 1869, he was elected assistant cashier and active manager of the Manufacturers’ Bank of Moline, and in the year 1871 cashier of the Moline National and Moline Savings Banks, which office he filled until 1900, when he resigned to engage in his present business-real estate and loans.

Mr. Hemenway served several terms as Treasurer of the City of Moline, and two terms as Alderman. He was appointed notary public when he was but twenty-one years of age, and has continued in that office up to the present time.

In politics he has been from the first a Republican. His religious connection is with the First Unitarian Church of Moline.

Mr. Hemenway is a member of Graham Post, Grand Army of the Republic.

He was married November 4, 1869, to Mary E. Harrold, daughter of Henry D. and Nancy Harrold, his wife having been born in Rock Island County, Illinois, February 1, 1848.

Five children were the issue of this union, four of whom are now living, namely: Martha J., wife of C. R. Hull, of Indianapolis, Indiana; Harrold, Francis B. and Joseph C., the three latter residing with their parents in Moline.


Biographical Publishing Company. Portrait and Biographical Album of Rock Island County. Illinois; Chicago: Biographical Pub. Co.

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