Abbreviations Used in this Directory
a–Acres; Ch — Children; O–Owner; T–Tenant or Renter; R –Rural Route; Sec-Section; Maiden name of wife follows directory name in parentheses (); figures at end of information–year became resident of county. Star (*) indicates children not at home. Name of farm follows names of children in quotations marks. In case of a tenant, the farm owner’s name follows the figures giving size of farm.
ABBEY, William L. (Lena Riggs) Martha and Cora Abbey, Mother and Sister; Kirkwood R1 Tompking Sec8-5 T80a H.M. Abbey Est. (1886) Tel. Farmers’ Line Kirkwood
ABBEY, William L. – Name
(Lena Riggs) – Wife’s maiden name.
Martha and Cora Abbey – Mother and Sister
Kirkwood R1 – Postoffice Kirkwood, R.F.D. 1.
Tompking Sec8-5 – Township Tompking, Sections 8-5.
T80a – Tenant on 80 acres.
H.M. Abbey Est. – Owner of 80 acres.
(1886) – Lived in county since 1886.
Tel. Farmers’ Line Kirkwood – Farmers’ Line Telephone Kirkwood.
B Surnames
BABBITT, Albert C. (Lucile Meadows) Avon R5 Berwick Sec31 T80a Bion Lincoln (1918) Tels. Greenbush and Avon
BABBIT, Edwin (Clara Johnson) Ch Livina, Dale, Albert, Florine, *Ira, *Mary, *Emery,*Homer, *Jessie, *Hobart; Avon R5 Berwick Sec27 T355a H.A. and C.E. Saunders (1901) Tels. Avon and Greenbush
BACON, Charles A. (Susie Tate) Ch Ernest, Howard, Charming, Marie; Roseville R2 Pt. Pleasant Sec21 T400a B.P. Lee (1895) Tel. Farmers’ Line Swan Creek
BACON, John (Nancy Milburn) Ch *Charles, *Frank, *Etta, *Lyola, *John, *Janie, *Sylvia; Swan Creek R1 Swan Sec18 T100a Etta Almond (1868) Tel Farmers’ LIne Swan Creek
BAER, James B.(Mary Ray) Ch Ester, Ava, *Hale; Roseville R1 Roseville Sec3-10 O100a (1890) Mutual Tel. Monmouth-Berwick
BAER, John E. (Lottie Brownawell) Ch Herman; Kirkwood R2 Tompking Sec32 T110a Albert Lamphere (1903) Tel. Farmers’ Line Kirkwood
BAILEY, Harry (E. Simcox) Ch William, Florence, Charles, Howard, *Lucile; Alexis R4 Spring Grove Sec10-11 O220a (1867) Mutual Tel. Farmers’ Line Alexis
BAKER, David A. (Molly Jones) Ch *Mary, *Maggy, *Nanny, *Flora, *Jesse; “Cat Farm” St. Augustine R1 Berwick Sec 24-13 O240a (1887) Abingdon Tel.
BAKER, Jessie C. (Mina Edmanson) Ch Leona, Everett, George, Stanley; St Augustine R1 Berwick Sec23 T160a Mr. Baker (1887) Abingdon Tel
BAKER, William W. (Mary Carroll) Ch *Maude, *Catherine; Avon R2 Greenbush Sec10 T160a Mary Ennis (1880) Tel. Farmers’ Line Avon
BALDING, Russel G. (Marie Bitle) Ch Doris, Arthur; Monmouth R4 Hale Sec8 T240 A.C.Bar (1910) Tel. Farmers’ Line Monmouth
BALES, Hesicar (Margret Dillman) Kirkwood R2 Tompking)O40a T40a O. Randel, L. H. Morton and H. Schimehorn (1905) Tel. Farmer’s Line Kirkwood
BALL, Ben L. (Bertie Walker) Ch Malcolm B.; Monmouth R1 Coldbrook Sec8 Farm Hand J.L. Lucas (1917)
BALMER, James H. (Cora Livingston) Ch Bessie Evelyn; Alexis R1 Sumner Sec4 T80a J.W. Decker (1871) Gabby Tel. Little York
BARNETT, Clark W. (Bessie Walston) Ch Marjory; Monmouth R2 Monmouth Sec 14-15 T310a Otis M. Barnett (1842) Mutual Tel. Monmouth
BARNET, Otis M. (Gertrude Hall) Ch Clark, Edna; Monmouth R1 Monmouth Sec14-15 O310a (1862) Mutual Tel. Monmouth
BARR, Arthur C. (Winefred Smith) Ch Bruce, Clinton; “Linden Farm” Monmouth R3 Hale Sec19-20 O160a Sec 20-29 T159a Barr Est. (1910) Tels Farmers’ Line Monmouth and Kirkwood
BARR Luther A. (Pearle Pollard) “Windy Knoll Farm” Monmouth R4 Hale Sec19-8 O240a (1972) Kirkwood Tel. Monmouth
BARR, William Lyle (Eva Uhlman) Ch Willard, Blaine, Barr; Little York Sumner Sec33 O60a T100a Barr Est. (1896) Gabby Tel. Little York
BARRINGTON, Charles E. (Vera McCreight) Ch Louise; Alexis R4 Spring Grove Sec7-8 T480a M.R. and George Herbert (1916) Mutual Tel. Farmers’ Line Alexis
BASS, James M. (Nancy Cochran) Ch Helen, Marie, Jennie, Marion, Rosalee; “Oak Spring Farm” Monmouth R3 Sumner Sec32 Farm Hand Murry E. Buck (1916)
BASS, John G. (Anna Miller) Ch Leo, Audrie, William; Monmouth R3 Hale Sec5 Farm Hand John Jones (1916) Tel. Little York
BATES, Curtis G. (Grace Smith) Ch Dorothy, C. Glen, Walter; Cameron R2 Floyd Sec3-10 O165a (1898) Mutual Tel. Cameron
BAUGHMAN, Underhill (Janie Dykeman) Ch Clifford, Everett, Charles; Avon R2 Greenbush Sec23 Farm Hand Ed Long (1918) Tel. Farmers’ Line Prairie City
BAUMANN, Jacob B. (Lillie McMahill) Ch Iva, Mabel,, May, Howard, *Minnie; “Boxelder Leaf Farm” Swan Creek R1 Swan Sec32 O105a (1888) Tel. Farmers’ Line Swan Creek
BAUMGARDNER, Henry (Maude Pierce) “Edgewood Farm” Avon R5 Swan Sec1 O27 1/2a (1858) Tel. Farmers’ Line Greenbush
BAWLING, Carl H. (Lula Graham) Ch Olive, Raymond, Darleon, Rosa Clifford, Goldie; roseville F1 Roseville Sec30 T159a Horace Woodward (1914) Mutual Tel. Roseville
BAXTER, Charley (Mattie J. Williamson )Ch Eugene, Ellen, Avon; Smithshire R2 Ellison Sec16 W.H. Fletcher (1912)
BEARD, Arthur C. (Lula Meador) Roseville R3 Roseville Sec6 Farm Hand Wm. Watson (1914) Tel. Monmouth
BEARD, Christian (Emma L. Miller) Ch *Gertrude, Blanch; Alexis R2 Kelly Sec9 O100a (1858)Mutual Tel. Alexis
BEARD, Walter S. (Beulah Fischer) Ch John Harold; Roseville R3 Roseville Sec6 Farm Hand S.B. Crane (1914) Mutual Tel. Monmouth
BEASLEY, John F. (Emma Wilcox) Ch Floyd, *Elva, *Cora; Smithshire R1 Ellison Sec34 O80a (1869) Mutual Tel. Roseville
BECKNER, Earl C. (Christina Krotz) Ch Louise, Edna Charlotte, Earline; Roseville R3 Swan Sec9 T83a Margaret Jared and Chas. Thomas (1882) Tel. Farmers’ LIne Swan Creek
BECKNER, Ernest (Mary Enfield) Ch Montie, Edrena, Owen, Ethel, Howard, Alice; Youngstown Swan Sec21 T1a Orvie Cayton (1877)
BECKNER, Samuel (Cora Kellough) Ch Harold, Ruth, Howard, Carl, Warren; Avon R2 Greenbush Sec22 Farm Hand Geo. Sailer (1879) Tel Farmers’ Line Avon
BECKTEL, Milford A. (Alice Brent) Ch *Roy, *Orpha, *Lizzie; Kirkwood R1 Tompking Sec16 O10a (1869) Tel. Farmers’ Line Kirkwood
BECKTEL, Roy V. (Anna Hollenberg) Roseville R4 Roseville Sec27 O95a (1880) Mutual Tel. Roseville
BELL, David (Sarah Bowers) Ch Mary, Alice, Flora, Arthur, Annie, Maude, Christine, *John, *William, *Thomas, *Victor, *Delbert; “Sloey Farm” Avon R2 Greenbush Sec26 T240a A.B. Tompkins (1912) Tel. Farmers’ Line Avon
BELL, Truman W. (Emma Miller) Ch Everett, Lucile; Monmouth R2 Monmouth Sec4 T120a John Collins (1908) Mutual Tel. Monmouth
BELLINGER, Albert (Cora Wilcox) Ch Kenneth, Donald, *Hazel; Alexis R4 Kelly Sec 17-7 O160a (1868) Mutual Tel. ALexis
BELLINGER, Ben (Della Dunn) Ch Earl, Frances; Alexis R2 Kelly Sec9-4 O180a (1878) Tel. Farmers’ Line Alexis
BELLINGER, Charles L. (Laura Mustoe) Ch David A., Charles L., Gladys Johnson; Alexis R4 Kelly Sec7 T195a Bellinger Est (1975) Mutual Tel. Alexis
BELLINGER, Fred W. Ch Emery, Helen; alexis R2 Kelly Sec3 O126a (1856)Tel. Farmers’ Line Alexis
BELLINGER, Jay C. (Daisy Ernst) Ch Cletus, Kenneth, Clennen, Gale; Alexis R2 Kelly Sec9 Lucinda Bellinger (1878) Tel. Farmers’ Line Alexis
BENNETT, Jerry A. (Blanche Sharer) Ch James Allen; Monmouth R3 Sumner Sec32 O103a (1914)Gabby Tel. Little York
BENNETT, Martha M. (Martha M. Fitzimons)Ch *Will, *Cora; Kirkwood R2 Tompking Sec19 O80a (1861) Frivate Tel. Kirkwood
BENNETT, Russell E. (Lillian J. Dinsock) Ch Richard; “H.E.P. Farm” Kirkwood R2 Tompking Sec20 T80a Margaret E. Bennett (1897)Biggsville Tel. Kirkwood
BENSON, Nels P. (Nelina Strand) Ch Agnes, Edith, Gosta, Bertha, Elizabeth; Monmouth R7 Ellison Sec3 T160a Mrs. Flora Paschel (1910) Mutual Tel. Kirkwood
BENSON, William G. (Olga Stoecks) Ch Milo, Jean, Robert; Kirkwood R1 Tompking Sec2-3 O233a (1889) Tels. Farmers’ Line Kirkwood and Monmouth.
BERGREN, Elmer E. (Bessie Johnson) Ch Dorothy, Louise, Verner; Monmouth R4 Hale Sec23 T130a A. Bergren (1911) Tel. Farmers’ Line Monmouth
BERGSTROM, Joseph W. (Margret Hunt) Ch Dorothy; Gerlaw R1 Spring Grove Sec25 T160a G.W. Kern (1916) Mutual Tel. Farmers’ Line Alexis
BERTELSEN, Andrew (Laura Nelson) Ch Oville; Monmouth R2 Monmouth Sec3 Farm Hand H.L. Carson (1913) Monmouth Tel. Monmouth
BERTELSEN, Hans J. (Anna Sorensen) Ch Harry, Elizabeth, Ralph, Edith, *George, *Andrew; Gerlaw R1 Spring Grove Sec16 T80a Sivert Sorensen (1905) Mutual Tel. Farmers’ LIne Alexis
BESTE, William (Blanche Gilmore) Ch Dorothy, Donald, Lawrence, Eugene, George; Gerlaw R1 Spring Grove Sec34-27 O270a (1912) Monmouth Tel.
BIDDLE, William C. Kirkwood R2 Tompking Sec27 O157a (1858)
BIRD, Harry J. (Cora Patterson ) Ch Orus, karl, Clifford, Lenna; Little York Sumner Sec29 O92 1/2a (1890) Tel. Farmers’ Line Little York
BIRDSALL, Charles B. (Beulah Ratekin) Ch Helen; Smithshire R1 Ellison Sec34 T100a A.J. Livermore (1874) Mutual Tel. Roseville
BITLE, Lincoln (Olive Huffman) Ch Mildred, Hazel, *William, *Mamie, *Marie, *Florence; Monmouth R3 Sumner Sec32 T240a Barr Bros. (19090) Gabby Tel. Little York
BIVENS, Jack H. (Nora Painter) Ch Glen E. Heath, Lelia May, Varian Cleatis; Media R1 Pt Pleasant Farm Hand F.A. Michaels (1916)Tel. Farmers’ Line Raritan
BJORKMAN, Carl T. (Odlofine Anderson) Ch Helmer, Ralph, Howard; Galesburg R1 Kelly Sec12 T140a Richard Jeanes (1917) Mutual Tel. North Henderson
BLACKMAN, Earl L. Ch Edgar, *Clarence; Kirkwood R1 tompking Sec17 T80a (1880) Tel. Farmers’ Line Swan Creek
BLAIR, Clarence L. (Winnie Beckner) Ch Sylvia, Ora Cleo, Demoss, Opal, *Clyde; Roseville R4 Swan Sec22 O80a (1880) Tel. Farmers’ Line Swan Creek
BLAIR, Clyde S. (Clara Nordgren) Roseville R4 Swan Sec15 T200a Mary H. Campbell(1893) Tel. Farmers’ Line Swan Creek
BLAIR, James (Margaret Kernohan) Ch Margaret, Andrew, mary, A.C. SamuelJ., John A; Monmouth R3 Hale, Sec28-21 T160a Torley Est. (1901) Tel. Farmers’ Line Monmouth
BLEVINS, Arlene (Anna Eaton)St. Augustine R24 Berwick Sec24 T280a E.I. Blevins (1893) Abingdon Tel.
BLEVINS, Cecil H. Berwick R1 Berwick Sec11 T200a E.I. Blevins (1896) Abingdon Tel. Berwick
BLEVINS, Elbert I. (Mary Boydstun) Ch Georgia, Russell, cecil, *Arlene, *Fern; Abingdon Rr1 Berwick Sec12-24 O680a (1885) Abingdon Tel.
BLEVINS, Marion M. (Dora O’Neil) Ch Vernon, Elgie, Ora, Hazel, May, Max, Inez; Swan Creek R1 Swan Sec21 T240a Herbert and Myrtle Simmons (1894) Tel. Farmers’ Line Swan Creek
BLOOMGREN, Herman A. (Ella Nelson) Ch Edwin, Elmer, Leonard, Edna, Esther, Agnes, Hugo, Ruth, Farie, Alice; Galesburg R6 Coldbrook Sec3 T160a (1902) Glaesburg Tel.
BOALS, Loffie M (Myrtie Claycomb) Ch *Nina; Monmouth R2 Monmouth Sec17-18 O193a (1870) Mutual Tel. Monmouth
BOALS, Manuel (Salina Fairburn) Ch *Alma; Monmouth R3 Monmouth Sec19 T60a Alfred Linman (1855) Mutual Tel. Monmouth
BOGGS, Edward C. Ch Chauncey, Guy, Francis; alexis R1 Spring Grove Sec5 O73a (1859) Mutual Tel. Farmers’ Line Alexis
BOHLANDER, John A. (Alice Keane) Ch Mary Grace, Robert, Evelyn, Elizabeth, Helen, James, John P.; Monmouth R5 Lenox Sec16-15 O270a (1873) Mutual Tel. Monmouth
BOND, Clarence W. (Emma Tracey) Ch Evelyn; “Bond’s Short Horn Farm” Roseville R1 Swan Sec21 O270a (1877) Tel. Farmers’ Line Swan Creek
BOND, Jessie (emma Thomas) Ch Dale, Max, Katherine; “Edgewood Hill Farm” Roseville R3 Swan Sec15 O40a T120a Arvey Caton (1882) Tel. Farmers’ Line Swan Creek
BOND, John C. (Katie Johnson) Ch *Clarence, *Jesse, *Randle, *Fielding, *Arvie, *Lulu; Swan Creek R1 Greenbush Sec18 O9a Sec18 T30a C.W. Bond (1854) Tel. Farmers’ LIne Swan Creek
BOND, William J. (Annie Bond, Sister) Little York R2 Sumner Sec26 O160a (1879) Tel. Farmers Line Little York
BOOTH, Ferguson (Myrtie Kirby) Ch *Bertha; Roseville R2 Pt. Pleasant Sec27 O80a Tel. Farmers’ Line Swan Creek
BOOZAN, John H. Gerlaw R1 Spring Grove Sec33 T320a Sarah Gerlaw (1903)
BOOZAN, Michael (Nellie Shurick) Ch Margaret, Elizabeth, Richard, Nellie, Michael, Francis, Loretta; Monmouth R2 Sumner Sec13 O265a (1868) Tel Farmers’ Line Little York
BOOZAN, William J. (Mary Connerton) Alexis R4 Kelly, Sec 18-19 O256a (1875) Mutual Tel. Alexis
BOULTINGHOUSE, Orris G. (Effie Parris) Ch Hellen; Monmouth R5 Lenox Sec33 T80a A. Shroats (1912)
BOULTON, Geo. R. (Dicy Robinson) Ch Nettie Mabel, *Garnet; Galesburg R6 Coldbrook Sec4 O100a (1906) Tel. Farmers’ Line Cameron
BOWEN, John L. (Luella Cline) Ch Evert, Eva; Berwick R1 Sec20 T142a Farm Hand Howard Malcolm (1915) Malcolm Tel. Roseville
BOWLBY, John W. (R. Kate Berry) Ch *Urie, *Edith, *Leith; Monmouth R4 Hale Sec34 T160a Miss Jane Edwards (1865 Tel. Farmers’ Line Monmouth
BOWLBY, Urie V. (Shirlie Dalton) Ch Orrin; Monmouth R4 Hale Sec36 O40a Foreman John Bowlby (1890) Bell Tel. Monmouth
BOWLES, James M. (Josie Reynolds) Ch Marvin; Cameron R1 Floyd Sec17 T168a J.A. Reynolds (1900) Mutual Tel. Cameron
BOWLING, Jarom B. (Matilda Rich) Ch William, David, Ottis, Arley, *Mattie; Kirkwood R1 Tompking Sec11 FAarm Hand C.W. Billings (1916)Tel. Farmers’ LIne Kirkwood
BOWMAN, Allen J. (Lillian Swanson) Monmouth R3 Hale Sec10 T91a Joe Nelson (1914) Tel. Farmers’ Line Monmouth
BOWMAN Oville J. (Sadie Martin) Ch Mabel, Marjorie, Everett, Elizabeth, John; Monmouth R2 Monmouth Sec9 T109a A.L. Martin (1896) Mutual Tel. Monmouth
BOYD, EmmettJ. (Bessie O. Fletcher; “Point Pleasant Farm: Roseville R2 Pt. Pleasant Sec10 T320a J.J. Boyd and W.D. Johnson (1881) Tel. Farmers’ Line Roseville
BOYD John B. (Rosa Avery) Ch William, Hattie, Mary; Roseville R2 Pt. Pleasant Sec1 O88a (1850) Tel. Farmers’ LIne Roseville
BOYD, John J. (Emily J. Kirby) Ch *Anna, *Emmett; “Point Pleasant Farm” Roseville R2 Pt. Pleasant Sec10 O160a (1879) Tel. Farmers’ Line Roseville
BOYDSTON, ALfonso R. (Olive N. Hedgepeth) Ch HubertH.; Cameron R2 Coldbrook Sec27-34 T160a Holland Hedgepeth (1904)Tel. Farmers’ LIne Cameron
BOYDSTUN, John B. (Maud Morse) Ch Roy, Pearl; Abingdon R2 Berwick Sec1 O25a (1896) Cross Lane Tel. Abingdon
BOYER, Abel (Alice Mecum) Ch Arvid, Annette; Galesburg R5 Coldbrook Sec24-36 O110a (1918) Tels Farmers’ Line Cameron and Galsburg
BRADBURY, Frank (Mary Stone) Ch Albert; Alexis R4 Kelly Sec4 A2a (1897) Tel. Farmers’ Line North Henderson
BRADBURY, Walter B. (Ida Mosher) Ch Ruth, Margaret, Charles; Berwick R1 Roseville Sec23 O150a (1904) Mutual Tels. Roseville and Berwick
BRADFORD, Wesley F. (Mary Harrison) Monmouth R2 Spring Grove Sec32 T100a Carlson Est (1917) Mutual Tel. Monmouth
BRADLEY, Levi M. (Alma Barnett) Monmouth R1 Monmouth Sec28 O10a (1953)Mutual Tel. Monmouth
BRAHMSTED, Ralph J. (Lena Nagle) Ch Arthur, Edward, Raymond; Galesburg R6 Coldbrook Sec2 T240a Olie A. Spicer (1897) Galesburg Tel.
BRANNAN, John H. (Katheryne Gleason) Ch Claire; Berwick R1 Roseville Sec1 T525a Long Est. (1871) Mutual Tel. Monmouth
BRANNAN, T.F. (Margarett Gleason) Ch John Mabel, Francis, Ruth; “Brannan Farm” Monmouth R5 Lenox Sec10 O80a (1866) Mutual Tel. Monmouth
BRASELTON, George W. (Phoebe Houlton) Ch Mildred, Dorothy; Roseville R2 Pt. Pleasant Sec17 T400a Irene E. Smith (1916) Tel. Farmers’ LIne Roseville
BRASELTON, Sidney D. (Avis Grimsley) Ch Lewis; Smithshire R2 Ellison Sec3 O160a (1878) Mutual Tel. Kirkwood
BREINER, Austin F. (Mamie E. Pinney) Sciota R2 Pt. Pleasant Sec33 T160a G.D. Breiner (1901) Tels Farmers’ Line Sciota and Swan Creek
BRENT, Arthur J. (Anna Pendarvis) Ch Wilma, Mary; Smithshire R2 Ellison Sec8 O200a (1860) Smithshire Tel.
BRENT, Carl (Lois Galbreath) Ch Carl Jr.; Smithshire R1 Ellison Sec17 T150a Schuyler Brent (1892) Warren Tel. Smithshire
BRENT, Charles (Ella McGraw) Ch Lucile, Everet, Myrtle; Smithshire R2 Ellison T200a George W. Brent (1868) Smithshire Tel.
BRENT, Fitzhue L. Ch Amie F.; Smithshire R2 Ellison Sec20O140a (1870) Warren Tel. Smithshire
BRENT, Frank (Ada Savage) Ch Farrand, Carol, Francis; Smithshire R1 Ellison Sec18 O320a (1870) Smithshire Tel.
BRENT, Harry D. (Florence Mitchell) Ch Mitchell Morris, Bettie Jane; Smithshire R2 Ellison Sec15-22 T240a Mrs. T.H. Brent (1886) Mutual Tel. Smithshire
BRENT, Ralph E. (Bessie Spence) Ch Alice, Irwin; Smithshire Rr2 Ellison SEc8 T80a M.D. Brent (1892)Smithshire Tel.
BRENT, Schuyler L. Elizabeth Ockert) Ch helen Esther, Gertrude, Carl, Glen; “Brent Wood Farm: Smithshire R2 Ellison Sec 17 O620a (1865)Smithshire Tel.
BRENT, Thomas H. (Nora Morris) Ch *Lena Bradshaw; *Harry D.: Smithshire R2 Ellison Sec9-10 O320a (1862) Mutual Tel. Smithshire
BREWER, Ira (Luetta Hagerman) Ch Edith, Twila, David, Trella; Avon R2 Greenbush Sec31 Farm Hand Fred ASquith (1916)
BREWER, John H. (Rebecca White) Ch Arlo, Mildred, Alvin; Roseville R3 Ellison Sec25 T240a W.H. Lee Est (1910) Mutual Tel. Roseville
BRIDE, Maurice (Ella Mahoney) Ch Nora, Neal, James, Maurice; Alexis R2 Kelly Sec18-19-36 O320a (1870) Mutual Tel. Farmers’ Line Alexis
BRITT, John E. Galesburg R6 Kelly Sec28-21 O112a (1863) Mutual Tel. North Henderson
BRITTINGHAM, Frank Ch *Katherine; Gerlaw R1 Kelly SEc30 Resident Alvan Hannah (1898) Mutual Tel. Alexis
BROCK, James A. (Nellie Spain) Ch Ruth, Dwaine; Cameron R1 Floyd Sec24 T160a Frank Philips (1915)
BROCK, Jesse T. (Anna Woods) Ch Byford, Kent, Varde; “Martindale Farm” Avon R2 Greenbush Sec16 Farm Hand M.L. Wingate (1909)
BROOKS, Clarence C. (Cora Mitchell) Ch Murle, Rolland; Monmouth R3 Monmouth Sec19 T25a Walter Sanstrom (1915)
BROOKS, George T. (Hellen A. Elliott) Ch William, Gladys, Leland, Vada, Virgel, Clara, Lucile, Earl, Elizabeth, Lester; Berwick R1 roseville Sec2-4-9-10 O293a (18873) Mutual Tel. Berwick
BROUSE, Walter W. (Flora Fliege) Ch Miriam G; Girkwood R2 Tompking Sec19 T165a S.L.H. Gibson Est. (1907) Tel. Farmers’ LIne Kirkwood
BROWN, Albert W. (Minnie Salter) Ch Inez, Mary, Pearl, Edith, *Willard, *Lester, *Charley; Smithshire R2 Ellison Sec4 O120a (1850) Mutual Tel. Smithshire
BROWN, Alonzo C. Ch TGlen, *Harley; Little York R1 Sumner Sec31 T1a Thos. Riley (1898) Gabby Tel. Little York
BROWN, Andy J. (Mittie Austin) Ch Herbert, Charles, Bonie, Clarence, *Ethel; Roseville R2 Pt. Pleasant Sec3 T277a Farm Hand W.L. Bond (1916)Tel. Farmers’ Line Roseville
BROWN, Archie R. (Anna Lund) Ch Gertrude; Alexis R2 Kelly Sec24 O80a Sec25 T80a Catherine E. Brown (1884) Mutual Tel. North Henderson and Bell Tel. Galesburg
BROWN, Charles R. (Jessie Ross) Smithshire R2 Ellison Sec4-3 T60a George Brown (1892) Mutual Tel. Smithshire
BROWN, Fred J. (Bertha Adcock) Ch Harry, Amy, Marion, Russell; Alexis R2 Kelly Sec25 O80a (1881) Tel. Farmers’ Line North Henderson and Bell Tel. Galesburg
BROWN, Harley (Mary Munson) Ch Wendel, Milburn; “Walnut Hill STock Farm” LIttle York R2 Sumner Sec14 Farm Hand J. Earl McCrery (1898)
BROWN, Harvey (May Dugger) Ch Bessie Irene; Smithshire R1 Pt. Pleasant Sec3 T90a Farm Hand L.A. Meacham (1918) Tel. FArmers’ Line Roseville
BROWN, Herbert B. (Minnie Rhoods) Ch Earl, Floyd, Samuel, *Etta, *Harvey, *Frank, *Will, *Paul; Roseville R1 Roseville Sec19 Farm Hand Geo Davis (1908)
BROWN,John M. (Alice I. Pendarvis) Ch Faye, Alice, John, *Verne, *Virginia, *Ruth; Monmouth R6 Monmouth Sec27 O160a (1866) Monmouth Tel.
BROWN, Walter C. (Jennie Terpening) Ch Elvin, Lee, David,,Jacob, Lena, Ernest, Everett, Alta; Galesburg R6 Kelly Sec26-34 T45a Jacob Brown (1881)
BROWN, Willard C. (Katie Jones) Ch Paulie, May; Monmouth R7 Ellison Sec2 O160a John B. Jones (1885) Mutual Tel. Kirkwood
BROWNELL, Frank I. (Sarah Durell) Ch Sarah, Frank; “Clover Nook Farm: Monmouth R4 Hale Sec24 T153a Jennie H. Disney (1891) Tel. Monmouth
BROWNLEE, Howell N. (Ethel Porter) Little York R2 Sumner Sec16 O160a (1905) Gabby Tel. Little York
BROWNLEE, Warren Ch Dorothy, Helen, John; Little York R2 Sumner Sec17 T140a Brownlee Est. (1876) Gabby Tel. Little York
BRUCH, Peter T. (Addie J. Kintner) Ch Herman, Mattie, Cleo, Ray, Harry; Roseville R3 Ellison Sec24 T160a Andrew Taylor (1914)
BRUINGTON, Elmer E. (Mina Gardner) Ch Everett, Zora, Elmer; Cameron R2 Coldbrook Sec16 O160a (1871) Tel. Farmers’ Line Cameron
BRUINGTON, Gilmer W. (Mary Brumer) Ch James A.; “Brookside Stock Farm” Cameron R2 Coldbrook Sec15 T320a A.D. Bruington (1892) Tel. Farmers’ Line Cameron
BRUINGTON, W.K (Crissie Bradley) Alexis R1 Spring Grove Sec2 O150a (1916) Alexis Tel. Alexis
BRUNER, Archie N. (Audrey Lister) Ch Harrison L.; Monmouth R1 Monmouth Sec13 T160a Mrs. A.A. Bruner (1889) Mutual Tel. Monmouth
BRUNER, J. Clay (Lois Cordell) Ch James, Annagrace; Gerlaw R1 Sumner Sec12 O80a Kelly SEc31 T105a E.B. Robinson and Mrs. I. Paige (1885)
BRUNER, Ward E. (Edna Barnett) Ch Maynard; Monmouth R1 Monmouth Sec13 T160a G.W. Bruner Est. (1887) Mutual Tel. Monmouth
BRUNER, Mrs. W.H. (Essie L. Niles) Ch Arnold, *John, *Archie, *Blanche; Gerlaw Rr1 Spring Grove Sec36 O45a T40a Haley Est. (1884) Mutual Tel. Farmers’ Line Alexis
BRUYN, Earl A. Ch Everett; Monmouth R5 Lenox Sec8 O75a Sec17 T160a W.P. Bruyn (1890) Monmouth Tel. Monmouth
BUCK, Earnest (Rose Wendel) Ch Margaret, *Edith, *Anna; Avon R5 Greenbush Sec4 T200a C.C. Ray (1900) Tel. Farmers’ Line Avon
BUCK Murray E. (Ada Morningstar) Ch Mildred, Catherine, *Lessie; “Oak Spring Farm” Monmouth R3 Sumner Sec32 O240a (1865) Gabby Teel. Little York
BULL, Rev. Fred S. (Mildred Merrill) Little York R2 Sumner Sec14 T3a Cedar Creek Church Property (1918) Tel. Farmers’ Line Litte York
BULLMAN, Jay J. (May Adcock) Ch Theodore, William; Alexis R2 Kelly Sec23-25-336 O580a (1876) Tel. Farmers’ Line North Henderson, New and Old Galesburg
BULLWINKLE, Edward R. (Maggie Albert) Ch Doris, Grace, Mildred, Adelia, David; Monmouth R5 Lennox Sec17 Farm Hand Earl Bruyn (1896)
BURCHERTE, Edward F. (Mary Clontz) Ch Paul; Monmouth R5 Lenox Sec9 Farm Hand Fred Armsby (1906) Mutual Tel. Monmouth
BURFORD, Clark M. (Ella Mickley) “Grand View Farm” Monmouth R2 Monmouth sec4 O210a (1865) Mutual Tel. Monmouth
BURFORD, Frank A. (Bettie Martin) Ch Arthur, *Sadie, *Harry; Amos Burford Father, Born 1828; “Hazel Dell Farm” Monmouth R2 Monmouth SEc4-9 O192a (1873) Mutual Tel. Monmouth
BURFORD, Harry F. (Mildred Stone) “Grand View Farm” Monmouth R2 Monmouth Sec4 T210a C.M. Burford (1898) Mutual Tel. Monmouth
BURFORD, Robert (Maude Dawson) Ch Robert; Swan Creek R1 Greenbush Sec19 T100a Daniel Whistler (1890) Tel. Farmers’ Line Swan Creek
BURFORD, William R. (Carrie Henderson) Ch *Olive, *Robert; Monmouth R2 Monmouth Sec5-4-8 O125a (1866)Mutual Tel. Monmouth
BURGLAND, Edward,F. (Olga Schenberger) Ch Fredrick, Laverne, Emily; Kirkwood R2 Tompking Sec14 O107a (1868) Tel. Farmers’ Line Kirkwood
BURKET, William F. (Loretta Noel) Ch William, Jesse, Vaughn, Forrest, Ruby, *Nora, *Mabel, *Ethel; Berwick R1 Berwick Sec16 T240a Ellen Johnson (1916) Tel. Private
BURKETT, Emry (Mary Bryant) Ch Robert; Kirkwood R2 Tompking Sec33 T120a Gambel Est (1899) Tel. Farmers’ Line Kirkwood
BURKETT, J.M. (Laura Umbargar) Ch Glen *Emery; Smithshire R2 Tompking Sec33-32 T340a Tubbs Est. (1899) Tel. Farmers’ Line Kirkwood
BURKETT, William (Lalla Duffeld) Abingdon R1 Berwick Sec14-13 O350a (1881) Prairie Tel. Abingdon
BURKHOLDER, Jackson C. (Ella A. McLaughlin) Ch *Hattie, *Harry, *James R.;”Ferndell Farm” Monmouth R2 Monmouth Sec5 O228a (1867) Mutual Tel. Monmouth
BURNS, Edward W. (Carrie Beeny) Ch Lawrence, Everett; Little York Sumner Sec29 T180a Mrs. Jno. Fahey (1879) Gabby Tel. Little York
BURRIDGE, Franklin E. (Amanda Doll) Suan Creek R1 Greenbush Sec18 O40a (1868) Tel. Farmers’ Line Swan Creek
BURRIGHT, Alfred S. (Mettie Ross) Ch Marie, Eldon, Erivn; Smithshire R2 Ellison Sec17 F.L.Brent (1915)
BUSHNELL, Charles S. (Anna Harvey) Ch Florine, Ralph, Gluver; Roseville R4 Berwick Sec30-19 T245a Hattie Lee (1908) Malcolm Tel. Roseville
BUSTLE, Walter (Rosa Renner) Berwick floyd Sec31 Farm Hand K.R. Sheldon (1918)
BUTLER, Eli M. (Nora Jared) Ch Archie, *Oril; Swan Creek R1 Swan Sec28 T160a B.H.Kidder (1866) Tel. Farmers’ Line Swan Creek
BUTLER, Fannie Ch Howard; Avon R5 Swan Sec1 O10a (1903) Tel. Farmers’ LIne Greenbush
BUTLER, John L (Nancy Atchison) Ch *Cora, *Ollie, *Ethel; Roseville R4 Swan Sec15 O40a (1856) Tel. Farmers’ LIne Swan Creek
BUTLER, Oril (Luella Coons) Avon R5 Swan sec 1 T7a (1894) Tel. Farmers’ Line Greenbush
BUTLER, Ralph O. (Floy Tracey) Ch *Grace, *French, *Ralph, *Marion, *Edith, *Arthur; Monmouth R6 Monmouth Sec 36 O220a (1858) Mutual Tel. Monmouth
BUTLER, Ralph O. (Nellie Robb Ch Dorothy, Ralph, Frank;Alexis R2 Kelly Sec13 O100a (1887) Mutual Tel. North Henderson
BUTLER, French Monmouth R1 Monmouth sec26 T220a Mrs. Pearl Hall (1884) Mutual Tel. Monmouth
BUTTON, George Raymond (Maud Perdue) Ch Marion; Abingdon R1 Berwick Sec3 T20a J.D. Perdue (1898) Abingdon Tel. Berwick
BYCROFT, Edward M. (Laura E. Ganote) Ch Clarence, *Anna, *Walter, *Roy, *Harry; Sciota R1 Pt. Pleasant Sec29 O80a Tels. Farmers’ Line Sciota and Swan Creek
BYCROFT, William L. (Emma Garvin) Ch Dale, Laaura; Sciota R1 Pt Pleasant Sec31 T160a Myra Ricketts (1913) Tels. Farmers’ Line Sciota and Swan Creek
BYERLY, John E. (Orpha richardson) Ch Alvah, Claudis, Ivin, John, Florine, Joe; “Hickery Ridge Farm” Roseville R1 Berwick Sec31 O160a (1909) Berwick Tels. Greenbush and Berwick
BYERS, Frank (Lida M. Hardesty) Ch Charles, William H.; Monmouth R7 Sumner Sec18 T260a Pain Est. (1918) Monmouth Tel. Monmouth
BYERS, William Logan (Nora West) Ch Kenneth; John West Father Monmouth R7 Tompkin Sec24 Farm Hand Evert Shenbarger (1905) Tel. Farmers’ Line Monmouth
BYERS, William L. (Ella Vantasell) Ch William *Van F., *Leland, *Nelvin; Phebe Vantasell Mother; “Ivy Lawn Farm” Monmouth R7 Hale Sec36 O40a (1860) Tel. Farmers’ Line Monmouth
BYLAND, Leroy A. (Ella Donnovan) Ch Kenneth, Marie, Leroy; Monmouth R4 Hale Sec25 O10a (1901) Tel. Farmers’ Line Monmouth
BYRAM, Earl (Grace Russell) St. Augustine R24 Berwick Sec24 O80a (1884) Tel. Farmers’ Line Abingdon
BYRAM, J.E. (Dora Lincoln) Ch Fern, *Earl, *Lera, *Lena, *Flossie; “Lawn View Farm” Abingdon R1 Berwick Sec13 O113a (1882) Abingdon Tel.
Source: Prairie Farmer’s Reliable Directory of Farmers and Breeders, Warren & Henderson Counties, Illinois. Prairie Farmer Publishing Company, 1918.