Biography of Christopher W. Moore

One of the honored pioneers and distinguished citizen of Boise is the well known president of the First National Bank of Idaho, Christopher Wilkinson Moore. To him there has come the attainment of a distinguished position in connection with the great material industries of the state, and his efforts have been so discerningly directed along well defined lines that he seems to have realized at any one point of progress the full measure of his possibilities for accomplishment at that point. A man of distinct and forceful individuality, of broad mentality and most mature judgment, he has left and is … Read more

Biography of James H. Hawley

No Compendium such as the province of this work defines in its essential limitations will serve to offer fit memorial to the life and accomplishments of the honored subject of this sketch a man remarkable in the breadth of his wisdom, in his indomitable perseverance, his strong individuality, and yet one whose entire life has not one esoteric phase, being an open scroll, inviting the closest scrutiny. True, his have been “massive deeds and great” in one sense, and yet his entire life accomplishment but represents the result of the fit utilization of the innate talent which is his, and … Read more

Biography of John Strode

With two of the most important industries that have contributed to the development and prosperity of the northwest, mining and stock rasing, John Strode has long been identified. He became a resident of California in 1852, ten years later went to Oregon, and since 1863 has made his home in Idaho. His birth occurred in Tennessee, on the 6th of February 1833, and he is of English, German and Welsh descent but the original ancestors, who came from England Wales and Germany, found homes in America at an early period in her history and were pioneer settlers of Kentucky. John … Read more

Biography of John M. Haines

The wise system of industrial economics which has been brought to bear in the development of Boise has challenged uniform admiration, for while there has been a great advancement in all material lines, there has been an entire absence of that inflation of values and that erratic “booming” which have in the past proved the eventual death knell to many of the localities of the west, where “mushroom” towns have one day smiled forth with “all modern improvements” and practically on the next day have been shorn of their glories and of their possibilities of stable prosperity, so to remain … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles D. Davis

This worthy pioneer and capable citizen of Malheur County is one of the well known farmers of the vicinity of Ontario, having a farm of eighty acres two and one-half miles northwest from Ontario which is well improved with comfortable buildings, orchards, etc., having also a good supply of water for irrigating. Mr. Davis is a native of Douglas County, Nebraska, being born on November 23, 1855, and the son of Charles B. and Jane (Platt) Davis. The father was a veteran of the Mexican war, participating in many battles and skirmishes and, being honorably discharged at its close. He … Read more

Biography of W. H. Puckett

The junior member of the well known law firm of Hawley & Puckett is the gentleman whose name forms the caption of this sketch. He is still a young man, but has attained a position of distinction at the bar that many an older practitioner might well envy. He was born at Herndon Place, Ballard County, Kentucky, on the 8th of August 1869. His father, W. J. Puckett, was a native of Jackson, Mississippi, and became one of the prominent lawyers of Kentucky, where he practiced successfully for a number of years. He is now living retired in Denver, Colorado. … Read more

Lay, Louise Irene – Obituary

Union, Oregon Lois Irene Lay, 92, of Boise and formerly of Union, died Sunday in Boise. The funeral will begin at 10 a.m. Wednesday at the Ginger Creek LDS ward 11918 W. Ustick Road in Boise. Viewing will be from 9 to 9:45 a.m. before the service. A graveside service will begin at 3 p.m. Wednesday at the Union Cemetery. Mrs. Lay was born June 14, 1914, to Charlie Lewis Deardorff and Minnie Meyer in Baker City. She graduated from Baker High School, and married Guild Duel Lay April 1, 1938. They lived on a ranch near Medical Springs until … Read more

Flanagan, Larry – Obituary

Larry Flanagan, 71, of La Grande died Oct. 11 in Boise. A memorial service will begin at 11 a.m. Monday at Daniels Chapel of the Valley, 1502 Seventh St. Larry was born in Wilbur, Wash., on July 24, 1936. He grew up on a farm at the foot of Mount Emily in the Grande Ronde Valley and lived in the area most of his life. He worked at Boise Cascade for 46 years, retiring in 2002. He loved fishing, hunting and traveling. His last hunting trip was about two weeks ago. His last big trip was a cruise to Alaska. … Read more

Newell, Eliza Jane Stubblefield Mrs. – Obituary

Imnaha, Wallowa County, Oregon Imnaha Pioneer Passes In Idaho Mrs. Eliza Jane Stubblefield Newell, next to oldest child of Mr. and Mrs. W.K. Stubblefield, pioneer settlers in Wallowa county, passed away in a hospital at Boise, Idaho, January 3. Funeral services were held at Montour, Idaho, and burial was beside her husband, who died 18 years ago. Eliza Jane Stubblefield was born in Carroll county, Arkansas, January 23, 1870, and was married to Charles Newell and they came west in 1886. they lived with her parents on Horse Creek, lower Imnaha, for a time and their daughter, Laura was born … Read more

Huntsman, Conrad C. – Obituary

Baker City, Baker County, Oregon Conrad C. Huntsman, 88, of Boise, died Jan. 29, 2006. His funeral will be at 1 p.m. Friday at the Boise Cherry Lane LDS Chapel, 3020 Cherry Lane. Visitations will be from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Relyea Funeral Chapel, and from noon to 12:45 p.m. at the church on Friday prior to the service. Interment will be at Hillcrest Cemetery in La Grande at noon PST Saturday. Conrad was born on Dec. 29, 1917, at Provo, Utah, to Emery Huntsman and Elsie Caroline Shipp. He grew up in Baker City and was … Read more

Biography of Thomas T. Redsull

Great, indeed, have been the changes that time and man have wrought since Thomas T. Redsull landed on the Pacific coast. California yet belonged to Mexico, and much of the land, especially in the southern part of the state, was divided into large estates, owned and occupied by Spanish families. Mr. Redsull was then but eleven years of age, yet had started out to make his own way in the world. He was born in the County of Kent, England, on the 15th of November, 1827, a son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Goymer) Redsull, both of whom were natives of … Read more

Taylor, Cleo Irene Bartlett Hall Mrs. – Obituary

Cleo Irene Bartlett Hall-Taylor, 77, of Boise, a former resident of Baker City and North Powder, died on July 24, 2007, at St. Luke’s Hospital in Boise. There will be a memorial service to celebrate her life at 11 a.m. Sunday at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Hall, 2005 Valley Ave. Cleo was born on Jan. 31, 1930, at Baker City to Jack Bartlett and Emma Corn Bartlett. She was the third of four children. She attended Baker schools and married James Hall on Sept. 11, 1948. They had two daughters, Gloria and Deborah. Cleo began working at Pacific Northwest … Read more

Glenn, Guy – Obituary

Summerville, Union County, Oregon Guy J. Glenn, 67, former La Grande resident and member of a well known local family, died Wednesday, Oct. 13, at his home in Knights Landing, Cal., where he has lived for the past five years. Services will be held at Summerville, Ore., his birthplace Monday, Oct. 18, at 2 p.m., in the Summerville chapel, and interment will be in Summerville cemetery. Snodgrass funeral home will be in charge of arrangements. Mr. Glenn was born March 20, 1881, on the Glenn homestead at Summerville. He attended grade and high school there and later farmed the home … Read more

Hunt, Thomas Aasa – Obituary

Thomas Aasa Hunt, 71, of Boise, a former Baker City resident, died Nov. 1, 2005, after suffering from cancer for a brief period. His funeral was at 10 a.m. Friday, Nov. 4, 2005, at the Shamrock and McMillan Road Chapel of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Interment was at the Idaho State Veterans Cemetery with full military honors. Tom was born on May 29, 1934, at Baker City to Thomas Clarence and Marie Aasa Hunt. He married Mariam Colleen Boley on Sept. 17, 1954, at the Salt Lake Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day … Read more

Biography of Alice A. Thews

The lady whose name introduces this sketch needs no introduction to the residents of southeastern Idaho, for she is well known in this section of the state, and also in the capital city of Boise, where she has many friends. Her superior culture and ability have won public recognition through the honors that have been bestowed upon her by means of the public franchise, and she is now capably filling the office of county treasurer of Oneida County, making her home in Malad. Miss Thews is a native of Rock Island County, Illinois, and is a daughter of William and … Read more

Biography of James King

A leading representative of the building interests, of Boise, and the present register of the land office of this city, James King is a native of Pennsylvania, his birth having occurred in Pittsburg, on the 15th of August 1832. He is of both German and English descent, his ancestors of those nationalities having settled in New York in 1664. They came with General Braddock and always remained in this land. In the war of the Revolution the family was represented by loyal Americans, who fought for liberty, and throughout many years they were prominently identified with the Presbyterian Church. The … Read more

Biography of John S. White

The subject of this review has been long and conspicuously identified with the history of the great west, and in varied official positions has proved a wise and discriminating factor in the public life. He is at the present time the incumbent of the important office of judge of probate of Elmore County, retaining his residence at Mountain Home, the flourishing and attractive little city which is the capital of said County. Judge White is a native son of the old Empire state, and may look with satisfaction upon a lineage which traces back to the stanchest of old New … Read more

The Growth Of Quartz Mining Discoveries

Prospecting early indicated that the future mineral wealth of Idaho would depend upon quartz mining, and accordingly efforts were early made to develop that feature of Idaho’s principal industry. In the autumn of 1863 it was found that thirty-three claims of gold and silver quartz-mines had been made on the south Boise alone, ail of which promised well. The Ida Elmore, near the head of Bear creek, the first and most famous of the south Boise quartz mines in that year, was discovered in June. In an arastra it yielded two hundred and seventy dollars to the ton of rock; … Read more

Witham, Hertha Mrs. – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Hertha Witham, 85, of Baker City, died March 5, 2003, at St. Elizabeth Health Services. Her memorial service will be at 3 p.m. Saturday at Calvary Baptist Church at Third and Broadway streets. Pastor Ed Niswender of the church will officiate. There will be a reception afterward at the Calvary Baptist Church Fellowship Hall. Mrs. Witham was born on Jan. 30, 1918, at Idaho Falls, Idaho. She was raised by Eugene and Mattie Lee LaBrier. Her early education was received in Boise and at Middleton, Idaho. She graduated from high school at Ontario in 1935. After graduation, … Read more