Biographical Sketch of William W. Chamberlain

Chamberlain, William W.; shoe mfr.; born, April 19, 1859, Cleveland; son of Norman W. and Mary Elizabeth Hogadom Chamberlain; public and high school; married, Boston, Mass., Jan. 4, 1905, Carrie G. Simpson; eight years with the pioneer shoe firm of Childs & Co.; one year with W. E. Schmitz & Co.; wholesale boots and shoes, Pittsburgh; with S. L. Pierce & Co., Cleveland, since 1886; now sales manager; director Union Savings & Loan Co.; member Cleveland Chamber of Commerce; Euclid Club; Cleveland Athletic Club. Recreations: Baseball and Motoring.

Biographical Sketch of William Vernon Backus

Backus, William Vernon; lawyer, lecturer and inventor; born, Cleveland, Aug. 24, 1860; son of William and Lena Strobel Backus; educated. public schools and private tutors in German and Spanish; studied in London and Mexico, pupil of Dr. William Windsor; one son, Richard C. Backus, lawyer in New York; one daughter, Edna Lois Backus Scott, E. Orange, N. J.; member and pres. of Cleveland Board of Education, 1880-95; vice pres. American School Ass’n, Mexico City, 1906-8; pres. American Colony in Mexico City, 1905-7; practised law in Ohio; editor of the following: The Spur, The Courier, The American Union, and at one … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Tryon Higbee

Higbee, William Tryon; vice pres. The Higbee Co.; born, Cleveland, Oct. 24, 1867; son of Edwin Converse and Mary Haines Higbee; public and private school education; married, Oct. 9, 1889, Ella M. Perdue; two sons, Edwin C. and Eugene P.; member Union, Rowfant, and Chagrin Valley Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of William Travis Howard

Howard, William Travis; pathologist; born, Sans Souci, Statesburg, S. C.. March 13, 1867; son of John and Mary Catherine Macleod Howard; student University of Virginia, 1885-1887; M. D., University of Maryland, 1889; graduate student Johns Hopkins, 1889-1893; married at Watch Hill, R. I., Mary Cushing Williams, of Baltimore, Aug. 15, 1896; engaged in teaching and research in pathology since 1892; prof. pathology, Western Reserve University since 1894; pathologist to Lakeside, City, Charity and St. Alexis Hospitals; bacteriologist, Board of Health of Cleveland. Author of numerous papers in pathology and bacteriology; member Ass’n American Physicians, American Ass’n of Pathologists and Bacteriologists … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Thomas Corlett

Corlett, William Thomas; physician; born Orange, O., April 15, 1854; son of William and Ann Avery Corlett; educated, Oberlin College, 1870-1873; M. D., Wooster University, 1877; student and asst. London Hospital, 1879-1881; Hospital St. Louis, Paris, winter 1881; diploma Royal College Physicians, London 1881; later studied in Vienna, Berlin and Breslau; married at Rheinpfalz, Germany, Amanda Marie Leisy, of Cleveland; June 26, 1895; prof. diseases of the skin and genito-urinary diseases, Wooster University, 1883-1885; prof. dermatology and syphilograph, Western Reserve University, since 1885; fellow Royal Society Medicine (Great Britain); member 11th International Medical Congress, Rome, 1894; American Public Health Ass’n, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Sherman

Sherman, William; supt. of mails; born, Cleveland, O., Dec. 25, 1868; son of John and Elizabeth Mitchell Sherman; educated, Cleveland public schools; married, Cleveland, Feb. 8, 1905, Mary L. Smith; first venture was in the coal business, but associations in that line being uncongenial and having a natural desire for mechanics, was about to engage in the machine and engineering business; at this time, was offered a position in the U. S. Post Office; embracing the opportunity for temporary employment, entered the postal service under Maj. W. W. Armstrong, who was the postmaster; that was in August, 1888, since which … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William S. Lougee

Lougee, William S.; asst. building inspector; born, Buckfield, Me., Jan. 29, 1867; educated in Boston, Mass.; studied architecture with Tristram Griffin, Boston, Mass., eight years; in 1890, came to Cleveland; associated with John Eisenmann 1890-1900; asst. architect Board of Education until 1905; when appointed to present position.

Biographical Sketch of William S. Blau

Blau, William S.; manufacturer; born in Austria, Sept. 7, 1875; son of Samuel and Katherine Blau; public school education, until 15 years of age; married, Cleveland, Oct. 20, 1892, Miss Sloss; issue, four children, Katherine, William, Jr., Sol, and Alan; three years with Cohn & Sampliner, dealers in wholesale notions; in 1883, started in business on Bank Street, with H. Friedman, in 1904, firm moved to East 37th and Perkins Avenue, incorporated as the Friedman-Blau-Farber Co., manufacturing a general line of fancy knit goods; employing over 400 people and shipping goods all over the United States; treas. the company; Republican, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Rowland Hopkins

Hopkins, William Rowland; lawyer; born, Johnstown, Pa., July 26, 1869; son of David J. and Mary Jeffreys Hopkins; educated, Western Reserve Academy, 1892, Adelbert College, Western Reserve University, 1896, A. B.; Law School, Western Reserve University, 1897, LL. B.; married Cleveland, June 11, 1903, Ellen Louise Cozad; member City Council, 1897-1899; active in promotion and construction of the Cleveland Short Line B. R., working out a system of rapid transit for Cleveland; director The Cleveland Short Line R. R. Co.; vice pres. and treas. the Belt & Terminal Realty Co.; pres. The Cleveland Underground B. R. Co., the Subway Realty … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Rothenberg

Rothenberg, William; lawyer; born, Cleveland, Aug. 1.9, 1883; son of Leopold and Ella Feniger Rothenberg; educated, Central High School, Cleveland, 1897-1901; Harvard College, 1901-1904, A. B., Cleveland Law School, LL. B., 1904-1907; director The McClure Co., The Ohio Art Embroidery Co., The Miller Cloak Co., The Victor Electric & Stamping Co.; member Cleveland Council of Sociology, Cleveland Bar Ass’n, Commercial Law Ass’n of America; member Chamber of Commerce, the Excelsior, Athletic, and Rotary Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of William Ross Hunter

Hunter, William Ross; contractor; born, Gillardsport, Pa., Oct. 24, 1869; son of Joseph and Lucinda Dukate Hunter; common school education at Masontown, Pa.; married, Masontown, Pa., Jan. 1, 1902, Haddie May Willard; three children; plastering contractor; has worked at the business for 25 years, served apprenticeship under his father; aim has always been to please customers; member Odd Fellows.

Biographical Sketch of William R. Creer

Creer, William R.; banker; born, Isle of Man, Jan. 17, 1861; son of Robert and Eleanor Craine Creer; common school education; married, Vermont, Anna Frances Burnham; two sons, Burnham R., and William R., Jr., began business life at an early age from stern necessity, first a clerk; came to Cleveland in 1893, as representative of an Eastern manufacturing company; three years later organized The Cleveland Savings & Loan Co.; was see’y; in 1911, elected president; pres. Cleveland Advertising Club; see’y and treas. Crest Real Estate Co.; director Land Abstract Co.; Federal Union Insurance Co.; treas. Mona’s Relief Society; member Advertising … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Pendleton Palmer

Palmer, William Pendleton; manufacturer; born Pittsburgh, June 17, 1861; son of James Stewart and Eleanor Pendleton (Mason) Palmer; graduated Pittsburgh Central High School, 1878; married Mary Boleyn Adams, of Chicago, Aug. 24, 1898; sec’y Carnegie, Phipps & Co., 1887; gem sales agent, 1888-1894, asst. to pres., 1895-1896, Carnegie Steel Co.; second vice pres. Illinois Steel Co., 1896-1898; gen. mgr. and pres. American Steel & Wire Co., 1899 ; pres. Trenton Iron Co., Newburg & S. Shore R. R. Co., American Mining Co.; director Bank of Commerce of North America, Cleveland Trust Co.. Rowfant Bindery Co., H. C. Frick Coke Co.; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William P. Chard

Chard, William P.; real estate; born, Prince Albert, Ont., Oct. 28, 1846; son of James J. and Ann Parry Chard; very little education; obliged to go to work when 12 years of age; married, in 1892, to Miss Mary Hawkins; for 33 years an employee of the Lake Shore Railroad; now in the real estate business; treas. Brooklyn Building and Loan Ass’n; Republican; member of Council, one term, as alderman; when the board was established, member of fire committee in 2nd. District; deputy director of Public Works, for 4 years, under Robert E. McKisson; member Tippecanoe and Western Reserve Clubs, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William P. Champney

Champney, William P.; vice pres. and treas. The Eberhard Mfg. Co.; born, Cleveland, May 22, 1850; son of William Story and Julia Pomeroy Cunningham; married, Cleveland, Feb. 23, 1882, Clara F. Pitts; issue, Bessie Coe and William P., Jr.; member Union and Country Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of William Oscar Haldy

Haldy, William Oscar; dentist; born, Cleveland, April 19, 1875; son of Frederick L. and Anna (Buschman) Haldy; D.D. S., Western Reserve University, 1S96; married, Columbus, Oct. 2, 1902, Emogene L. Peters; issue, one son and one daughter; served in Spanish-American War as quartermaster-sergeant, Battery A, 1st 0. V. A.; member Troop A, Cleveland, 13 years; pres. W. R. U. Dental Alumni Ass’n, 1899-1912; member Psi Omega (dental), United Spanish War Veterans, Veteran Ass ‘n, Troop A, K. of P., Rotary, Cleveland Athletic, and Highland Park Golf Clubs, National Dental Assn, National Dental Protective Ass’n. Recreations: Golf and Motoring.

Biographical Sketch of William Oberdoerster

Oberdoerster, William; bottling works; born, Brooklyn, O., Jan. 13, 1875; son of William and Victoria Fingele Oberdoerster; educated, public schools; married, Parma, O., June 28, 1898, The three and one-half years with the Annhausser Malt Tonic Co., and the same time with the Sylla Bottling Works; founded the firm of Oberdoerster & Henkel, in June, 1905; in 1909, bought Mr. Henkel’s interest in the business, and has successfully conducted the business since; bottling Renner’s, Akron beers and Eastern ales and stouts; member Woodmen of the World, Loyal Order of Moose; member Heights Marnnuchor, The Gesmar Club. Recreations: Bowling and Hunting.

Biographical Sketch of William Nicholas Hailmann

Hailmann, William Nicholas; educator; born, Glaris, Switzerland, Oct. 20, 1836; son of William Alexander and Babette Hailmann; educated, Gymnasium, Zurich, and with tutor; studied in Medical College, Louisville, Ky., 1855-1856; (hon. A. M. University of Louisville, 1864; Ph. D., Ohio University, 1885); married Eudora Lucas, of Louisville, Dec. 24, 1857 (died 1904); 2d Helena Kuhn, of Detroit, Dec. 25, 1907; teacher of natural sciences, Louisville High Schools, 1856-1865; director German and English Academy, Louisville, 1865-1973; director German and English Academy, Milwaukee, 1873-1878; director German-American Seminary, Detroit, 1878-1883; supt. public schools, La Porte, Ind., 1883-1894; nat. supt. of Indian schools, 1894-8; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William N. Taylor

Taylor, William N.; mnfgr.; born, New Straitsville, August, 1879; son of Thomas and Ester Taylor; educated, common schools, New Straitsville; finished in mechanical engineering; married, Cleveland, Aug. 9, 1904, Mary A. Beerer; issue, one son and one daughter; active in politics, but has never run for any office; organized The Taylor Machine Co., which manufactures dairy supplies and gear cutting; has interest in several important patents; member Y. M. C. A., Foresters. Recreations: Motoring and Fishing.

Biographical Sketch of William McKinley Duncan

Duncan, William McKinley; lawyer; born, Pittsburg, Pa., May 19, 1873; son of Andrew J. and Sarah McKinley Duncan; educated, public schools Pittsburgh, Pa., and Rayen High School, Youngstown, O., and Cornell University, Ithaca., N. Y.; married, Youngstown, O., Oct. 18, 1899, Viola Deetrick; issue, three sons; admitted to bar, October, 1894; associated with Squire, Sanders & Dempsey ever since; became member of firm, January, 1911; representing Eastern Trunk Railroad in the engineer arbitration; receiver of the Wheeling & Lake Erie R. R. Co.; member Union, Athletic, Mayfield and Hermit Clubs.