Varga, Hugo Eugene; lawyer; born, Kassa, Hungary, June 16, 1885; son of Joseph and Sophie Varga; educated, Gymnasium in Kassa, Hungary; graduated, in 1903, with highest honors, Five Semester, in the Royal Hungarian University, of Budapest; second highest honors, University of Illinois, 1907; Northwestern University Law School, Chicago, 1908-1909, LL. B., 1909; participated in National Progressive Party Campaign in 1912, speaking in Northern Ohio; admitted to Illinois bar in 1910, and Ohio bar, 1911; attorney for Austro-Hungarian Consulate, 1910-1913; in active practice in Cleveland since December, 1911; 1908-1909 chief clerk of Rubens, Fisher, Messer & Rigby, counselors, Chicago; abroad, asst. sec’y Law Club, Law College, Hungary; member board of directors, Royal University Society, Budapest; 1904-1905, member Protective League, Chicago, and Civic League, Cleveland; American Society for International Law; American Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology; American Sociological Society, American Association for Labor Legislation, National Child Labor Committee, National Conference of Charities and Corrections; pres. Alumni Associations of Northern Ohio University; member Goethe-Schiller Verein, Woodmen of the World, Hungarian American Federation, Corda Frabes, Association of Cosmopolitan Clubs, University of Illinois Alumni Ass’n, Northwestern University Alumni Association, Cleveland; member City Club, Chamber of Commerce and Progressive Club; in 1907, editor Chicago Hungarian Weekly News; has written as regular contributor to various local and university papers abroad; speaks several languages.