Biography of Joseph Brayshaw, M. D.

Joseph Brayshaw, M. D. The success of the capable and competent surgeon has attended the career of Dr. Joseph Brayshaw, who for the past fifteen years has been successfully engaged in practice at Homer. Doctor Brayshaw was born in Perry County, Illinois, January 15, 1868, son of Helvetius Pyle and Elizabeth (Brayshaw) Brayshaw. His father, who was of mingled English and Greek descent, was born in Perry County, Illinois, while the mother was a native of England. The father was a farmer and spent the last twenty years of his life in Missouri, where he died January 1, 1895. Besides … Read more

Biography of Frank Morton Conkey

Frank Morton Conkey has for more than a quarter of a century been identified with the town of Homer in his profession as a dentist. He is one of the most progressive men in his calling in the county, and began his work with splendid equipment and has always kept up with every advance and improvement in the profession. Doctor Conkey was born at Homer, Illinois, May 3, 1868. He is a son of William Alexander and Sarah Virginia (Sadler) Conkey, his father a native of Pelham, Massachusetts, and his mother of Wheeling, West Virginia. The Sadler family were early … Read more

Biography of Herman M. Smoot

Herman M. Smoot has had a very determined and energetic business career at Homer and at the age of forty his prosperity is now assured as well as his position as a man of affairs and influence in his community. Mr. Smoot was born on a farm in Vermilion County, Illinois, June 19, 1877. His parents were John and Sarah C. (Lewis) Smoot, the former a native of Ohio and the latter of Pennsylvania. They were brought to Illinois when children, and grew up in Vermilion County, where after their marriage they lived on a farm in Vance Township. In … Read more

Biography of Levi Mead Hall

Levi Mead Hall, who recently celebrated his ninetieth birthday, still walks with firm step and unclouded mind the streets of Homer, and during his long and useful life in Champaign County has witnessed almost its entire development and has borne a share in its progress. He still manifests a keen and intelligent interest in all that affects the welfare of his community and country, and is widely and favorably known as a man of progress and public spirit. He was born in Indiana, a son of Frost Underlin and Maria (Mead) Hall. The traditional account is that the founder of … Read more

Biography of Frederick Rose

Frederick Rose is in the grain business and handles his share of the grain that comes to Homer. He has been connected with the grain trade for the better part of his active career, and came to Champaign County about ten years ago, and his name and his enterprise are now known throughout that rich and splendid farming district surrounding Homer on all sides. Mr. Rose was born in New York City, November 3, 1861, a son of Henry and Anna (Smith) Rose. Both parents were natives of Germany and his father came to America in 1846. He had served … Read more

Biography of James J. Freeman

James J. Freeman, of Homer, represents the second generation of a family that has played a worthy part in the affairs of Champaign County for over sixty years, and he is managing with thrift and a high degree of prosperity a fine farm in the locality where he was born. Mr. Freeman was born in Champaign County, May 27, 1858. His parents were Thomas and Nancy {Redman) Freeman, the father born in Ohio and the mother in Illinois. His father was one of the early agriculturists in this county and died in Champaign County in 1910, while the mother died … Read more

Biography of James M. Current

James M. Current. One of the oldest business men in Champaign County is James M. Current, of Homer. He and his family have conducted a grain business for a great many years in this and in Vermilion County. His life has ‘been one of constant activity and from small beginnings he has acquired a competence and an honorable reputation. Mr. Current was born in Vermilion County, Illinois, January 21, 1842, a son of William and Mary (Bastion) Current. His parents were both born in Virginia, his father in 1803 and his mother in 1807. His father located in Vermilion County … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James P. McPherren

James P. McPherren, present postmaster of Homer, and a native of this section of Illinois, has been a successful business man for many years and has exemplified the energetic qualities of the real business “builder. Mr. McPherren was born in Ford County, Illinois, July 22, 1871, but has spent practically all his life in Champaign County. His parents were Thomas J. and Amanda J. (Roberts) McPherren. They were born in Indiana and came to Illinois in 1857, locating on a farm in Champaign County. His father died at Homer November 16, 1891, and the mother is now living with her … Read more

Biographical Sketch of D. A. Bowman

D. A. Bowman, blacksmith and general jobber; P. O. Humbolt, Ill.; was born in Perry Co., Ohio, Dec. 5, 1845. He married Miss Sarah McCravy Oct. 1, 1867; she was born in East Tennessee; they had three children, two living, viz., Charles A. and Lydia L. He lived in Ohio three years, when, with his parents, he came to Illinois, and settled near Robinson; in 1860, he began to learn his trade with T. J. Sims, plow-manufacturer at that place, In 1864, he enlisted in the 135th III. Regt., he being Regimental Fifer; was discharged in November following, and began … Read more

Biography of Alonzo O. Morrison

Alonzo O. Morrison. One of the families that was established in Vermilion County, Illinois, in the early ’40s and has ever since been a representative agricultural one in east central Illinois bore the name of Morrison. This branch of the family was of pioneer stock in Ohio and doubtless can trace its far back ancestry to Scotland. The leading representative in Champaign County is Alonzo O. Morrison, a highly respected resident of Homer, Illinois. Alonzo O. Morrison was born in Vermilion County, Illinois, November 17, 1859. His parents were James Perry and Harriet A. (Sterns) Morrison. The father was born … Read more

Biography of Benjamin M. Custer,

Benjamin M. Custer, of Homer, where he lives retired, is now serving as township supervisor. His main business in life has been farming, and he still owns a fine place in Champaign County, where the family were among the pioneer settlers. Mr. Custer is one of the many men in Champaign County who have won financial independence through the avenue of agriculture. He was born in Vermilion County, Illinois, January 23, 1852, a son of Jacob M. and Elizabeth O. (Ochiltree) Custer. His parents were both natives of Virginia, and they came to Illinois in 1848, locating in Vermilion County. … Read more

Biography of George W. Hill

George W. Hill. As the nation grows older more and more honor is paid the men who offered their lives as sacrifice to the preservation of the Union in the dark days of the ’60s. One of these veterans still living in Champaign County is George W. Hill, whose life since the war has been one of peaceful industry as a farmer and he is now enjoying a well earned retirement at his home in the village of St. Joseph. He was born at Paola, Orange County, Indiana, February 22, 1840. It will be noted that his birth occurred on … Read more

Biography of Charles D. Babb

Charles D. Babb. Established in 1900, the private banking house of Raynor & Babb, at Homer, Illinois, has enjoyed a prosperous existence of seventeen years, and through the financial ability, personal integrity and good management of its owners has grown to be a recognized institution among the concerns of Champaign County which are engaged in the handling of the money of corporations and individuals. One of the members of this firm, Charles D. Babb, is a man of broad experience in business and financial matters, an excellent judge of realty and loan values, and a citizen who has at times … Read more

Biography of Charles H. Wallace

Charles H. Wallace. Among the ambitious young men who came to Champaign County some forty years ago with the intention of making it his future home and has proved his foresight and good judgment in making his selection was Charles H. Wallace, who needs little introduction to the people of Homer, which has always been his place of residence. His present position in the financial field places him among the capitalists of the state, his large possessions make him one of the great landowners. Mr. Wallace is a graduate of the agricultural department of the University of Illinois, and his … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Harvey Allison

Harvey Allison is one of the prominent land owners and agriculturists in the vicinity of Homer, where he has spent the best part of his active career. Mr. Allison knows farming from A to Z and his capabilities have been developed by long and thorough experience. He was born in Vermilion County, Illinois, January 16, 1870, a son of James A. and Willmoth (Dunnivan) Allison. His father was born in Indiana and died at Homer July 10, 1899. The mother is a native of Vermilion County and is still living on the old home farm. The parents removed to Champaign … Read more

Biography of Joseph E. Lowery, M. D.

Joseph E. Lowery, M. D. As a competent physician and surgeon Doctor Lowery has been known in Champaign County for a number of years. He began practice over thirty years ago, his early experience in the profession being in the State of Iowa. Doctor Lowery is a native of Stark County, Ohio, where he was born November 13, 1861. His parents, Joseph and Mary (Simmons) Lowery, were natives of Pennsylvania. His father was a farmer and school teacher. In 1869 the family located in McLean County, Illinois, and in 1882 went to Greene County, Iowa, where Joseph Lowery died in … Read more