Biographical Sketch of W. H. K. Pile

W. H. K. Pile, real estate, collecting and insurance agent, Mattoon; was born in Breckinridge Co., Ky., Feb. 17, 1819; he was reared on a farm, and learned his trade, that of a wagon-maker, during his minority; at the age of 20, he began life for himself, following his trade and that of a carpenter, till 25 years of age; he then engaged in farming for five years; in1855, he came West to Illinois, and settled south of Charleston, Coles Co.; in 1856, he came to Mattoon, and engaged in operating a hotel; in 1857, he was elected Police Magistrate of the city; in 1858, he was chosen Associate Justice of Coles Co., with Judges Edwards and Leach; in 1859, he was elected School Commissioner of Coles Co., and served two years; in the winter of 1862, he removed to Charleston and operated a hotel, and, in 1863, located in Alton and engaged in the same business; in 1867, he returned to Mattoon, and engaged as traveling salesman for a firm in Louisville, Ky.; in 1869, he was again chosen Police Magistrate, and held the office four years; in 1873, he was elected Justice of the Peace, and remained in office four years; during the years of 1875, 1876 and 1877, he traveled for a firm, loaning money on real estate; for the past year he has devoted his time to the collection of claims, the transaction of real estate business, and has recently added the insurance agency. He was married in March, 1844, to Nancy J. Walkup, a native of Kentucky.



Chapman Brothers Portrait and biographical album of Coles County, Illinois Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1887.

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