Grant Cemetery, Bannock County, Idaho

A cemetery transcription of Grant Cemetery located 6 Mi. S.E. of Downey, Idaho, in Bannock County, Idaho. BURROP Hannah B., b. 8 Aug. 1866, d. 22 May 1931, ae. 65 yrs., 9 mos., 14 days. Wife of William Burrup. June, b. 23 Apr. 1921, d. 14 May 1924, ae. 3 yrs., 21 days. Born in Salt Lake City, Utah. Dau. of James Lee Burrup and Mary Solvesen. Reed E., b. 5 Jan. 1917, d. 30 Jan. 1917, ae. 25 days. Born in Grant near Downey. Son of James Lee Burrop and Mary Salvesen. William, b. 19 Oct. 1861, d. 21 … Read more

Allen, Norman “Norm” – Obituary

Norman “Norm” Allen, 86, of Baker City died Feb. 19, 2006, at Settler’s Park. At his request, there will be no service. In the spring his family will gather privately to celebrate his life and to scatter his ashes with his beloved wife’s. Norm was born on Jan. 26, 1920, at Smyrna Mills, Maine, to Thomas and Delia Allen. He was the 13th of 13 children. He attended school at Smyrna Mills and after graduating from high school enlisted in the U.S. Air Force. He was stationed in Idaho and Washington. While in Idaho he met his life’s partner, Yvonne … Read more

Biography of James H. Bean, M. D.

James H. Bean, M. D., has attained a distinctive position in connection with the medical fraternity of southern Idaho, and is now successfully engaged in practicing in Pocatello, where he also conducts a drug store. Realizing the importance of the profession, he has carefully prepared himself for his chosen life work, and spares no effort that will further perfect him along that line. By the faithful performance of each day’s duty he finds inspiration and added strength for the labors of the next, and his marked skill has secured him prestige as the representative of one of the most important … Read more

Bower, Helen Marie – Obituary

Joseph, Oregon Helen Marie Bower, 86, of Hilgard died Nov. 19 at a local care center. A celebration of life will begin at 3 p.m. Saturday at the Seventh-day Adventist Church in La Grande. Loveland Funeral Chapel is in charge of arrangements. Mrs. Bower was born Oct. 8, 1919, to Paul and Elsie Rudger Marti in Joseph, and graduated from high school in Cambridge, Idaho. She married Buck Bower on July 16, 1938, in Weiser, Idaho, and moved to this area 33 years ago from the Huntington area. She worked in the cafe at Blue Mountain Lanes for about 20 … Read more

Mitchell, Eloise Albrecht Mrs. – Obituary

Eloise (Albrecht) Mitchell, 82, a former Baker City resident, died Aug. 28, 2005, after a brief struggle with a blood disorder. Informal services will take place in September at her daughter Victoria’s home in Martinez, Calif. Eloise was born Oct. 6, 1922, at Pocatello, Idaho. When she was a young girl her family moved to Baker City. She went to school in Baker City and still has many area friends who will remember her. She was active in band, chorus, and Rainbow Girls. She was active in the First Presbyterian Church. She was proud that she never missed a class … Read more

Blank, June Marie Wells Mrs. – Obituary

Richland, Oregon June Marie Wells Blank, 80, a longtime Richland resident, died Nov. 6, 2001, at her home after a long battle with ovarian cancer. Her graveside funeral was today at 3 p.m. at Eagle Valley Cemetery in Richland. Lowell Stidolph officiated. Her loving sister and daughter took care of her for the past few years. She never complained, kept alert and sharp-minded, and she appreciated all of the kindness that both old and new friends showed her. Three years is a long time to be virtually helpless. She showed a strong will to hold it all together. Marie (as … Read more

Biography of James F. Kane

James F. Kane, the leading grocer of Pocatello, Idaho, was born at Joliet, Illinois, April 3, 1858, to Michael and Anna (Smith) Kane, natives of Ireland, who emigrated to Boston, Massachusetts, early in life and there met and married. At Joliet, Illinois, Michael Kane became a prosperous farmer, and for years he was foreman of the Illinois prison quarries. He is now, at the age of sixty-nine, a prominent farmer and stock-raiser of Nuckolls County, Nebraska. His wife died in her fiftieth year, in 1882. As is her husband, she was a devout member of the Catholic Church. They had … Read more

Mrs. June Lucille Grant Brown – Obituary

June Lucille Grant Brown, 82, loving wife and mother, grandmother and great-grandmother, died April 7, 2002, at Portneuf Valley Nursing Home in Pocatello, Idaho. A celebration of her life will be held Friday at 11 a.m. MDT at the Century Ward Chapel on Fourth and Fredregill in Pocatello. The family will visit with friends from 9:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. prior to the service at the church. Burial will follow at Myers Evergreen Memorial Park in Ogden, Utah. Arrangements are under the direction of Colonial Funeral Home in Pocatello. June was born June 17, 1919, in Dietrich, Idaho, to Charles … Read more

Holt, James – Obituary

La Grande, Oregon James Holt, 58, of La Grande, died April 5 after a short battle with cancer. A memorial service will begin at 2 p.m. Saturday at The Place, 62846 Philynda Loop, near Buchanan and McAlister. Arrangements are under the direction of Daniels Chapel of the Valley. Known as Jess, he was born Aug. 20, 1948, to Janice and Russell Holt in Pocatello, Idaho. He grew up in Boise, graduating from Borah High School in 1966, and served in the Air Force from 1968 to 1972. In 1978 he earned a degree in civil engineering from the University of … Read more

Woodland Cemetery, Downey, Idaho

A cemetery transcription of Woodland Cemetery, located 3 mi. W. of Downey, Idaho in Bannock County, Idaho. BARNES Adelia, b. 9 Dec. 1858, d. 21 July 1936, ae. 77 yrs., 7 mos., 12 days. Dau. of William Jeffry Barnes and Francis or Fanny Fitzjohn. Wife of Henry H. Wakley. Edmund W., b. 25 July 1883, d. 19 Nov. 1901, ae. 18 yrs. Son of Lorenzo Barnes and Sarah Ann Webb. Lorenzo, b. 1850, d. 1923, ae. 73 yrs. Son of William Jeffry Barnes and Francis Fitzjohn. Husband of Sarah Ann Webb. Thomas Moroni, b. 6 Jan. 1861, d. 6 Feb. … Read more

Heward, Norma Anderson Mrs. – Obituary

Norma Heward, 79, of Pocatello, Idaho, and a former Baker City resident, died June 10, 2003, at her home after an extended illness. Her graveside memorial service for family and friends will be at 11 a.m. MDT Saturday, June 21, at Pocatello’s Mountain View Cemetery, section 51 east. The service will be directed by the Downard Hansen Funeral Home. Norma was born Dec. 25, 1923, at Roosevelt, Utah, the daughter of Nathaniel Edmund and Nellie Stoker Anderson. Her childhood years were spent in Utah, and she graduated from Richfield High School in 1942. She married Arthur L. Heward on Aug. … Read more

Biography of George H. North

Among the worthy citizens that New York has furnished to the state of Idaho is George H. North, the well known clothing merchant of Pocatello, whose enterprising, progressive methods give character to the business life of the city, and whose reputation in commercial circles is unassailable. He was born in Springwater, Livingston County, of the Empire state, July 14, 1858, a son of C. S. and Elvira Thankful (Wetmore) North, who likewise were natives of the same county. The father successfully carried on farming there until his death, which occurred in the fifty-eighth year of his age, while his wife, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George N. Ifft

George N. Ifft, of the firm of Ifft & Wallin, proprietors and managers of the Pocatello Tribune, is a native of Butler County, Pennsylvania, born January 27, 1865. He began newspaper work, as a reporter, in Pittsburg, that state, and continued in that capacity and in various editorial relations in other cities, as Washington, D. C, Chicago, Denver, Salt Lake City and San Francisco, until January 1, 1893, when he came to Idaho, locating at Pocatello, and since that time he has been connected with the Pocatello Tribune, as more fully described in our sketch of that paper. Mr. Ifft … Read more

Bannock County, Idaho Cemetery Records

Idaho Cemetery records are listed by county then name of cemetery within the Idaho county. Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. Bannock County Cemetery Records Hosted at Cemeteries of Bannock County, Idaho Arimo Cemetery Headstone of  Daniel B. Brewster Cambridge Cemetery Downey Cemetery Grant Ward Cemetery Harkness Cemetery Capt. Jefferson Hunt Cemetery Inkom Cemetery Lava Hot Springs Cemetery Mt. Moriah Cemetery Mountain View Cemetery Norton Cemetery Raymond Pierce Red Rock Pass Cemetery Restlawn Memorial Garden Cemetery Robin Cemetery Woodland Cemetery … Read more

Heward, Arthur L. – Obituary

Arthur L. Heward, 81, a former longtime Baker County resident, died Nov. 11, 2002, at the Idaho State Veterans Nursing Home. At his request, there will be no funeral. Disposition will be by cremation. There will be a memorial service for family and close friends at the Downard Hansen Funeral Home, 241 N. Garfield Ave., Pocatello, Idaho. Interment will be at the Mountain View Cemetery at Pocatello. Arthur attended the University of Wyoming at Laramie and was enrolled in ROTC. He attended Officer’s Candidate School at Fort Benning, Ga., and was commissioned in May 1944 as a second lieutenant in … Read more

Bannock County, Idaho Census Records

1870 Bannock County, Idaho Census Free 1870 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – 14 Days Free 1870 Bannock County, Census (images and index) $ 1810-1890 Accelerated Indexing Systems $ Hosted at Census Guide 1870 U.S. Census Guide 1880 Bannock County, Idaho Census Free 1880 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – 14 Days Free 1880 Bannock County, Census (images and index) 1810-1890 Accelerated Indexing Systems $ Hosted at Census Guide 1880 U.S. Census Guide 1890 Bannock County, Idaho Census Free 1890 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – 14 Days Free 1890 Veterans … Read more

Biography of William T. Reeves

William T. Reeves, a prominent lawyer of Idaho, residing at Pocatello, was born at Kinkleville, Kentucky, January 21, 1855, and is of Scotch-Irish ancestry, a combination which everywhere and always produces good citizens and has given to America many of her best and greatest men. George Reeves, Mr. Reeves paternal grandfather, emigrated from Ireland and brought his wife with him. They had four sons and three daughters. William Harrison Reeves, Mr. Reeves’ father, was born in Richmond, Virginia, and married Miss Penelope B. White, a native of Tennessee. While he was a mere boy his father removed with his family … Read more

Davis, Glen J. – Obituary

Baker City, Baker County, Oregon Glen J. Davis, 76, of Baker City, died Jan. 15, 2006, at his home. His funeral will be at 11 a.m. Wednesday at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2625 Hughes Lane. Bishop Allen Bingham will conduct. Visitation will be from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. today at Coles Funeral Home. There will be a graveside service at 12:30 p.m. MST at the Logan City Cemetery in Logan, Utah. Glen was born on May 20, 1929, at Logan, Utah. He was the son of Glen J. Davis and Olga Zilles Davis. He was … Read more

Prominent Cities and Towns of the State

Boise, The Capital City The following descriptive article is an excerpt from the souvenir edition of the Boise Sentinel, issued in June 1897: So much has been said and written and sung of “Boise, the Beautiful,” that the task of saying any-thing new seems utterly hopeless; and of this there is little need. While those who have made their homes here from the beginning, and those who from year to year have come to stay, might naturally be expected to be most fervent in their praises, they have not always been the happiest in laying appropriate tributes before the shrine … Read more

Biography of Oscar B. Steely, M. D.

Oscar B. Steely, M. D., is a prominent resident and physician living at Pocatello, Idaho, and is surgeon of the Idaho and Montana division of the Oregon Short Line Railroad. Dr. Steely was born in Belleville, Pennsylvania, August 22, 1862, and is descended from English and German ancestry. His forefathers in both lines were among the early settlers of Pennsylvania, and his maternal grandfather (Baker) did patriotic service as a soldier in the Revolutionary war. His parents were William and Sarah (Baker) Steely, both natives of Pennsylvania. His father, who for many years was a successful dealer in meats, died … Read more