Biography of N. P. Nielson

Last Updated on April 25, 2012 by

N. P. Nielson, treasurer of Bannock County, and a pioneer grocer of Pocatello, is a native of Denmark, his birth having occurred in that country, September 17, 1852. He was the second in order of birth in a family of two sons and two daughters, whose parents were Peter and Mary (Henson) Nielson, also natives of the same country. The subject of this sketch came to America in 1868, and four years later the rest of the family also crossed the Atlantic, taking up their residence in Utah, where the father died at the age of sixty-four years, the mother passing away several years previously. The brother of our subject is also deceased, but the two sisters are still living.

N. P. Nielson acquired his education in the schools of his native land, and after coming to the United States took up his residence in Salt Lake City, Utah, where he secured a position as clerk in the old Townsend House. Later he occupied a similar position in the Keeney House, in Ogden, Utah, and in 1880 he came to Blackfoot, Idaho, where he assisted in opening a hotel, also known as the Keeney House. There he remained until 1885, when he took up his residence in Pocatello. Here he served as clerk in the Pacific Hotel for a time, but was soon afterward elected constable of the town and served in that capacity for two years, in a most efficient and acceptable manner. It was then a rough railroad town of twenty-five hundred population, and his duties were difficult and arduous, but he discharged them without fear or favor. In 1888 he established a grocery store, and now has the distinction of being the oldest in years of consecutive connection with the trade of any grocery merchant in Pocatello. He established this enterprise with but little capital, but he had the necessary requisites of industry and integrity, and by means of a credit which he never abused he was enabled to stock his store and begin operations. Success has attended his efforts from the beginning, and in the conduct of his store he is now assisted by his wife and son. He now has a large patronage from among the best citizens of Pocatello and the surrounding country, and not only owns the grocery stock, but also the store building in which he is carrying on business. In addition he has a pleasant residence and other city property, all of which has been acquired through his own well directed and honorable efforts.

In 1881 Mr. Nielson was united in marriage to Miss Hattie Jackson, a native of England, and a daughter of William Jackson, of Ogden, Utah. Their union has been blessed with nine children, and the family circle vet remains unbroken. They are William E., Niels P., Elvira Pearl, Joseph Leroy, Mary Ethel, Arthur H., Charlotte Kate, Matie Cumorah and John Harmon Gilbert. The parents are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and Mr. Nielson is past master workman of the Ancient Order of United Workmen. In politics he is a Populist, and on that ticket was elected county treasurer, in which capacity he is now serving. His administration of the financial affairs of the county is characterized by the same ability which marks his business affairs, and the public money has certainly been entrusted to worthy hands.



Illustrated History of the State of Idaho. Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company. 1899.

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