1757, April 24

Last Updated on November 1, 2012 by

May it please your Excellency

I have received your Excellencys letter of the 30th of Last Monthy, And in pursuance to your order I here Inclose and Acct. of the sums dispurs’d by me.
When I was in Town I acquainted Your Excellency that I was in want of some money and that 5 months pay migt be granted me, to which I meet with no Opposision, therefore the Balance of the ___3400 in my hands in __59.16.6. I shall neverthelefs make use of what money of my own in my hands here, as there wil occafsion for to pay Small Articles to traffling to I_____________ Certificates, I have receits for all the sums disburs’d except some Small Articles which I shall lay before y Excelleny when I come to Town, , by my Last I acquainted you of the State of provisons: I am _etting of this day for Highwafsey to see whether I can have a Small supply of M. Doharty, the Catle I wroyour Excellency that an Indian discovered in the mountains proved as I expected a story, I fear we shall be pinched before the supply I have ordered to be sent form the Contgarees can reach this place.
I am with due respect

Your Excellency’s

Most Humble and Obed. Servant

John Chevillette

History, Letters,

Lyttelton, William Combe Baron Thomas Lyttelton. Letters of the Late Lord Lyttelton. Philadelphia: Moses Thomas. 1812.

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