Biographical Sketch of P. B. and W. B. Spears

Spears Bros., bankers. P. B. Spears was born in Carroll County, Ind., December 29, 1854, and came to Kansas in 1880. He was married in Illinois, May 10, 1876, to Miss Georgia A. Taylor. They have two children – Ethel and Charles. W. B. Spears was born in Carroll County, Ind., April 6, 1858; moved to Illinois, thence to Burr Oak, Jewell County, Kan., and March 1, 1880. He was married in Morrison, Whiteside County, Illinois, and January 19, 1881, to Miss Minnie B. Clark. They have one child – Helen, born January 15, 1882. The brothers established the Bank of Burr Oak, and in 1882 erected a brick bank building 24×50 feet, two stories high, and furnished the same in first-class style, with glass counters not surpassed in Western Kansas, a well-built vault, safe and time-lock. The firms are the owners of 280 acres of land, well improved and well stocked.



Andreas, A. T. History of the State of Kansas. Chicago, Illinois: William G. Cutler. 1883.

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