Biography of John Brodbeck

One of the representative businessmen of Boise, Mr. Brodbeck, is a pioneer of Idaho, having come to this state in 1865. He is a native of Switzerland, where he was born April 4, 1833, and was reared and educated in his native land and there learned the brewing business. His parents were Nicholas and Elizabeth (Hagler) Brodbeck, the former of whom was a miller by trade, and he and his wife were members of the Lutheran church and were people of high respectability in the old country. He died in his fifty-third year and his wife survived him until attaining the advanced age of eighty-five years. They had five sons and two daughters, one of the latter and our subject being the only ones now living.

After leaving school Mr. Brodbeck entered a commercial house, remaining there four years and then became connected with a brewing house. Subsequently he came to America, landing at New York, whence he journeyed to California in 1857 and settled at Scott Valley, where he had a brother living near Fort Jones. General Crook was then a second lieutenant at the fort and Mr. Brodbeck became intimately acquainted with him. Our subject was engaged in farming for a few years, but hearing of the silver discoveries in Nevada he sold out and went to that state, where he remained a year and then decided to come to the gold fields of Idaho. He purchased an ox-team outfit, and with the pioneer Sommercamp he set out for the “Gem of the Mountains,” walking all the way and driving one of the teams, while his young wife came also at this time. When they left Nevada the Indians were on the warpath and emigrants were killed both in front and behind them, but they were not molested and arrived at Boise late in May 1865, and in Idaho City on the first of June, residing in the latter place for thirteen years. Finding nothing better to do. Mr. Brodbeck bought a dray and engaged in draying for two years, and then purchased a brewery, which he conducted successfully from 1867 to 1872. In 1871 he was elected County treasurer of Boise County and served with efficiency in that capacity for two terms of two years each, and he was also engaged in mining. In 1878 he came to Boise and purchased from Mrs. Missed what is now the city brewery of Boise, which he has since most syccessfully carried on. It is one of the oldest breweries in the state and under Mr. Brodbeck’s able management has attained an enviable reputation for its high quality of homemade beer. Mr. Brodbeck also owns the City Brewery saloon. He built his present brick brewery in 1890 and during the twenty-one years he has been in business in Boise he has interested himself in many of the improvements of the town, with other businessmen, and has rendered valuable aid to many public enterprises. He is thoroughly reliable in all his transactions and possesses the esteem and respect of his fellow citizens.

On February 29, 1860, Mr. Brodbeck was married to Miss Sarah Grattiger, and of this union one daughter has been born. She is now Mrs. T. P. Woodcock. In 1865 Mr. Brodbeck was made a member of Pioneer Lodge, No. i, I. O. O. F., at Idaho City, and since then has passed all the chairs in that order.



Illustrated History of the State of Idaho. Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company. 1899.

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