Biographical Sketch of D. A. Bowman

D. A. Bowman, blacksmith and general jobber; P. O. Humbolt, Ill.; was born in Perry Co., Ohio, Dec. 5, 1845. He married Miss Sarah McCravy Oct. 1, 1867; she was born in East Tennessee; they had three children, two living, viz., Charles A. and Lydia L. He lived in Ohio three years, when, with his parents, he came to Illinois, and settled near Robinson; in 1860, he began to learn his trade with T. J. Sims, plow-manufacturer at that place, In 1864, he enlisted in the 135th III. Regt., he being Regimental Fifer; was discharged in November following, and began work at his trade with Mr. Stifle, of Stiflesville; next worked at Oblong City with Mr. Zugler; next with Mr. Sentney, in Humbolt; then with Miller & Miller, of Mattoon, and, in August, 1866, he began work in Arcola for Mr. Jacobs, and, in June, 1867, he worked in Humbolt for Mr. Sentney, and, in October, after his marriage, he went in partnership with Mr. Jacobs, of Arcola; in 1868, he worked for Mr. Garrett, in Windsor, and, in 1869, he opened a shop of his own in Arcola; in the fall of the same year, he came to Humbolt and carried on wagon and carriage making and blacksmithing; in 1874, he sold his wagon business and rented out his blacksmith-shop and took a position at Homer in the carriage factory of Mr. Cusick; in 1875, he returned to Humbolt and resumed business in his former stand, and, as will be seen, his nineteen years’ experience has been such as to specially adapt him to his specialties of horse-shoeing and plow-work.


Biography, Civil War,

Chapman Brothers Portrait and biographical album of Coles County, Illinois Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1887.

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