Karren, Virginia L. “Bee” Childers Mrs. – Obituary

Virginia L. “Bee” Karren, 81, of Portland, a former Baker City resident, died Nov. 8, 2005. Her memorial service was Monday at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Portland. She was born on March 27, 1924, at Blackfoot, Idaho, to Emma and Jack Childers. She attended school at Pondosa and Union and was a 1942 graduate of Baker High School. She attended Baker Business College before marrying Lester B. Karren in November of 1943. The Portland/Beaverton area was her home for more than 25 years. Virginia worked in an administrative capacity in the building industry, retiring in 1999. She was … Read more

McBath, Marguerite Edith Long Mrs. – Obituary

Marguerite Edith McBath, 81, of La Grande, and a former Baker City resident, died Nov. 4, 2000, at an assisted living facility. A celebration of life service was Wednesday at the First Presbyterian Church in La Grande, with the Rev. Norman Shrumm officiating. Mrs. McBath was born Sept. 3, 1919, at Delta, Colo., to Leslie and Emma (Ensley) Long. She moved with her family to Aberdeen, Idaho, where she graduated from Aberdeen High School. She later moved to Baker City, where she owned the Baker Flower Shop. She married Raymond McBath in 1963. Mrs. McBath was a member of the … Read more

Biography of Benjamin A. Jenne

Character and ability will come to the front anywhere. As boy and man, many a man has been buffeted by fortune and had almost insurmountable obstacles thrust in his path, but per-severance has cleared them away and he has gone on to success. Such has been the experience of the subject of this sketch, one of the rising and popular citizens and public men of Bingham County, Idaho, a man with a heart for any venture, and a smile for friend and foe. Benjamin P. Jenne, deputy sheriff and jailer of Bingham County, Idaho, was born at Poor Man’s Gulch, … Read more

Hunt, Violet M. Geddes Mrs.- Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Violet M. Hunt, 78, of Baker City died Feb. 16, 2003, at her home. Her funeral will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at Gray’s West & Co. Pioneer Chapel, 1500 Dewey Ave. Pastor Ralph Holcomb of the Baker City Christian Church will officiate. There will be a reception afterward at the Senior Center, 2810 Cedar St. Visitations will be from noon to 8 p.m. and from 9 a.m. to noon Thursday at Gray’s West & Co. Gray’s West Pioneer Crematory will conduct the cremation after the funeral. Violet was born on June 2, 1924, at Vernon County, … Read more

Biography of John C. Millick

The large steam roller-process flouring mill at Blackfoot, Idaho, represents one of the prominent business interests of that city. It is the property of Mr. John C. Millick, and it is to give some account of Mr. Millick’s career that these paragraphs are presented. Mr. Millick is a very modest and unassumingman, but he is very busy and successful. He is of German descent and was born in Dodge County, Wisconsin, August 4, 1854, a son of Joseph Millick, who had come to that part of the country from Germany, accompanied by his wife and children. Joseph Millick died in … Read more

Biography of William H. Stufflebeam

There is not a more popular man in Idaho either as Elk or “landlord” than William Herman Stufflebeam, proprietor of the Blackfoot Hotel, at Blackfoot; there is not a man better liked on purely personal grounds; and there is not a man to whom the citizens of Idaho would more confidently entrust the unraveling of a difficult problem or the settlement of important monetary interests than to Mr. Stufflebeam, who is a business man of careful and comprehensive training. William Herman Stufflebeam was born at Whitehall, Washington county, New York. His paternal great-grandfather and his grandfather fought together in the … Read more

Biography of William T. Reeves

William T. Reeves, a prominent lawyer of Idaho, residing at Pocatello, was born at Kinkleville, Kentucky, January 21, 1855, and is of Scotch-Irish ancestry, a combination which everywhere and always produces good citizens and has given to America many of her best and greatest men. George Reeves, Mr. Reeves paternal grandfather, emigrated from Ireland and brought his wife with him. They had four sons and three daughters. William Harrison Reeves, Mr. Reeves’ father, was born in Richmond, Virginia, and married Miss Penelope B. White, a native of Tennessee. While he was a mere boy his father removed with his family … Read more

Biography of C. W. Wernicke

The County treasurer of Lincoln County, Idaho, C. W. Wernicke, is also the pioneer hardware merchant of Shoshone, and throughout the eighteen years of his residence here has been prominently connected with the various interests which have contributed to the growth, prosper-ity and advancement of town and County. He belongs to that class of progressive German citizens who have severed the ties binding them to the old world in order to seek homes in the land of the free. He was born in Goldburg, Germany, on the 13th of January, 1847, and in the land of his nativity acquired his … Read more

Biography of Charles G. Martin

Charles G. Martin is one of the pioneers of what is now Bingham county, Idaho, and has seen this entire section of the state develop from a wild region, whereon civilization had not set its stamp, into one of the finest and richest farming and stock-raising districts of the state. In the work of development and progress he has ever borne his part, and he takes a just pride in the county’s improvement, and deserves great credit for what he has done in its behalf. Mr. Martin was born in Clark county, Kentucky, November i6, 1847, and is a son … Read more

Biography of Samuel J. Rich

A representative of the legal fraternity and a well known business man of Idaho Falls, Samuel J. Rich has spent his entire life in the west and is thoroughly identified with its interests and progress. He was born in Centerville, Davis county, Utah, May 1, 1860, his parents being Charles C. and Emeline (Grover) Rich, natives of Kentucky and New York, respectively, and pioneers of Utah of the year 1847. In 1864 they removed from Utah to Bear Lake county, Idaho, Mr. Rich being the pioneer and first while settler in Bear Lake valley. In the common schools of Bear … Read more

Hunt, Ross D. – Obituary

Ross D. Hunt, 81, of Baker City, a former Baker County sheriff, died Jan. 17, 2005, at his home. His funeral will be at 10 a.m. Saturday at the Baker City Christian Church, 2998 Eighth St. Pastor Roger Scovil will officiate. There will be a reception afterward at Community Connection, 2810 Cedar St. Visitations will be from noon to 8 p.m. Friday at Gray’s West & Co. Pioneer Chapel, 1500 Dewey Ave. Eastern Oregon Pioneer Crematory will conduct the cremation after the funeral. Ross was born on Aug. 15, 1923, at Richland, Wash., to Harry and Florence Cline Hunt. As … Read more

Biography of George H. Storer

The roster of state officials of Idaho for 1898 embraced the name of George H. Storer as filling the responsible position of treasurer. He is a practical, progressive businessman, of sound judgment and keen executive ability, and upon the basis of a practical business experience he conducted the financial affairs of the state. His history is in many respects remarkable. From an humble position he has risen to one of prominence, and the success which has attended his efforts is the outcome of his own unaided labors. A native of England, he was born on the 17th of February, 1860, … Read more

Homan, Steven Warren – Obituary

Elgin, Oregon Steven Warren Homan, 52, of Echo and formerly of Elgin, Enterprise and La Grande, died April 13 at his home in Echo. Services will begin at 2 p.m. April 26 at the Lighthouse Pentecostal Church in Island City. Loveland Funeral Chapel and Crematory is in charge of arrangements. Steven was born June 26, 1955, to Arthur Warren and Janet (Moys) Homan in Enterprise. He was raised and educated in Enterprise. After high school, he was a police officer in Enterprise, Elgin, La Grande, Hillsboro and Boulder, Colo., county sheriff’s departments. He moved from La Grande to Blackfoot, Idaho, … Read more

Makinson, Robert D. – Obituary

Halfway, Baker County, Oregon Robert D. Makinson, 68, a resident of Blackfoot, Idaho, and former Halfway, Ore., resident died Nov. 30, 2005, in Blackfoot, Idaho. A Graveside memorial services will be held Saturday, March 18, 2006, at 11 a.m. PST in the Pine Haven Cemetery, Halfway, Ore. Pastor Ray Wilson will officiate and military rites will be accorded by the Halfway Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #7847 Services are under the direction of Coles Funeral Home, 1950 Place St., Baker City, OR 97814. Used with permission from: The Record Courier, Baker City, Oregon, March, 2006 Transcribed by: Belva Ticknor

Biography of N. P. Nielson

N. P. Nielson, treasurer of Bannock County, and a pioneer grocer of Pocatello, is a native of Denmark, his birth having occurred in that country, September 17, 1852. He was the second in order of birth in a family of two sons and two daughters, whose parents were Peter and Mary (Henson) Nielson, also natives of the same country. The subject of this sketch came to America in 1868, and four years later the rest of the family also crossed the Atlantic, taking up their residence in Utah, where the father died at the age of sixty-four years, the mother … Read more

Biography of Robert V. Cozier

On the roll of Idaho’s statesmen and eminent representatives of the bar is found the name of Hon. Robert V. Cozier, who has left the impress of his individuality upon the legislation and public progress. He is a man of strong mentality, of marked patriotism and broad humanitarian principles, and is therefore well fitted for leadership in the public movements which affect the welfare of the commonwealth. He is now acceptably filling the position of United States attorney for Idaho, and his comprehensive knowledge of the principles of jurisprudence and his ability in handling intricate legal problems make him a … Read more

Biography of Hon. George B. Rogers

Some men achieve success almost instantaneously, some by slow accretion, others only after long and patient working and waiting. The experience of men who are willing to work persistently and intelligently and wait calmly goes to prove that success may surely be attained during an ordinary lifetime, and no man not cut off at an untimely age need work and wait in vain. These reflections have been suggested by a consideration of the career of Hon. George B. Rogers, receiver of the United States land office at Blackfoot, Idaho, who is one of the most prominent and successful citizens of … Read more

Biography of William Kirkpatrick

Wherever his lot may be cast in the north, the intelligent, progressive southerner finds a welcome and makes many friends. If he fought on “the other side” in our great civil war, he is everywhere regarded more highly than the southern union man or the southern non-combatant. He is made to feel at home by Grand Army men and is quickly on fraternal terms with those whom once he faced on the field of battle. William Kirkpatrick is one of the prominent pioneer farmers of Blackfoot, Idaho, where he located in 1873, on one hundred and sixty acres, west of … Read more

Biography of Frank Sigel Dietrich

The day of the lawyer who depended upon inspiration, and whose chief preparation for forensic victory was the acquisition of alcoholic stimulants, is past. The lawyer of today depends not alone upon inspiration, but also upon hard work in preparing his cases for trial, and upon their careful presentation and handling in the courts. Usually he has to convince hard-headed business men of the merits of his case, which involves nothing of sentiment or of sensationalism and much of pecuniary interest and of commercial right and wrong, pure and simple. He goes before a judge and jury cool, collected, alert, … Read more

Biography of Jesse K. Dubois, M. D.

Dr. Dubois is one of the well and favorably known physicians not only of Boise but also of the entire state of Idaho. He is a native of Springfield, Illinois, where he was born November 16. 1848, and is of French descent. His grandfather, Dubois, came to America from France and was chief of the staff of General William Henry Harrison. Jesse Dubois, the father of our subject, was born in Illinois when that state was a territory. He married Miss Adelia Morris, of Kentucky ancestry. He was a prominent lawyer and a stanch Republican, having been a neighbor, friend … Read more