Letter from Col. Robert Love to his son, Thomas Dillard Love

Last Updated on November 14, 2012 by

Dr. Thomas: Waynesville, N.C. 5th, of May 1815

Jonny will deliver you $153. the odd $3 is for interest for four months- The notes are all on this State & South Carolina, except a few, which are almost the Only Notes in Circulation among us-I hope all are well with Yourself & all friends-I have not heard whether Genl. Taylor has returned or not-It is uncertain at what time I can get over-Your Mother at this time is Very unwell, I am Very Busy in assessing, still a trying to do something to keep along, Jonny will be able to tell as much of our Domestic Concerns as I could write, and that source I refer you to principally; I will finish planting Corn to day, and will be planting Potatoes to Morrow if God spares us all in Health-I want you to go with Jonny to Capt. Shipleys for such Warrants as I have on Intrust, in which have been adjudicated and remaining in his hands-I also wish the Captain to carry on the plats of my Survey on Indian Creek, which he made some years ago to Knoxville if he goes there Early if not, nor if you Know of No Sage hand going on get them made Out & Send them Over by Jonny—That I may have them to carry with me this Summer or Fall when I go on to West Tennessee-and also Send over the plats of Surveys made by Mr. Nelson if no sage opportunities offers at an Early day to have them Conducted to Mr. Scots Office in Knoxville-Dear Thomas Now is the time for you to be up and adoing. You are young and favorably introduced into public View-Your Country sometime or other is to be a place of Wealth, for Nature never has yet Combined so many favorable Circumstances as are in the Eastern part of Tennessee, without employing their utility. The Climate, soil, minerals, and favorable streams for interior Navigation, will force Wealth with moderate Industry-I Badly want my Waggon & cannot do much longer without her, nay I cannot now go to market without hiring.

Yours &c

Ro. Love,

My Compliments to Anna-Genl. Taylor & Mrs.

Taylor, also to My old Aunt & Cousin John

& family.



Partridge, Dennis N. Love Family Genealogy. Web. © 2001.

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